Nokia 6233
- x
- xqwzt
- PFy
- 21 Jun 2006
Really cant wait to have one..... Luv this phone soooo much.
- n
- nokia 6233
- 21 Jun 2006
is england guna get this fne last?
- L
- Lord Poopicock
- Sig
- 21 Jun 2006
Wooooo hooo we're loosing our minds waiting for this lovely apparatus.
- A
- Ashton140683
- wp7
- 21 Jun 2006
How the heck a layman looking at our posts gonna know about screen quality by reading figures like 2"..2.2" etc. Case in point the screens of 6233 and 6280. Both have a pixcel spread of 240*320. In 6233's case the pixcels are spread in a raster measuring 31 millimeter * 41 millimeter.Now in 6280's case the pixcels are spread in a raster measuring 34 millimeter * 45 millimeter. Thus 6233's dot pitch will come to 31mm/240 pixcels = 0.1292mm while 6280's comes to 0.1417. Though the difference is marginal in absolute measurement terms, but given the scale of measurements of the two screens,the display of 6233's will be much more smoother, crisper to the eye. Hence pls provide the pixcel dot pitch while dicussing screen capability. That is a good indicator of screen clarity. Ah yes ..since on the topic, keep to metric scale of measurement. That makes it a lot easier to imagine scale for 8/10ths of the this planets population ;)...Ashton
- ?
- Anonymous
- mIn
- 21 Jun 2006
Ive only seen it in black and it looks beautiful, solid, sexy and shiny yet sophisticated and mature. One of the best looking phones currently and it has great applications like a translator.
- N
- Norman
- mJy
- 21 Jun 2006
2 Hadi
Yes. Small pin
- H
- Hadi
- ib9
- 20 Jun 2006
For anybody thats interested.. Here's the link for Nokia 6233 Manual in pdf format
- n
- nokia 6233
- 20 Jun 2006
Norman does this fne use a small pin like charger. instead of the bigger pin like charger 4 nokia
- n
- nokia 6233
- 20 Jun 2006
display size is 2 inch - 2.2 inch 1 of thm
- g
- gabi
- nDS
- 20 Jun 2006
I wanna know the size of display please.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@q
- 20 Jun 2006
Anyone having this phone or rather seen both the silver and the black one in real ?
If so which one looks better the silver one or the black one,i've seen just pictures and they can be misleading,i'd be grateful for answers.
Thanks !
- w
- wongso
- 20 Jun 2006
GSMArena, when u get to review this phone?? i really need it, so, gogogo..get it one and reviewed.
- b
- bogdan18
- mcX
- 20 Jun 2006
i have buy one today from romania. it's great. believe me
- N
- Norman
- mJy
- 20 Jun 2006
2 odnanref
Nope! No problems. I like "dis fone".
- o
- odnanref
- S0I
- 20 Jun 2006
I purchase one for me in Portugal and i will go received next friday.
The guys that no like nokia just make a rumors about the phones, because he have envy.
- n
- nokia 6233
- 20 Jun 2006
Norman has dis fne given u any problems so far???
- M
- Mercury
- m%m
- 20 Jun 2006
Already available in Spain.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SkE
- 20 Jun 2006
Original_Jamaican i hope u understood what i meant and about the date there no diffrence if its 30 or 31 st ppl make mistakes but i wonder if u got my point or no its needs bit brains but its ok not all have it .....
- ?
- Anonymous
- mJ$
- 20 Jun 2006
Only 500(!) contacts!!!! Shame!
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- Rf7
- 20 Jun 2006
'ADUL' yes, the fact that the release is intended during Quarter 2 then it could mean the 1st of April. Also, it could mean 30th June (June does NOT have 31 days, check your grammer). 'ADUL' what you fail to realise is that the first day of a QUARTER to the last day - is STILL the same QUARTER until the following day arrives to start the next quarter. Regardless, Nokia Press Release started shipping the phone on June 14th so that means it will be in stores shortly:
Read, think and use logics! Peace.
Link to Nokia Press Release: