Nokia 6500 slide
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 14 Jul 2007
Hey Marvin....
I personally think 1GB is plenty of storage. It is enough to hold at least 100 MP3's and many other wallpapers, themes, and screen savers. Since it isn't a series 60 phone, you won't have the same features as a S60 phone and probably not need a SD card.
BUT...if you do, this lovely little phone is capable of holding up to a 4GB memory card~!!!.
That is a ton of memory. It all depends on what you wanna use the phone for. I have never needed more than 1GB of memory...even on my current Nokia N75 phone.
Take Care..
- D
- Don Chishut
- mCi
- 13 Jul 2007
How you can call this "PERFECT"?
For sure many functionarities of previous released phones like speaker phone,sound enhancements,60s OS and alot more has been blocked for this one, just to release a slim pricy slider phone!
Open your eyes to the truth ppl...
For sure you'll need SD for this one
- M
- Marvin
- px%
- 13 Jul 2007
I need some help!!
Please, can anyone tell me if i'll need to buy a memory card if i have the 6500 slide??
i don't know if the intern memory is sufficient!
- M
- Marvin
- px%
- 13 Jul 2007
As "Moibile slider" said, the 6500 is really better than the lune, without any doubts!!!
Of course, it's not as beautiful as the luna is, but your choice will depends on what you really need, what you're looking for:
If you want to have a cell that is able to do,vagueness, whatever you want, choose the 6500 slide.
If you just want to call and to have no more features but just a fashion cell, choose the lune!
As far as i'm concerned, i can tell you that my choice is already done since a long time!
the 6500 slide is "PERFECT"!
- D
- Don Chishut
- mCi
- 13 Jul 2007
Vivid ideas for all decades!Steel in black!!You should be a designer!!!Don't think of it, just try something else ;-) What about N80...?
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 13 Jul 2007
If you are looking for just a fashion phone, then the Luna would be a better choice for most ppl. However, I think that the Slider is more refined and sophisticated than the Luna. I love the steel look to it and I like smaller phones.
As far as features are concerned, the Slider blows the Luna away. The Luna has no 3G, no Card Slot, and only a 2MP camera. It is a nice looking phone.
But, if all you want is a phone to call, and text and occasionally surf the web, then the Luna would be fine.
I am waiting for the Slider before I buy ANY other phone though.
- ?
- Anonymous
- QSc
- 13 Jul 2007
Everything is AWSOME, though i wish it came in black.
- D
- Don Chishut
- mCi
- 12 Jul 2007
It's not out yet.Everyone writes reviews!!!
How do you hate the thing that you even haven't touched ?!?
- T
- True lya-lya
- nHg
- 12 Jul 2007
Yes...i is not joke.
Everything is made of concrete material - no cracking, feels comfortable. Display covered with glass protection screen.
Plus - it is really has TV out port!!!
It is not on sale but...
- M
- Marvin
- px%
- 12 Jul 2007
Hey, i'm sorry!
I told you that i saw manufacture defects but it was a test website so.. as it is written in another opinion, maybe the 6500 slide won't be the same as the one i saw! i'm sorry again!
However, this mobilephone is really nice, i would almost say that it's perfect!
I really hope it will come out very soon like in september!
I live in Marseilles and i was told that it will come out during September or October in France!
about usa, i don't know!
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 12 Jul 2007
I was reading the 6500 Classic comments, and a poster stated that the Classic said it would be released in Oct. and the Slider in Nov.
Makes no sense though. Oct., & Nov. release dates are Q4 release dates.
I am guessing sometime in late Aug., or early Sept. sometime.
Nokia....!!! HURRY THE HELL UP :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- mW2
- 12 Jul 2007
Where did u read that it is being held back till November?
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYx
- 12 Jul 2007
non-os phone does this phone good
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 12 Jul 2007
True lya-lya.....
Where did you get a chance to try it out? Is the screen glass? If it is glass, is it thick or thin? Do you know for sure when it will be for sale?
- T
- True lya-lya
- nHg
- 11 Jul 2007
I tried it.
Simply perfect then 6280, 6288 - smller really nice feel in hand. Smooth mechanism open/close. 3.2mpx camera is real then you can imagine.
Will be favorite for those who like slider.
P.S. metal body and shape are ultra new...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 42p
- 11 Jul 2007
Now I have heard reports that the Slider will be released in November, but that would make it a Q4 release date, not a Q3 like originally stated.
Who know?? I am waiting like no other for it's release. I am gonna go into spin out if it isn't released soon. :)
I will wait as long as it takes. I got my N75 to keep me happy for now......for now,
- M
- Maria
- 11 Jul 2007
hows its speakers??
- W
- Wesker
- n1g
- 11 Jul 2007
I don't know what he is talking about either, I can only assume he is mistaking the textured finish as a defect.
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 11 Jul 2007
Does anybody else see the manufacturer. defects that Marvin speaks of? Also, mobile-review states that this unit was a test unit, and thus not the same model that will be available for the public.
- D
- Don Chishut
- mCi
- 11 Jul 2007
@ Mr Null
What a shame,even worste,VGA video capturing for a 3.2 MP lenz!! I will stay with D900...
at last someone announced the price