Nokia 6600
- a
- arif
- mx7
- 16 Aug 2005
Free SOFTWARE!!!!!!!!!!
Games like Counter-Strike 1.6,
Ringtones and everything.
Go to :
- a
- arif
- mx7
- 16 Aug 2005
Hey guys.
Have you heard of PhotoAcute?
The Software that makes you camera phone have better pixels.
PhotoAcute features:
* 1280x960 picture size instead of 640x480 (it's not a zoom!)
* Pictures with fine details that are usually invisible/indistinguishable
* Automatic picture noise reduction
* Barrel distortion correction
* Interlacing artefacts removal
* Improving brightness at the edges of picture
Now available for: Nokia 3650/3660, Nokia 6600/6620/6260 and SonyEricsson P800/900/910
Size matters, details make the difference. Discover the maximum of what your phone's camera can do, and get impressed!
Just go to :
- p
- previous nokia fans
- PEn
- 15 Aug 2005
ohh yeah the counter-strike 1.5 now is out for symbian phone check it out for your self
now i think symbian never end!!!!
- R
- Rami
- nbq
- 15 Aug 2005
It is very good mobille . my mobille is 6600 . I do like this website and when I open the internet I open it .
- n
- nokia dude
- m9J
- 14 Aug 2005
VideoStudio M-Style
The VideoStudio M-Style gives you the tools to edit and improve the video files you've captured with your Nokia 6600 phone. As an additional feature, you can add and replace audio in the video files.
- D
- Deen
- PV$
- 13 Aug 2005
Hi there, I have downloaded camcorder and can record unlimited duration as long as i have space. however when transferred to the PC it doesnt play throgh real player, does anyone have an idea how can I go about doing it. also when transferred from PC to phone that too doesn't seems to be working.. Please help.. Cheers,
- P
- Plz Help Me
- 12 Aug 2005
- K
- Kings hotel
- m9J
- 12 Aug 2005
does this fone have a mp3 player
and what is a audio player
and is the 6620 out in the uk
please reply
- A
- Allen
- 12 Aug 2005
Go to China You will get all Softwares :-),Just Joking
I have one with me Just give me your mail Id,i'll mail u
- P
- Plz Help Me
- TC$
- 11 Aug 2005
Can anybody help me...?i need the chinese software...where can i get it or download?
- D
- Dream Hunter Virsago
- TS$
- 11 Aug 2005
Hey U all,u can save ya message to ya phone memory card by dis : menu >>> messaging >>> click "option" >>> settings >>> scrow down to "others" >>> memory in use.dats all,hope u will like it!
- m
- mircea
- M{c
- 11 Aug 2005
hey, i have a problem with my phone.When i try to send a mp3 file it sayz ``not enough memory , delete some data first `` but i have a lot of memory. Can anybody help me plz ? thx
- m
- matej
- 10 Aug 2005
Can anybody tell me how bad is mp3 sound on handsfree and headphones.oo and are the divx movies watchable?!and for 3650.QIUCK cause i am going to buy one of these phones!!!!QUICK
- s
- shaheen
- SeF
- 10 Aug 2005
hello :
i am 6600 nokia phone user :
i have winxp sp2 .
i have install Nokia 6600 PC Suite prog.
so the first start the prog. ask to fill a name for the phone as : ( nokia 600 )but it dosnot match it ..( valid name )trying to change the name many times >> but also dose not match .
plz. help me .
thank you alot
- m
- matej
- 09 Aug 2005
Jo.I would like to know how bad is mp3 sound (cause mono) on headphones and handsfree!
I think i buy this phone cause symbian and videos!btw is an divx good watchable on the phone?thx to all bye from SLo
- s
- smith
- ijg
- 09 Aug 2005
which format can be set as ringtone is it only wav or any else too.can it set for mp3,acc,rm etc pls reply
- A
- Abdullah Saeed
- PI2
- 09 Aug 2005
Hello i m Abdullah Saeed.I have used it very much.therefore this phone is old now.But this is very good.u should buy only Nokia this is cheap than other can transfer softwares in it by infrared device
- p
- previous nokia fans
- PEn
- 08 Aug 2005
i am a 6600 user i have finally discover some virus thats infected to your phone it is impossible to remove it actually you can say a worm
to prevent this virus infect to your phone remmenber DO NOT INSTALL SOFWARE DIRECT FROM PC TO YOUR PHONE WITH YOUR NOKIA PC SUIT you must sent the sis folder to your phone and then only u can install.
why ?
becoz some of the computer may infected by hidden virus thats can same infected to our symbian device i dont know whats is the virus name.
how to see wheter our phone is infected with this virus??
when u start up your phone hold press the menu key for 5 or more second then if u see the menu appear undentify icon then u phone have infected this kind of virus
in my investigation i have found thats this virus can make our phone.
1)start up extremely slow
2)when u start up your phone u cannot directly use your defount camera becoz when take phone from your defuond camera it will appear (camera temporary overload) until a period of time then only u can use.
3)always run out of memory to load N-gage game
4)when open any application it will take a long time even u play a movie in your smartmovie on your phone u will fell very lag in the opening
5)once you infected this virus the only way to remove it is only FORMAT your phone i dont if any other cure.
i know this coz my phone have just infected this kind of virus over 5 month ago
- o
- onins
- P%3
- 07 Aug 2005
Hi! Can anyone tell me a nice working software that's gonna work with my N6600? like radio, mp3 softwares etc.. email me- thanks!
- F
- FaWzY
- mJC
- 06 Aug 2005
K700 is a normal phone, it's all great except for no Symbian and No Expandable Memory, 6600 is a SMARTPHONE, so damn wrong to compare it to K700, also the 6600 cam is great as it was released 2003, no wonder K750i is the best phone ever made, but i'd rather buy N70 cuz of Symbian, SE can use Symbian like in P-Series, why didn't they get the K750 with it?!!