Nokia 6600
- B
- Bimbo
- 24 Aug 2004
How can u people say this piece of plastic is beautiful?R u people blind?I guess not Nokia isn´t doing enough.I the Finn has been drinking too much Koskenkorva(Finnish National Drink),that's the why their phone looks like this.Just try some Sagem,Motorola,SonyEricsson or maybe Sharp.
- V
- Vini
- 24 Aug 2004
This is most superior phone i ve ever use the ulimate gadget with ultimate features.The only thing which is missing in this phone is FM Radio & Mp3 player
- s
- shamel
- 24 Aug 2004
i am very like this mobail because it is very very beutiful
- m
- memo
- 24 Aug 2004
- t
- tung
- 23 Aug 2004
- P
- Panda
- 23 Aug 2004
oh yes and everyone asking for free software for all sorts of stuff.take 10 min looking with google and u will be stop asking someone else to do the hard work.i found like 5 examples of the camcorder programme so fast i thought i was looking with the wrong keywords.
- P
- Panda
- 23 Aug 2004
the covers can be changed, however if ur phone stuffs out and u send it in 2 be fixed and they find that the covers been tampered with.Waive goodbye 2 ur warranty.
the covers arent like the snap on ones of previous phones.
So b carefull.
im not taking the risk of having to pay for repairs if i change the cover myself.
- P
- Panda
- 23 Aug 2004
sorry, u got me stumped there.u cant move the file to another directory then try to delete it?im just trying any idea now.try move it to the mmc card then format it.
- S
- Slayer_boxer
- 23 Aug 2004
This phone is the greatest phone i've ever bought!!!!I must say it's even better than any other phones in the market!!!
- a
- ajibola
- 22 Aug 2004
pls can anybody pls send me games,themes,unlimited video recording or any cool stuff and recieve a handsom reward.
- j
- jason
- 22 Aug 2004
also your video is very jerky resolution wise. need to improve on it, but very good to see that the 6600 takes a memory card at the least to say.
- j
- jason
- 22 Aug 2004
It's too expensive for just a VGA camera and a 65K TFT screen. Nokia you can do better than this!!!!! Technology is there to put a 256K screen and at least a 1meg pixel camera but too much corners cut... sad, very sad Nokia.......... I rather have your phone from the early 80's, they're well built and tough, excellent quality compared to the one you market now.
- V
- Vishal
- 21 Aug 2004
If your not im much of a favour about 3660, then this is sure better than the 3660, because the 6600 is lighter, smaller, but just a little costlier.
- K
- Khuram
- 20 Aug 2004
Any one who wants to buy softwares, games, themes etc for 6600 just contact me. You will get a cd with over 150 softwares including unlimited video recording, movie players, mp3 players, camera zoom, ir remote, messenger, blacklist etc etc all working and over 50 games and themes and about 1200 poly tones. These things cost a lot but you will get this cd delivered to you very cheaply.
- s
- sultan
- 20 Aug 2004
the phone is so good
- c
- cOw_kEEper
- 19 Aug 2004
ermmm can anyone of u tell mi can i use a RS mmc on this nokia 6600??? And can 6600 support a 256mb or 512mb mmc without any problem???
- C
- 19 Aug 2004
Dear Sir,
Your products are good, please how can i buy one from ur company. I'm a Nigeria citizen.Please give me the necessary information i need. Thanks
- T
- Taki Navsad Ali
- 18 Aug 2004
hey nice pic 6600 i like
- C
- CybaTronX
- 18 Aug 2004
I did exit the program completely and made sure that no application was running too. But still I was unable to delete the file. Why it was stored in the inbox ? well when I first used my infraded device I didnt knew how to copy a file onto my mobile, so I just right clicked on the file, and clicked on Send To : Infrared Receipent. So that infrared device's software transfered the file itself. :-/ Later I realized that I should have used the PC Suite!!!! :@ So what can I do now ?
- P
- Pixelat0r
- 18 Aug 2004
The cover comes off quite easily once you know how, in fact if you have strong nails you can do it with no more than your thumb nail, but there is a knack to it and it's hard explain in words.
There's a complicated explanation of how to do it at:
The top cover sits over tabs in the bottom cover so rather than just prysing them apart you kind of need to get behind the edge of the top cover and pryse it out slightly so it comes off the tabs. Once you know how it's really easy but be careful, you can mark the edge quite badly if you just use a screwdriver and apply too much force. A guitar pick or old credit card work great if you've no nails.