Nokia 6020
- a
- auga
- mYa
- 14 May 2005
Now, to be onest: what would you buy? a Nokia6020 or a SE k500? i don`t know exactly the quality of the pictures or of the video-clips. if u are very sure of each phone`s capabilityes, pls tell me what sould i buy.
- a
- auga
- mYa
- 14 May 2005
to ben-ja-min: did u personaly recorded 5 minutes? or u just heared that. `cause on it says that u can record maximum 50 seconds, it`s no way u can record 5 minutes.
- s
- sks
- 13 May 2005
Do this handphone hav AMR ringtones? if hav,the quality r good or not?
- t
- trin
- RKp
- 13 May 2005
so how much pictures & videotime can be stored?
- f
- fergi
- mqw
- 12 May 2005
nice phone but when sending a text it sounds the message tone making you think you have recieved a text,very annoying.please help
- a
- auga
- mYa
- 11 May 2005
on the official nokie site( it`s specified that it cand record up to 50 seconds, and not more...
- b
- ben-jam-in
- iLS
- 11 May 2005
thie phnone is the best you can record up to 5 mins and the video and photos are great it the best phone on the market so if anyone wants a good phone get this
- Y
- 11 May 2005
could any1 explain to me what is EDGE and what is its main advantage??Thx
- a
- auga
- mYa
- 11 May 2005
Hello, i saw this phone and i liked it from the minute i saw it. i would like to know several things: how much time can it record? after all, it has a low memory.and i would like to know what is quality of the photos taken with this phone.thank you.
- p
- phil
- S3C
- 10 May 2005
to arun: i mean my phone is playing an alert tone (the same as is set for my text message tone whatever that may be at the time) when my credit status comes up after i send a text. e.g. i send a text and it displays "Balance: £2.70" and then plays my message tone! the only way i can see to get round this is to set my phone to beep once, but then i miss text message if im watching tv or something
- A
- Arun
- 10 May 2005
what do you mean by voice dialing in 6020 phone?
does it have mp3 features. how many messages can i save in 6020? So what are the main advateges of this phone? please help me...
- H
- Homzik
- Sgk
- 09 May 2005
Here you have 6020 Review -
to mobile: I chose 6020 because t630 cost too much according to what it offers. Moreover, I like Nokia and battery in 6020 lasts longer and 6020 has better camera and EDGE. On the other hand, T630 has better display and possesses Bluetooth as well. So choose those features which are more important to you and decide yourself:)
to phil: could you elaborate on your problem? Cause I don't understand. Alert sound is 'played' when message can't be send.
to jkan: I guess I have read somewhere that up to 150, but I may (and probably am) be wrong. All in all, probably it can store a lot of messages :P :)
My battery lasted for about a week and I used a phone quite a lot, taking photos, playing games etc. :) So the battery is not that bad, a lot better than in 6230:)
- j
- jkan
- PTc
- 09 May 2005
-roughly how many text messages can it store?
-you think it would last for a long time?
- does the battery last long?
i'll appreciate any replies
- t
- tune
- RKp
- 09 May 2005
please help! im a bit confuse which phone will i buy. n6020 or panasonic x500. hope you can give me an advice.... thanks
- p
- phil
- S3C
- 09 May 2005
got this phone today just wanted to say that when i send a message it is beeping with the standard message tone when it sends? the same tone as id get when i recieve a message! but im not receiving a message just sending one! and i havent got delivery reports activated and im not receiving anyhting when i send a message anyone no how to stop this standard alerttone when you are sending a message?? thanks
- m
- mobile
- mEH
- 08 May 2005
Which one eld u suggest
t630 or nokia 6020
- H
- Homzik
- Sgk
- 07 May 2005
To aj:
- ringtones work in mid format, i don't know whether some other formats work or not - I haven't checked it
- videos are stored in gp3 format, image quality is average but sound is rather nice:)
- loud speaker option is available and works well ; I haven't checked any headphones set:(
- e
- emil craciun
- mAW
- 07 May 2005
i need a mp3 player for nokia 6020.any aplication who work with 6020 for mp3?
- a
- aj
- 06 May 2005
.... and how about speaker phones/ loud speaker?
... occeane
- a
- aj
- 06 May 2005
hi guys! does this have a MIDI or WAV file? how about video? :)
.... occeane