Nokia 6600
- m
- mayur
- ijY
- 08 Mar 2006
Hi all.....dis is Mayur from india...i have been using this cell for almost a yr...i m absolutely in love wid it...if u have any doubts about anything or any softwares plz contact me...thanks
Use flash sms....a wonderful software to surprise ur frends!!
- A
- Anonymous
- T2$
- 08 Mar 2006
To the guy whose mmc got locked-
I think mmc pswd software wont work because your phone's already undergone hard reset.All the data will be cleared up.Try taking your mmc to a authorised service centre.They may help you.
- a
- avinash
- iFr
- 08 Mar 2006
Hi, anyone heard about attaching optical zoom lens to nokia 6600. why i am asking is, i saw in a electronic showroom(kuwait) a 6600 with some zoom instrument attached to its camera.(when i walking on street) It was long could be upto 3-6 X zoom. can anyone clarify is it possible??
- k
- kath
- MCq
- 07 Mar 2006
well Georgi, wma n ogg work as ringtones as well n if they r better quality then i dont even worry bout mp3
if u were a wiseguy like us,ud try other programs as well, not only the suite, n maybe ud find out there r better things out tere
- n
- nokia 6600 help
- ijY
- 07 Mar 2006
to user whose mmc has got password stuck..
get mmc password recovery software and u will be able to find uer password...bye
need any help mail to
- b
- benkatana
- ibg
- 07 Mar 2006
can anyone tell me what is FEX. I just bought this phone about a month and a half ago. Can anyone also recommend me to any good software for this phone. thanks alot
- G
- Georgi Pepelyankov
- nsJ
- 06 Mar 2006
To Kath,
well, i'm saying all this in order to make the phone to use the songs for ringtones. I know that .wma is better than .mp3, as .ogg is better than .wma
But the PC Suite makes the mp3s really small in this strange .wav format. And the other things is that, this BLUE SOLEIL And FExplore - i haven't tried neither one of these applications, but i prefer using the original Suite, as it's safer for the phone and not to mess with the settings. It asks me where to put the file (phone or card) every time i transfer anything. so i don't quite get what seems to be the problem with these guys, not able to put stuff on their cards....just use the original software, that's it...don't be such wiseguys...
- ?
- Anonymous
- T2$
- 06 Mar 2006
Hey guys please help me please...I have a 512mb mmc in my 6600.Just now i resetted my phone by entering *#7370* and when it turned on everything was fine.Then i restarted my phone and it asked me memory card password which i set many days back.Now the problem is when i enter the correct password it is not accepting....Please anyone help me.I have 230 mb worth very very important data in my mmc.Please help me.
- k
- kath
- MCq
- 06 Mar 2006
to Georgi...
ok, abotu mp3, but maybe thats too much to do n im telling u, wma sounds better so why not just install wmaplus and convert mp3 files to low bitrate wma with MP3 WMA CONVERTER
i myself dont use PC suite, but a program called BLUE SOLEIL (this works very well, but i guess its much more simple with FEXplorer :P n no more prob with putting songs on MMC either)
- k
- kath
- MCq
- 06 Mar 2006
ok dude, thanx, its ok now, i guess i was using an older version...
is this freeware or will i have to buy it later?
- A
- Anonymous
- T2$
- 06 Mar 2006
Hi kath,one more thing.In order to receive large files via ir or bluetooth,change the message memory into memory card.,go to messaging>options>settings>other>memory in use,change it into mmc memory.
- A
- Anonymous
- T2$
- 06 Mar 2006
Hi kath,use fexplorer version 1.15.
- k
- kath
- MCq
- 06 Mar 2006
uhm.... ok, but when i open FExplorer i can c onlt C , D , E AND Z, no processes no inbox , no tasks! can u tell me which FEX u use, which version?
- G
- Georgi Pepelyankov
- nsJ
- 06 Mar 2006
To Kath & evilinside,
Hi guys, i've been using this phone for more than 2 years and i'm still in love with it. But it has it flaws, no doubt about it. As for your dispute, I can only say that there different software that fix all of these problems (except for the speaker problem, i have it too, it's far too weak). For the mp3s, well, there is no way to make the phone to play such a file as a ringtone, but you can play it just for the music. In order to use it for a ringtone (yes, it's possible) there is this way: i guess you all have the Nokia PC Suite for 6600. You install it, you connect your 6600 via Bluetooth or cable (i don't know anybody who has bought that's something like 60 euro..). When you've connected your nokias you should go to data transfer and there, if you drag'n'drop a mp3 file you should be asked if you want to convert and transfer the file. In that case, you put the song on you phone in a .wav format (not the usual .wav anyway...much smaller). When you've done so, you can put the desired song as a ringtone and it works just fine. I have 8 songs on my phone, 7 of them on the card and one on the phone memory, they all work great, no problems with loading them when the person rings. As for the second problem i know something about: the memory card copying. I don't understand how people can only put files on the phone and not on the MMC card !! Do you use the PC Suite ?? If you do - doesn't it ask you for the location, where you wish to transfer the file ?? Because it asks me and whether i want - i choose the card and that's it. Nice and simple. Once i tried to use the bluetooth profile, without the PC Suite, for transfering files. Well, it gets pretty messed up, the phone directories are so many and strange and i messed it all up, so i had to reinstall my firmware, but that's not very hard to google and you'll find the neccessary how-to !! well, if somebody has any problem with his/hers 6600 - feel free to write me:
- A
- Anonymous
- T2$
- 06 Mar 2006
Hey kath,when you open Fexplorer,you'll see this- C: ( / )Flash,D: ( / ) Ram,E: ( / ) Disk,Z: ( / ) Rom. [Inbox] , [Processes], [Tasks].there you must open the "[inbox]" and you'll see all the data that is present in your messages inbox.You can view the data and can cut and paste it in the desired location.Anonymous
- k
- kath
- MCq
- 05 Mar 2006
oh n also plz tell me where do i actually find the Message folder in the phone , using the explorer? Where do i copy the files i recieve via Bluetooth or IR from??
- k
- kath
- MCq
- 05 Mar 2006
hey pple!!! thanks a lot to the guy who told me about FExplorer! This is really a great program! Almost like My Computer! So now plz tell me if it is safe to remove files stored in C drive, like sounds i dont use or things like that, n order to free space
Thanks again dude!
- ?
- Anonymous
- iDf
- 05 Mar 2006
hey evilinside ..
finally i discovered what was the problem, thanks to ALLAH..
guess what:
the password of the mmc was set on !!
thanks anyway for ur help, i appreciate this.
- a
- anonymous
- j2C
- 05 Mar 2006
hey evilinside,how to send midi tones via infrared.i've tried in many ways but did not succeed,any advice?
- e
- evilinside
- Rxn
- 05 Mar 2006
I think you MMC has a problem try putting it on other card reader :D