Nokia 6600
- A
- Amit
- NPx
- 05 Sep 2006
I purchased a new set yesterday.Very surprisingly it gets switched off after some time on its own while charging.It seems to be ok while in non charging mode & when charging in switched off mode.Pls help
- b
- barry
- R0K
- 05 Sep 2006
can the N6600 conect to a PC via USB cord
- C
- Chetan
- P$k
- 03 Sep 2006
Guys if u want and sofware related to this phone, then pls contact me anytime........
- C
- Chetan
- P$k
- 03 Sep 2006
well guys its really a great phone that i ever used. bks its very cheap camera phone with lots of fetures. and lots of other softwares are available for it. I'm useing 1 GB MMC card in this phone from 1.5 year and it never ever hanged. I know its a little bit slow, but its really nice acording to the price.
send me your opinion about Nokia 6600 only if ur useing it...
- C
- Chetan
- P$k
- 03 Sep 2006
well bdy u can got on the entry and just click on c buton. it will be delited.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TtY
- 01 Sep 2006
hi guys ,
i just want to know how to delete a log entries without clearing the all communication list ? thanks
- r
- razi
- PIx
- 30 Aug 2006
my N6600 got some problem..the technician said...its software problem..the phone cannot turn on...why?can someone help me to solve this problem...thanks
- s
- seth(clickstone)GHAN
- jI6
- 29 Aug 2006
its a very nice phone from the nokia comapny. you wouldnt know wat to do with it till you use it for at leats 3 weeeks.Try out some softwares for it from
Chill out in the mobile life@@@@
- L
- Laloo-Raaam
- 45Q
- 29 Aug 2006
Actaully you can playback mp3's on this phone; there is software available for it, but its mono audio so not really enjoyable. And you can't select mp3 for ringtones, as far as I remember.
IMO look at other phones. It's good while it lasted, but there are better options on the market (N series). However if you are really budget constrained and would like a smartphone that really has a TON of applications available for it, then go for it.
- C
- Cliffton_Sharon
- PyD
- 29 Aug 2006
Itz okies.... if nothing else den itz a gud start up for camera phone....Sharon luvs it...
- D
- Don
- pq5
- 29 Aug 2006
the phone is great .. because it has Symbian OS v 7.0 .. There Are A lot of applications for it ... it's very cool .. this mobile is for BUSINESS .. if you want camera go buy sony digital camera and if you want high quality mp3s go buy Sony walkman phone .. this phone ROCKS
- A
- Aashish
- 29 Aug 2006
the nokia 6600 is the worst cell in the's too slow,no mp3's,no ringtones,not good looking,no high resolution camera,no sound quality,hanging problems,virus problems and more problems i got after using the set.
- R
- Royal Janze
- Uiw
- 28 Aug 2006
for this can put radio softwear, i have put virous Gard its always slow
- r
- rajeev
- PEr
- 28 Aug 2006
hey u ppl can u plz tel me hw to play de mp3 songs as ringtones? i wana no wht is d name of d software and wer wil i gt it?
- r
- jFf
- 28 Aug 2006
At its price it's the best phone you can buy. It is one of the best phones Nokia ever made. I'm fully satisfied of it.
- M
- Marius
- nDR
- 22 Aug 2006
why does write here that it don't have mp3??
- U
- User
- j2C
- 21 Aug 2006
How do u install an antivirus software on this phone?Can the speaker be upgraded so it have better sound quality?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Aug 2006
does it have a USB port?
does it come with a photo suite CD?
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$0
- 17 Aug 2006
the best phone but then the phone get switched off without my knowledge if anyone can give me a reason it would b great
- 6
- 6600BA
- PAn
- 17 Aug 2006
does anybody know how to enable the "click/shutter" sound when you take a picture?