Nokia 6600
- g
- gix
- SvB
- 08 Nov 2005
Help pls!!! which is the last software version for this model and what it brings new compared to the previos version? my phone has v 3.42.1 if I upgrade my phone what are the benefits? thanks in advance!
- A
- Anslem
- mEH
- 08 Nov 2005
hello please i need someone to help me on how to get a camcorder on my nokia 6600. Please anybody with usefull idea should please email me. the phone is a very good phone i think one of the best brands that nokia has.
- h
- harish
- 08 Nov 2005
i hav a prob with my wap browser of nokia is damn slow and often gets stuck & what happns when we format the phone. can anyone help me.please reply 2 my mail.
- S
- Sami
- PIb
- 07 Nov 2005
Hey is it true dat if i add 128 mb onmy nokia 6600 ill b able 2 make longer videos plz reply...
- B
- Bappadittya Sen
- ijf
- 06 Nov 2005
i can't play mp3. please suggest
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJq
- 03 Nov 2005
There is a software named "ETI Camcoder" which can extend video recording. A software for FM radio is available at "".
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 03 Nov 2005
hi.. cud any1 pl tel me abt video recording.. need to xtend it to atleast 1hr.. 15 secs is too less to capture a moment.. also does 6600 support FM radio by any chance.. if yes how can i download the software.. thanks in advance..
- r
- rinku
- PTn
- 03 Nov 2005
hi.. cud any1 pl tel me abt video recording.. need to xtend it to atleast 1hr.. 15 secs is too less to capture a moment.. also does 6600 support FM radio by any chance.. if yes how can i download the software..
thanks in advance..
- D
- Dream Hunter Virsago
- TS}
- 03 Nov 2005
reminder?check it out at calender dude^^
- p
- pavan
- PTn
- 02 Nov 2005
hi all
can anyone tell how can i use PCsuite with bluetooth donggle connection, i am able to connect it through ifrared only. suggest me the better way to connect the phone with PC
- J
- nDR
- 02 Nov 2005
you dudes ,is it posible to put a radio to nokia 6600?? if yes please tell me how. pls
- h
- henry
- NaS
- 31 Oct 2005
can any body help me out! how can i download tones and video on my phone. and can any one one show me a site to download softwares.this my idd hey but this phone is great
- K
- KillerGlance20
- RKp
- 31 Oct 2005
WOW this is very cool!!!!!!!!
- f
- funnyfani
- PGh
- 30 Oct 2005
can somebody compare its mp3 sound quality with sony ericsson k700? Whic one I should buy?
- S
- Sonu
- 29 Oct 2005
Can i find REMINDER facility in this set or i need to buy software? :-(
- h
- henry
- NaS
- 29 Oct 2005
hey guys this phone is one of the best u can find in 6600 is totally the best!!!
- G
- G'z
- 29 Oct 2005
Even now! 6600 comes at #1 in top 50 cellphones. it's more like legend... So nomore comments!
- R
- Ramy Mounir
- Sqh
- 29 Oct 2005
hi pawan,try there may be some softwares that may enhance your 6600 in mp3, and as for your mmc you must go to the messages then options at the bottom left and then others at last item than select memory card, this will give you the option that whenever you recive wave or mms or any thin it will be saved auto at the mmc
- F
- Farhan
- PGh
- 28 Oct 2005
Please anyone tell me about its mp3 sound quality with ultra mp3 player???
- G
- Gurudatta
- 28 Oct 2005
Can Any one Mail me Unlimited Video Softare for Nokia 6600 Email:
Thanks in advance