Nokia 6600
- p
- pokwang
- 05 Oct 2004
boring d2. need help!!!
- m
- martha amber of Phil
- 05 Oct 2004
this phone!!!! shit it's amazing lalo na pg nghhang grabe ang mahal ng gastos...... ano b yan!!!! did you understand what i said !!!! kailngan mo p ba yan.....hi vivian of Philippines
- a
- alireza
- 05 Oct 2004
i like new softwer
- ?
- Anonymous
- 03 Oct 2004
can i download mp3 software to this phone and set mp3 as ringtones ??
pls tell me!!
- a
- ali
- 02 Oct 2004
hello !
yahooo! i got this phone today i think this the best phone i ever had go ahead and buy this cell .....
- H
- 02 Oct 2004
This fone becomes shit when comes to mp3 player & look at the size .Better go for
sonyericsson k-700i or if u want symbion than siemens sx1 both of them are the most complete fone in the market.
- j
- jackson
- 01 Oct 2004
Nice phone !!!
- K
- Khuram Shahzad
- 01 Oct 2004
Any one who wants to buy softwares, games, themes etc for 6600 just contact me. You will get a cd with over 150 softwares including unlimited video recording, movie players, mp3 players, camera zoom, ir remote, messenger, blacklist etc etc all working and over 50 games and themes and about 2000 poly tones. These things cost a lot but you will get this cd delivered to you very cheaply.
- A
- 30 Sep 2004
nokia 6600 is one of the best mobile phone in the world
- a
- ayo
- 30 Sep 2004
great fone!!!!!!
- v
- vinayak
- 30 Sep 2004
6600 is the superb cell introduced in market i like 2 take this cell one of my friend has this cell and i like that very much i m takingthis cell on next week.
and NOKIA is the best company in the world. no 1 can beat NOKIA b-coz NOKIA is the best
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Sep 2004
looks a bit big :(
- a
- anitha
- 29 Sep 2004
it's too expensive.
- J
- John
- 29 Sep 2004
To Rikin , This Phone is only for better person not like you . You don't deserve it coz u r a little man , i think the phone that u need is Nokia 8250 . It's very suitable for u little girlish boy . This Phone can do more than u can come out with ur brain .Ur poket get ripped is bcoz u buy louzy cheap trousers from louzy pasar malam , i never heard of people complaining that thier poket gets ripped bcoz of carring handphone in my life . What a totally idiots .For my opinion , u don't deserve near a handphone ur your whole little life .
- s
- shabbar
- 28 Sep 2004
any one interested in optional software like games,application,wallpapers & poly tunes contack me
- s
- shabbar
- 28 Sep 2004
a beauty
- r
- rikin
- 27 Sep 2004
da shitest phone ever its so big whn i put it in ma pocket da pocket ripped ma friend govind has it. n trust me it is a shit phone thank you dont buy diz phone if you want you pockets ripped.
- G
- Gulshan
- 27 Sep 2004
Hi....! i am very sattisfied using N 6600. Anyone please tell me from where should i download TV Infra Remote Control and MP3 Player.
- K
- Khuram Shahzad
- 27 Sep 2004
Any one who wants to buy softwares, games, themes etc for 6600 just contact me. You will get a cd with over 150 softwares including unlimited video recording, movie players, mp3 players, camera zoom, ir remote, messenger, blacklist etc etc all working and over 50 games and themes and about 2000 poly tones. These things cost a lot but you will get this cd delivered to you very cheaply.
- J
- Jigish Modi
- 26 Sep 2004
Hey nokia 6600 is a wonderful item yellyWwweKK