Nokia 6233
- j
- joan
- PFg
- 21 May 2006
lovely i prefer....come on nokia!!!!
- S
- Sammo
- nE%
- 20 May 2006
hurry up i need a new fone and this 1 sounds the perfect 1. c'mon nokia hurry up. my 6230i is falling apart!!!
- a
- adul
- SkE
- 20 May 2006
it will be out in this month in dubai i m sure the dealer told me. it must be out by now i wana also change my 6230i..........
- j
- john doe
- nEY
- 19 May 2006
come on Nokia, we are waiting !
my 6230i is on its death bed and i need a replacement. asap...
steel casing, 3G equipped, a reasonable small size, without the awfully slow symbian operating system, it is finally time for me to switch to 3G !
hurry up nokia !
(carphone warehouse say it will be out in the UK in July)
cant wait
- does anyone on here work for O2, and if so can you tell me if you will be supplying this phone???
- T
- iyr
- 19 May 2006
the Greek site of nokia has the review of 6233,but the status is coming soon.i am afraid they will never take it out.i like that has stereo speakers,like 6270
- a
- ae485
- SXy
- 19 May 2006
I heard it'll come in July
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Jg
- 18 May 2006
omg... when are they ever gonna release this damn phone... its almost the middle of the year already. when the frick does "Q2" end??
- S
- Someone
- mip
- 17 May 2006
Maybe another way:) Is enybody know the web site where is the review of this phone allready or there is no review ?:)
- S
- SS
- 17 May 2006
Come On Nokia and Please release the Phone.........Its been a long WAIT
- ?
- Anonymous
- iKt
- 16 May 2006
nokia is taking a long sleep and i cant wait no longer i might shift to samsung
- I
- Imtiaz
- PGh
- 15 May 2006
i too am fan of Nokia 6 series & am eagerly awaiting the 6233 model, don't know what is taking so long to market it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nE}
- 15 May 2006
I notice the phone is UTMS (3g) as well as GSM, this worried me as all the 3g handsets ive tried are reaaly slow and constantly need software updates. I notice that although it is a UTMS phone it doesnt host sybian OS so maybe it will be ok. Seems like the natural upgrade from the 6230i. I hope it becomes available soon.
- a
- adul
- SkE
- 13 May 2006
yea most of phones relesed but only this dont know why many are wating for it and some say it came some no but i think it will be out in late may....
- x
- xanana
- PFg
- 13 May 2006
its a lovely phone, like i was just seen in jakarta..he..he..pls, dont be jealous guys.
- K
- Kobus
- Nxs
- 10 May 2006
I cannot understand on why phones which was anounced later like the nokia 6131 are being released before the nokia 6233 which was anounced last year already. Why does it take so long to release the Nokia 6233?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 May 2006
im one of nokias classic big fans, and i agree, the black color its much better but, why the cams just had 2mpiX?? or, i wait until 6233i has goin out?
- R
- Robert
- mip
- 09 May 2006
xanana : where U have read the test of this phone ? If it`s true give us a link to this page :)
- x
- xanana
- 09 May 2006
its a great phone, if u want to buy, just buy it!! dont listen to any stupid comment!! 6233 is a great phone! but i read in test, the video have a little problem with so many delayed in playback, any comment??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 May 2006
to adul, i saw this 6233 in a magz but this one has already launched in jakarta but not available in market now, maybe in june 2006, i hope so.
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 04 May 2006
tis phone is cool except that there is no dual cameras... and i got a question... is its casing metal?