Nokia 6020
- n
- nasa aziz
- mqy
- 06 Apr 2005
what is push to talk please can you explain this
- m
- mch
- 02 Apr 2005
quite a!!!!!!!
not to update the century
- B
- Bee
- PNg
- 02 Apr 2005
Does this phone had Bluetooth???
- d
- darrell
- iAv
- 25 Mar 2005
you guys, tell me which is better, nokia 6020 or siemens cx70 !! thx!
- b
- bad boy
- Mtr
- 23 Mar 2005
cool phone for cool people
- S
- Spungle
- Mne
- 23 Mar 2005
No ways man, nokia pwns em all u are a bunch of n00bs whoo no nowt bout mobiles. w00t.
- d
- drew
- Ygw
- 21 Mar 2005
I got this phone by mistake. I ordered a 6230 and this is what arrived. I decided to keep it because it's a solid little phone that covers most of the basics. It's camera is ok but not quite as nice as the 6230's. It's basically a cheaper 6230 without bluetooth, mp3 and a lesser quality camera. Speaker phone works well on it too!
- M
- Mike
- PGi
- 19 Mar 2005
there is no infrared port on this unit
- D
- Drake
- Uiw
- 19 Mar 2005
i really like this phone..
design is good and
also the basic feature are good enough
but there is 2 things missing
if nokia 6020 had mp3 and bluetooth
then it could have been one of the best nokia phone..
- T
- Tim
- mq0
- 13 Mar 2005
Very compact, solid feeling phone. Buttons (including the joystick navy key) have nice cushioned feel & work superbly. Has more than enough functions for me, after all it is a telephone, not a spaceship, some people seem to just expect too much from such a small device!! Reliability should be superb, its my fifth nokia & I haven't had a problem yet! Tried other handsets but none (& I mean NONE)are as easy to use as Nokias. I'm not a Nokia fanatic but just know if something does the job its meant to do.
- A
- Ash
- PUh
- 09 Mar 2005
yea I bought it,cool phone.Good reception,elegant design,hard on/off and vloume key.
If you select incoming call alert as ascending ringing mode and again select ringing the phone still remains in ascending ringing mode.You have to restart the phone.
In call setting if you select Automatic volume control as 'on'then another party will not listen you properly.
my rating:
- A
- Amardeep
- 07 Mar 2005
Nokia 6020 is very niec looking phone. Got all the basic features anybody need in day to day life. Only missing thing is FM radio.
- m
- mike
- S35
- 03 Mar 2005
sorry didnt read those opinions about the design, looks a really good handset though, i have the sony ericcsson t630 and its very good. any have the 6680? whats it like?
- m
- mike
- S35
- 03 Mar 2005
isnt this design alot like the t630?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 02 Mar 2005
go east go west nokia 6600 is the best its amzing awesom cell god father
- M
- Motofan
- 02 Mar 2005
In SG, the N6020 costs $378 and the N6230, $298. Don't understand the pricing at all. I mean, doesn't the N6230 have more functions than the N6020? In that case, isn't it more worthwhile to buy the N6230?
- d
- dave
- S35
- 01 Mar 2005
Really good phone, very simple to use, and looks goood..
- S
- Stole
- SbV
- 28 Feb 2005
It isn't you - this phone really reminds of a Sony-Ericsson T630.
- S
- Sheri
- jmm
- 28 Feb 2005
Is it me, or does this remind you of a SonyEricsson??
- A
- Anis
- PGh
- 27 Feb 2005
I purchased this phone last month.Its like a basic phone but the ringer is too low.Any can help me how to increase ringer volume