Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • arave
  • mx7
  • 06 Aug 2005

hello smart jay. I don't think SE k700 is bad. K700 has faster data transfer and anything else coz it come out at 2004 but 6600 come out at 2003. thats why 6600 litle bit slower than k700. But overall 6600 is better than k700 and have card slot. I don't need an ipod anymore coz you can buy memory card but k700 only has 41mb shared memory and only can put aprox. 10 songs.
6600 has anything and you can change the fascia (thats what i like).

    • j
    • john john
    • BhS
    • 06 Aug 2005

    Is beautifulll...but the camera resolution??Help me. ¿witch phone is best photo quality? The sagem x7 or 6600. And the colors in display? thanksss

      • S
      • Sujeeth
      • P$y
      • 06 Aug 2005

      Hello Everyone,

      I have a Nokia 7650 mobile phone but the cable that connects the keyboard to the mainboard is damaged and would need a replacement. I really love this phone and wan't to repair it. I have contacted a lot of people here in kerala, but none has that cable with them. If any of you guys could help me in anyway, please do mail me back or post your honest replies here.

      Thanks in Advance.

      God Bless!

        • s
        • smart-jay
        • PVt
        • 05 Aug 2005

        this mobile is d**k of SE k700 ..... y because k700 got more specification then 6600 like radio , better cam + with 4x zoom, flash, send & rec of vedios mp3s ,low price, light weght, better pixels , better data send speed, easy 2 handal, go0o0d design n etc
        now u people tell y u like 6600 n y u think that k700 is bad ... 6600 only hv a memory slot, it intall few softwares n just its prices is not falling just because of its brand...

        come on people now 1 company is trying 2 make up with market n making nokia less important ...

        u hv 2 accp that SE k models made whole market upside down

        well i think that no. 1 place 4 any person or company or any think do nt last 4 ever

        now its SE time now by some of more model SE will take that place

          • p
          • previous nokia fans
          • PEn
          • 05 Aug 2005

          Actually i think this phone is more capable to all the female coz they no need to install extra sofware is safe time for the phone use the feature are already compact !!

          in my view of the sonyerrison phone the producer are quite clever coz once they came out a new model the phone price will be very expensive but the price will fall down very fast after a week (its fall faster then nokia phone) i am currently using nokia 6600 this phone model is available about 3 years ago more the starting price is about RM1850 and todays it is only sell RM899 and sonyerricson K700 it is available about 2 years ago and the starting price is about RM1999 and now it sell only RM800 but i really dont know why all male user says this phone is better than 6600!!!

          in another view see at the sony K700 the material of the phone is less quality than 6600 (it bring down the cost)but the phone start up price is higher than 6600 THE POINT WHY THE K700 became top interested phone is becoz its BRAND AND DESIGN AND MOST CUMSUMER NEEDS and normally people get bored using nokia feature thats why sonyerrison earn so much money !!!

          thats is my opinion.

            • J
            • J@SON
            • TST
            • 05 Aug 2005

            VGA but more clear den se k700

              • a
              • abiralo at yahoo dot
              • P@Q
              • 04 Aug 2005

              I think this is a good phone. But Camera Res. only VGA???

                • S
                • Satish
                • PWY
                • 02 Aug 2005

                I just bought Nokia 6600,its a great set,i wanted to connect to Pc so that i can brouse GPRS on pc using Infra red Adaptor but the below mentioned link Says With Ir Adaptor MA 620/660 Moblie modem dosent work,it works only with this true?

                  • s
                  • sidd
                  • ib1
                  • 01 Aug 2005

                  mmm...nothing much i can say..i'm looking for it..i'm very confused to choose either this 6600 or k700i..can anyone suggest to me a good idea..?..this is my email,

                    • j
                    • joe
                    • UDV
                    • 01 Aug 2005

                    Forgive me zeesham the message below was for astray not you.

                      • j
                      • joe
                      • UDV
                      • 01 Aug 2005

                      Thank you Zeeshan for your comment, Im glad your happy with a different phone other than Nokia, I respect your thoughts and views regarding your comments but I am very happy with the 6600 it has more features than I need. I do admitt not all nokia phones are good but all the ones Ive had have all served their purpose. One good thing I can say is that I bought the 6600 with a 2yr gaurantee on parts and service and I also got an anti virus program loaded on it.
                      You are right the T610,k700,k750,s700,s710,w800 are all good phones but for me I am happy with nokia.
                      God bless you.

                        • z
                        • zeeshan
                        • iws
                        • 31 Jul 2005

                        I bought this phone in the month of aipril its very good phone though it does not have 1 mega pixels but it have very good features its very reasnoble.

                          • d
                          • dj_ashtray
                          • P1h
                          • 29 Jul 2005

                          Your trouble isn't about the IR or the Bluetooth, even the Nokia suite isn't. It's about that brick that you take with you and you call "Cellphone". Pleez take that brick model 6600 and dump it right now!!! Now get a SE cellphone, any with BlueTooth (T610,k700,k750,s700,s710,w800, etc) and after you'll be sayin' me Tanx!!!!!!!

                            • J
                            • Joe
                            • UDV
                            • 29 Jul 2005

                            I have just bought a 6600 because of the opinions I read, yes some are negative but overall most is positive, I think its a great phone and all the excessories is more than I need, the only problem is that it does take a long time to start up and somtimes its a bit slow but many phones are like that with high memory when you first start them up, but after a few minutes its ok, I upgraded the memory card to 128mb and I chose to get a blue tooth connector to my pc rather than infra red and I have no problems downloading or uploading photos or files from pc to phone the only problem I have is downloading music from my pc I think I have to change the format! Anyone who is having problems with your infrared well its a waste of time even the pc suite that comes with the phone, just get a bluetooth and you will get all the software you need included also its about 50% cheaper to get blutooth connector than infra red, to transfer stuff from your pc. Im not being critical on the 6600 Nokia pc suite but I have to admit the blutooth software is more user friendly to us than the Nokia pc suite and I guess itsa because I dont know how to use it.
                            And for those who are upgrading your 6510 for a 6600 like me well I am still keeping my 6510 for now its still a great little handy phone.

                              • p
                              • pankaj
                              • Uq9
                              • 28 Jul 2005

                              it's nice phone of it's tim,tht means b4 6630,3230 & other phones which hav 1.3 mega pixel camera whereas 6600 has vga camera,but still it's cool,ya i lik 2 mention it lacks radio,nokia culd had made this phone with it.

                              i lik 2 know 2 things,if anyone knows @ it pls let mi know

                              1>how can i sav/transfer sms phone memory 2 memory card?

                              2>how can i play videos other than .3gp format on this model,i tried smart movie player,but it's not workin,so giv mi ur advises


                                • b
                                • brij
                                • PIY
                                • 28 Jul 2005

                                hey raj when you insert new sim to your phone and open contacts it will ask you"import contacts from sim to phone?" select yes. for any other software or help join my group

                                  • M
                                  • Mickey
                                  • S7y
                                  • 27 Jul 2005

                                  this is a very nice phone. It's only phone I can repare myself when system gone.

                                    • R
                                    • Raj
                                    • MsP
                                    • 26 Jul 2005

                                    i have nokia 6600 and it does not record over 9 secs. it stops at 9 secs please help me and also how to transfer contacts from the sim to phone memory.

                                      • S
                                      • SHIBUDAS
                                      • P$n
                                      • 25 Jul 2005

                                      it is acool phone the pic quality compared to other phones are really good

                                        • p
                                        • previous nokia fans
                                        • PEn
                                        • 25 Jul 2005

                                        the original video recording is 9 mins only but u can extent the recording time to unlimited recording by using third party software EXP philip camcorder, ETI camcoder and the NEW ETI CAMCORDER 2.

                                        but normally grils dont like 6600 coz they dont know how to use symbian phone so i suggest to buy K700I or k750 than is ok