Nokia 6310i
- B
- Boiler
- 25 Jun 2002
Is the best phone ever i want tu sell one it`s 320$,in a box,impecabliy,give me email tu talk!I`m from Romania!
- M
- Misu
- 24 Jun 2002
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contact: 0745034258
- J
- JT
- 20 Jun 2002
Software issues aside (everytime Nokia launch a phone, it's followed by several software updates cus of all the bugs), Nokias are well-built, reliable phones with intuitive menus. The 6310i has got to be one of the best 'serious' phones around.
- A
- Adel Qubain
- 15 Jun 2002
I am the kind of person that buys every high end mobile phone that comes out and turns around and sells it as soon as the next one comes out. However i always keep the latest Nokia 6310 series thats out at that time because it's by far the best phone out there for those who really now what cell phones are !
- b
- burzo flo
- 13 Jun 2002
that phone it is very good but nokia 8850 isn"t so good
- r
- ronnymarechal
- 09 Jun 2002
The 6310i has a few things more than the 6310, namely:
- Blue light, java, triple-band, and a keyboard with white letters and numbers on it, and not those shitty grey ones,what is impossible to read, especially when the darkness start to fall in.
- j
- jason
- 09 Jun 2002
it may be the business users phone it is no king!! buy it if u wish or upgrade great features but i go for looks whatch out when i replace my 8310 toy with the new look 8910 hahahaha lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Jun 2002
What is the difference between 6310 and 6310i ?
- o
- odo
- 31 May 2002
jest zajebista!!!
can anybody tell me if it's available in usa?? thnx!
- F
- Fuhry
- 24 May 2002
Bitte Preis von 6310i in Austria ,und bitte Prospekte und Cover Farben von diesen Handy,Danke im voraus. Mfg. Fuhry Wolfgang!
- J
- John
- 18 May 2002
This is it,business user only need comment,muppets goand buy your toy phones! This is the king of phones (for now) Who needs a colour screen anyway?
- B
- Business-man.
- 15 May 2002
This Nokia 6310i-model (is) REAL (Tri)-Band Business-phone!!!.VERY NICE!=%.
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 15 May 2002
mark, man your so old .. see the specifications for 6310i and compare it with the damn old 6210... LOTS of differences ... First it has GPRS and it has Java applications downloadable ..second it's a Tri-band World phone ... 6210 doesn't have those specs.
- T
- Terry Edwards
- 12 May 2002
6310i is everything the 6310 should have been. I have both and I am selling the 6310. Also for the first time since the 6110 series the phone is truly optimized for the Cark91 car kit, and the sound is now excellent. This is the very best of business phones.
- M
- Mark LV
- 11 May 2002
Personally I don't give jack shit about colours! I want a phone that handles well, with a good battery life and good features. This is it!
- m
- mark
- 11 May 2002
From what I have seen this phones is not all that. What's the big difference between this and the 6210 huh? Not much really? Who wants a blue light when you can have 256 colours? e.g. Ericsson T68. I've been a die hard Nokia fans for years, but it's time for a change people ;-)
- M
- Mark LV
- 09 May 2002
I can't believe this phone is rated so low here, it's much better than any other now available.
- e
- eric
- 28 Apr 2002
ill rather buy this than 7210...this phone is Great.
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 21 Apr 2002
hey shka, Nokia 7210 is a colored screen phone and it's tri-band world phone, I think it suits u. Nokia 6310i has been released, they sell it for $378.98 in check it out! :)
- n
- nuts
- 17 Apr 2002
Would a "normal" 6310 be upgradable to support JAVA like the 6310i ?