Nokia 6310i
- m
- mark el
- ijB
- 08 Apr 2005
i would like to buy a nokia 6310i. where can i buy & its price please. do you still have old stocks left unsold? please write.
- D
- Daniel
- MCs
- 08 Apr 2005
Best ever cell! The actual price is 250 USD (new one, old stock)
- H
- Harrison Eteimo
- mgi
- 06 Apr 2005
I just got Nokia 6310i. I love this phone. It is very good. It's got bluetooth, infrared and lots more. I'm a lover of Nokia phones and i'd advice anyone looking for a phone to get a Nokia 6310i, you won't regret u did.
- B
- Burkie
- 2mA
- 06 Apr 2005
I have it since 3 years in Indonesia, heavily used for business, hardly any problem! Drop it, it still works, key pad worn out? service it, and it's ok! Good for hammering away SMS! Great sound quality! Only problem is the PC software incompatibility with non-Nokia bluetooth adapters. But GPRS data connection is great. Found out in Banda Aceh, that it's standard issue in the German Army - and they know good quality! With the new phone models Nokia is sooo far away from the business market... Don't they realize it? The Nokia manager who decided to cancel this phone and it's model development should be fired...!
- M
- Misa
- Sw0
- 04 Apr 2005
I'm interestig on buying a 6310i Nokia.How can i buy one?I'm Serbia and Montenegro.063/582-253
- J
- Jimmy
- ij1
- 02 Apr 2005
Y did nokia discontinue this phone ? The demand is exploding all over the world. The decision needs to be rethought. I have it since last 2 years and not a prob. It was soaked in rain, dried it and it started working again. King of all mobiles. NOKIA must be told to bring back the model.....
- j
- jon
- mqX
- 28 Mar 2005
if you only need it for business and do not want a camera and all other stuff, its the best business phone yet built, a sad reflection on Nokia's market awareness at the time when they decided not to continue its development and now recon units are selling for Pnds 100, think that says everything. Nokia should think again
- b
- bert
- 2xx
- 24 Mar 2005
I approve: the crown of mobile manufacturing!
- O
- Omer Arshad
- ijp
- 20 Mar 2005
Hey Informer ! I really hope that what you said abt the same shape coming back with name of 6400i comes true, hey if u get any more news re this then please email me as I'd be eager to buy that phone
- B
- Blair
- 19 Mar 2005
my dad has this phone...itz pretty cool
- t
- tester
- mdV
- 18 Mar 2005
It has NO syncml!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I
- 13 Mar 2005
rumour in nokia tech room plans are under way to bring this chappy out of retirement(6410i)will arrive with 64000 colour screen/camera but no video nokia feel they dont want to overload it to much due to its traditinal design will suport quad band/bluetooth/infared hope so look forward to it
- i
- ibecsky
- mt4
- 11 Mar 2005
Hello users of this site. I have a Nokia 6310i from 3 years but in this mom i have the posibility to change with a Motorola v525 and i dont know what to do. Help me with your opinion! thx.
- K
- Kenneth Kayne
- iws
- 03 Mar 2005
Its the BEST phone made ever, with a battery back-up of more than 3 days ,supports Blue Tooth...... I bought it 3 Years back , but still it has not given me any problems !!
- j
- jack
- mp%
- 01 Mar 2005
best phone ever made
- C
- Cristian Enache
- mK9
- 26 Feb 2005
BEST ever Phone !! And i meant that! Best signal best battery,,!!
Buy it in 2002 and goes perfect !!
- s
- snuff
- ms0
- 19 Feb 2005
best phone ever made!i had most of models from nokia and othres brands,if you have the oportunity to choose from 10 phones you wil finaly put your sim card in this signal, no compare with "new gadgest like samsung e 820 or d500,or others ericsson, or siemens.make a test:put 10phones to call in the same time on a number, all in the same network,ahd one of the to be a will be surprised by the result.
- 6
- 6310i
- Ihm
- 17 Feb 2005
Power phone along with the 6210 which does the business better than other handsets. It should be noted that The 6310i will allow you to send/receive concatenated sms as well, upto 3 sms in length, not 160 characters as so often specified.
- M
- Mathé
- mtV
- 27 Jan 2005
My phone is locked with a security code. 12345 does not work. How can I solve this situation? Can I flash software?
- P
- 12 Jan 2005
the best phone nokia ever made sadly missed by all get 1 keep it look after it 10/10 bring it back nokia!!!