Nokia 6280
- s
- sep
- Yc6
- 30 Nov 2005
there are other differences, i will list them below:
6280 records video at a higher quality (VGA)
6270 has stereo speakers whcih could mean better quality of sound
6280 has 3G (fast interenet) while the 6270 dosent
6270 is quad band while the 6280 isnt (if you love in north america you get better reception with the 6270)
the 6280 is around 50 euros more expensive
- J
- Jatt 001
- 30 Nov 2005
I cant wait for this good phone to come out man i am sick of waiting. they should relese it in australia soon cant wait bro.
- c
- cplim
- 29 Nov 2005
6270 is not a 3G phone, while the 6280 IS!!!
- T
- TobeRmorY
- S6$
- 29 Nov 2005
This phone is indeed listsed at and (same site i'd guess!) but you will notice that it isnt in stock and they can't give a delivery date!
If anybody else finds it AVAILABLE please post the details then we can all get one!
- D
- Dan
- nEe
- 29 Nov 2005
As leesoya said.....look on the Nokia web site! How many more times!
- A
- Asaf
- mBH
- 29 Nov 2005
yes i checked their site and compared the 2 phones but I didn't quite understand the differences....i'm not into these cellular terms you know...
so can you tell me in simple words, what are the differences?
especially and audio, video and camera differences.
Thank you!
- l
- leesoya
- pYC
- 29 Nov 2005
Asaf..... go to the nokia website, they have all specs listed! a little research there will answer all your questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A
- Asaf
- mBH
- 28 Nov 2005
I definitely want the buy either the Nokia 6270 or the 6280. The price difference between them is about 100$ so first, what are the differences between the 6270 and 6280?
please list all the differences...
thanks alot!!
- h
- hifi
- nEb
- 28 Nov 2005
the only reason i would get a w800i instead of this would be the longer battery life of the SE. I have looked into buying a better battery when i would buy this phone but can only find replacement ones that are exactly the same as the one already provided. can anyone help me out because i have reservations about buying other brands.
- B
- BriteEyes
- myX
- 27 Nov 2005
Hi All Of You Opininated People,
It's great to know there's others out there like me ha ha.
I just want to know:
Does the Nokia 6280 have SpeakerPhone Function. Been onto Nokia Site - says everything but, Best, BriteEyes
- i
- ianfrey
- n10
- 27 Nov 2005
My local Phones4U store told me to come back at the end of the month, it'll be available by then.
- A
- AndyBurgin
- 27 Nov 2005
In 2 weeks its out at last on the "3" network then Orange a bit later can"t wait to see an use this little gem just hope it doesn"t disappoint on the camera function to give nokia a chance to catch up with the others theyv"e been trailing behind for a bit a lately
- t
- tb^
- mJ9
- 26 Nov 2005
Here in Denmark u can order the phone - but there is still some waiting time, when I ordered I was told that I would have the phone in approxmately 5-9 days.
- s
- sothic
- 26 Nov 2005
it's released and u can buy in on
- 2
- 2Seef
- PEn
- 26 Nov 2005
yea it still says comming soon for the middle east region and the UK ... i guess we will still have to wait a little longer ...
- p
- peter
- nmy
- 26 Nov 2005
in germany it comes on dec 5th. its the 48th week of 2005 a nokia dealer told me last week. it costs about 379€ he said.
- g
- garz
- 26 Nov 2005
advanced version of n7650.. but better features of course..
- G
- Geoffrey
- ysR
- 26 Nov 2005
Not yet released in HK, how come you saw it in the shop?? where?
- R
- Rick
- Pxv
- 25 Nov 2005
Yep its out!!! Saw it today on display at a local cell store in HK. I'm going to wait a few weeks before i get it though!
- B
- Bill
- m9P
- 25 Nov 2005
Thanks Misha