Nokia 6500 slide

Nokia 6500 slide

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • MobileSlider
  • 42p
  • 01 Oct 2007

Very well put Rainman....

You summed it up perfectly.

Great name by the way!!....I loved Rainman.

    • O
    • OMG
    • jn{
    • 30 Sep 2007

    Does anyone have photos of this 6500 Slide's black version? I'd prefer the black over the original silver ones. Thanks!

      • M
      • Marvin
      • py3
      • 30 Sep 2007

      Hey Mobile Slider...

      i found out my answer!
      yes , Wlan is for free so i'm lookinf now for a phone that has 3g, wlan and at least 2 mg camera!

      The N81 is perfect ...
      Except the keypad wich is tactile!
      tactile keypads are nightmare!!
      i cant stand them, cause u can't do wtv u want!
      Anyway, help me! please

        • K
        • Kozo
        • mrx
        • 30 Sep 2007

        I'm worry about weight of this phone (125g!!!) - it is a heavy brick like n95 - I wait for e51 :)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 0wG
          • 30 Sep 2007

          i'm no fan of either nokia nor SE...
          i've always had SE mobiles for the MP3 player but what i've discovered is that SE mobiles are not build to last long..
          so now i want to replace my SE-W800 with either the slide or nokia 5310...
          nokia seems to build quality phones and tend to be cheaper (better value for your money) than the SEs..

            • a
            • amethyst
            • pqY
            • 30 Sep 2007

            you must be right. this slider is available in Spain next week. When is the 5610 supposed to be in shops in Europe--Spain?

              • j
              • jornhd
              • pWm
              • 30 Sep 2007

              I presume the music quality is better in 5610 because of the dedicated audio chip. The play time is definitely better (22 hours).

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pqY
                • 30 Sep 2007

                hi all,
                I have always used Sony Ericsson and Nokia- But I had to change my w580 twice in 10 days(slider too loose after 3 days,loose screen, defective cover..) and now I am thinking of this Nokia 6500 slide or the 5610.
                Could you tell me if the quality of the mp3 in the 6500 is as good as the one in 5610? Spund quality and volume are basic for me.Both are beautiful and cheaper than w910 in Spain.Better camera, AF...
                This time I want a proper slider and good quality build.SE has disappointed me after some great mobiles I have had: w850,w800,w300,w710,T610..

                  • S
                  • Sugar
                  • mXM
                  • 30 Sep 2007

                  Atleast its Available !

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • whA
                    • 30 Sep 2007

                    ATTENTION: PILIPINO GUYS!

                    As per Nokia Care Center ATC....N95 8GB, N81 8GB and Nokia 6500 slide will be available on the 2nd week of this October! No price yet! Start disposing your old celfones! hahaha!

                      • M
                      • Marvin
                      • pxj
                      • 30 Sep 2007

                      COfee, u should have read the sêcifications b4 asking that question!!!!
                      the batteery life is somethink like 10 days!!
                      Wake up

                        • M
                        • Melvin
                        • F4p
                        • 30 Sep 2007

                        Just bought the phone from M1... promotion..
                        S$98... cheap and good..

                          • c
                          • coffeE
                          • PG}
                          • 30 Sep 2007

                          does the battery of this phone lasts longer than 6300? i mean, both of these phones doesn't have any brightness adjuster. though Slide has a light sensor.. will that be enough to make the battery last for at least 2days?

                            • M
                            • Marvin
                            • pxj
                            • 30 Sep 2007

                            I was saying :

                            Why people said the the listening quality of the E65 is bad?
                            Because the aredeaf or because it's the truth??
                            i don'tt know, another point i have to be sure about!

                            well moblile slider, i hope u'll be hapyy of your slide and give us information about it and impression u have !
                            Thank you again and i might ask you 2 or 3 things about phones! thank u

                              • M
                              • Marvin
                              • pxj
                              • 30 Sep 2007

                              Thank you very much Mobile Slider.

                              There is another point i'm not sure about :
                              The E65 is made for buisness... wich means features i'll never use, like the videoconference, or nokia team... things only used by buisness man/woman!

                              But, the wifi seems, ONLY IF IT'S FOR FREE, very usefull, because it means that you could get connected on msn, surf the web as soon as you can connect your cell to an access point!
                              It Would be great!

                              The thing that is to me, anoying is that it only has 2mg camera, but i think that if i had to choose between a 2mp Camera and a free acceess to the net... i would choose the net!

                              So, i have to find out if we can get connected for free or not!

                              And i'm expecting informations of the 6500 slide because the quality is such an important point for buying a phone!
                              I've heard that the listening quality for the E65 is bad... Is it beca

                                • N
                                • NooN
                                • ijv
                                • 30 Sep 2007

                                Finally Nokia made it ! Saw it in some shops here. Last day of the last month of the 3rd trimester. Very close to be late...

                                  • R
                                  • Rainman
                                  • PW9
                                  • 30 Sep 2007

                                  I've seen this phone at Mobile shops in Bangkok yesterday. It's nice and I think better than E65 on the looks, feels more rigid. Of course, no WiFi. Don't think WiFi service to connect to internet here in Thailand is free though. Not advisable for a no QWERT keypad device. With S40 sw, means an "almost" bug free system from Nokia.. then I think it's a good choice for this price. Current price THB13,790 /USD430.

                                  And by the way... I was told that this Nokia 6500 is able to make and receive calls... Nye.. heh.. he!!

                                  To those who can't decide where to use your money:
                                  1. if you have a lot and want to show off:
                                  - buy a Ferrari. my boss use Nokia 7270 but owns a Ferrari and a Brabus (Benz)

                                  2. if you have a money and want a full multimedia with computer capability device that fits in your pocket.
                                  - you can't buy it. it's not available. wait 10 more years for availability.

                                  3. if you have less money but want good feature and don't want to show off.
                                  - buy cloned copy from China.

                                  4. if you have less money and want a phone.
                                  - don't need to buy any. sure you already have one now so just use your less money to pay the phone bills or prepaid cards.

                                  Enjoy your day man!!

                                    • M
                                    • MobileSlider
                                    • 42p
                                    • 30 Sep 2007

                                    Hey Marvin...

                                    I really don't know what to say. Both the E65 & the 6500 Slide are good phones. I like the 6500 because it has S40 OS. I already have an N75 for my Nokia smart-phone.

                                    The E65 DOES have WiFi, but only a 2MP camera. 6500 Slide has a better camera, but NO WiFi. The one thing I really don't like about my N75 & the E65 is the pop-port. I also prefer small slider phones so I like the 6500 more.

                                    E65 & the Slide both have very good talk & standby times. I have heard of the soft, rubbery paint rubbing off of the E65 though.

                                    I just really, really, like the fact that the 6500 Slide is made out of stainless steel. That is a major selling point for me.

                                    The E65 is quite a bit cheaper though. I don't want to tell you which phone to get though. I think you will be happy with either phone you get. The upside is that that both phones will be available for a while, so if you don't like the one you buy, you can always sell it for the other.

                                    Hope this helps

                                      • C
                                      • CC
                                      • TIE
                                      • 30 Sep 2007

                                      Just to let those in Singapore know, I bought the 6500 from M1 and it doesn't work on 3G. I can't change the network mode to UMTS which means I can't use video calls at all. M1 is contacting Nokia for an answer but up till now it's still not resolved.This problem is not just for my set cos I tried 3 other sets at M1 and it's the same problem.

                                        • N
                                        • Nokia Fan
                                        • F4p
                                        • 30 Sep 2007

                                        I bought this phone yesterday at around S$600. It has a very solid feel as the body comes with stainless steel..

                                        The screen is bright and vibrant with 16m colors.. The camera is very good with 3.2 Carl Zeiss Optic, dual flash led & auto focus. Video format is VGA quality, speakerphone for music is awsome..

                                        This phone is near perfect except no wifi..

                                        Rating : 9/10 (Excellent)

                                        The phone is