Nokia 6233
- n
- nokia 6233
- 30 May 2006
hurry up nokia plzzzz . release dis fne
- R
- Robert
- mip
- 30 May 2006
6233 at start should cost about 300 euro :) Thats the answer and now one question:) When we can see review 6233(6234) ?:) Maybe someone know where it`s allready availible ?:)
- s
- shotter
- 29 May 2006
this fone is just wicked! i don't see why someone can hate it!!!
- s
- surferguy
- xnV
- 29 May 2006
hurry up with this phone nokia!!!!!!
- n
- nokia 6233
- 28 May 2006
no da fne has not arrived yet only da 6234
- t
- tony-gr
- iyr
- 27 May 2006
no,it doesnt have dual use 3g technology for fasret downloading.
- a
- adul
- SkE
- 27 May 2006
i dont think so it relesed in any place yet but it will soon this week i think.....
- s
- surferguy
- 2G1
- 25 May 2006
does it have spker phone?? or voice call recording??
- o
- odnanref
- S0I
- 25 May 2006
Guys, the 6234 (vodafone) is release in U.K.
The big day of 6233 is arrived.
- r
- redshirt
- PSv
- 24 May 2006
just a quick question:
does this fone have dual cameras? for video conversations?thanks mates!!
- s
- surferguy
- 2G1
- 24 May 2006
bah! i want this phone in black!! such a good phone! for those ppl thinkin of moving to samsung, don't do it! i made the switch last year (currently own e730) and im regreting it big time! wait for this phone!!!
can't wait till it comes out in aus!! hurry up nokia!!!
- S
- Sno
- 24 May 2006
nokia dude even the n series have allready released, this suxx big time man my 6230i allready become lame-O
- J
- James
- myF
- 23 May 2006
I really like this phone, however I gave up with Nokia a while back. After waiting months for the 6111, I went with Sony Ericsson I bet this will take months, so will probably opt for samsung as I can't be bothered waiting for them to pull their finger out
- a
- adul
- SkE
- 23 May 2006
i dont think so it relesed in any country yet but soon it will be out may be in last week of may.....
- d
- dini
- 22 May 2006
i think, this pone will be out to the market at june 2006, just be patient guys, to enjoy 6233
- o
- odnanref
- S0I
- 22 May 2006
is release in U.K. and somes countrys in Europe. In portugal he will release in June.
- n
- nadir
- PSd
- 21 May 2006
it just doesnt cut it if it has no wi-fi
- B
- BigB
- Nxs
- 21 May 2006
Please i can't wait to have it in Africa -Nigeria particularly.Let's have it before the first week of July, pleeeese.
- t
- toni
- ijm
- 21 May 2006 waiting you nokia 6233......
come on...
- t
- toni
- ijm
- 21 May 2006
i have nokia 6230i, sony ericson w810i and now nokia 3250, all of them only nokia 6230i is the best' and i know 6233 is brother of nokia 6230i'''' ;.)