Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- s
- sasa
- v0q
- 16 Aug 2009
update your FW first
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 16 Aug 2009
lad!!!, 16 Aug 2009and from where can i get this FRING thing??????
- A
- Anujit
- vQf
- 16 Aug 2009
The phone is not at all worth,
The software keeps hanging and the camera which people claim that has a carl zeiss lens and LED flash, I think all that is rubbish.
Please do not buy this phone, only if u want to waste ur money
- l
- lad!!!
- t@E
- 16 Aug 2009
Winura, 16 Aug 2009Get FRING on your phone. Its an all in one thingy...and from where can i get this FRING thing??????
- S
- Spaii
- u1w
- 16 Aug 2009
Using the phone from 1 firmware is v21 and its working great.
Please help me how i can select(mark) several items in gallery for moving into separate folder.thanks please reply...
- a
- ali
- nsA
- 16 Aug 2009
in gsmarena comes that this mobile has document veiwer but my 5800 has not this software.
- W
- Winura
- w9K
- 16 Aug 2009
lad!!!, 16 Aug 2009the mess i'm into is where to find a messenger for this pho... moreGet FRING on your phone. Its an all in one thingy...
- l
- lad!!!
- t@E
- 16 Aug 2009
the mess i'm into is where to find a messenger for this phone....the one thats in the ovi store is a bit too expensive... so can anyone.....know the right place....if yes than kindly just post the link along with appropriaye info...!!
- r
- roselan
- 16 Aug 2009
i looking forward to buy this phone can someone tell me about the battery it is good enough to last 2 days if i listen music and make a call.?
- t
- twinky
- ftx
- 16 Aug 2009
usin this babie for some months now.its lovely but not so happy coz my battery does not last long wen i listen to music.with all these applications i'd expect a stronger battery..and mine does not flash the caller id for incoming calls sometimes...can someone help me on hat?
- H
- Hitman
- PHf
- 16 Aug 2009
I've bought one of these boys last month. It's still alive and running well. Lots of features and loads of apps to go with those features. I chat, download torrents, browse the internet and listen to music all at the same time. It's insane. But something bothers me though, how come the processor speed in the specs on this site says 434mhz, while everyone says it's 369mhz? 65mhz is a lot in the smart phone world. But who cares anyways.
- m
- marcurea
- 4xr
- 16 Aug 2009
Have had the phone for a few months now, cool gadget overall but I am very upset with the lack of software for this device (and I suppose all Symbian devices). Goddamnit, yes there is a pdf reader and supposedly other office tools but they all cost. The worst is the lack of a decent video player; RealPlayer just sucks so much words aren't enough. All sorts of half-arsed workarounds are offered online, but really having scoured through a lot of pages looking for free and working apps I can say there is just a void in this regard. Download section on phone is useless, as are most websites that promise so much.
- I
- IEatCookiesForBreakf
- nwf
- 15 Aug 2009
Hx3.2, 15 Aug 2009Yap, i've been all three phones. facts are facts.... i have... moreCan't talk about the N97, but about the 5800 what other phones do you think are faster, have better GUI (better than Symbian? that's hard) and has all those features, at a similar price?
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 15 Aug 2009
prosobeeeeeeeeeee: turn off your phone's Breath. light will solve your problem. (Settings -> Phone -> Notification lights -> Standby br. light -> Breath. light -> Off)
- R
- Reza
- 3Iu
- 15 Aug 2009
5800 is the best
- H
- Hx3.2
- uRA
- 15 Aug 2009
Pif, 15 Aug 2009well have you been in contact with any of that phone ? ... moreYap, i've been all three phones. facts are facts.... i have updated but still is'nt solve....
- 5
- 5800 newbie
- PS6
- 15 Aug 2009
hi everybody, i may need some help..
today i had installed garmin on 5800..
then i worked just a normal apps..
but later on , couple of hours interval (i do did a micro sd removal in that time) , i didnt found the garmin icon under apps menu>apps folder..!
like it never there..BUT when i went to setting>application manager, garmin is still recognised as an installed apps in my 5800..
so strange do i solved me..because its a lifetime-licensed..huhuhu..
(i hope somebody can help me to figure it out, im sorry if the problem was ever posted here)
- w
- wolverine
- 0BT
- 15 Aug 2009
Could someone tell me if this model has a graphic equalizer and how to find it? I checked it at the shop but could not find nor the salesman could show it to me. I aslo need to know how the music sounds on it?
Would you also suggest if I should buy it or go for Nokia 95?
- I
- IEatCookiesForBreakf
- nwf
- 15 Aug 2009
to all of you asking about the processor.
once you update it with firmware version 20 and above it will automatically be overclocked to 434mhz.
gsmarena is right, the phone comes with 369mhz from factory, only after you update it will it have 434mhz.
it is official, go take a look at nokia forums.
- R
- RoCkZaR
- fww
- 15 Aug 2009
Hello, I have got this phone from april and no faults or errors occured. So please if you wishing to go for this phone, then close your eyes and take it anytime..
Its really a cool phone..