Nokia 6600
- s
- san2
- 19 Apr 2004
6230 or 6600?well thats indulgence,luxury!if you dnt mind a bulky(slight) phone,then 6600 is the one to flaunt!else the 6230 is a damn neat package with all 6600 features+FM too.I have a 6600,but feel the 6230 looks better and i suppose the battery would last longer on 6230 coz its got a small 128X128 screen.Aright,both phones are absolutel loaded to the brim,so dnt worry!
- a
- abc
- 18 Apr 2004
can 6600 read chinese?
- V
- 18 Apr 2004
I'm usin sony ericsson t630 now and wanting to change to a nokia model....can anyone pls tell me nokia 6230 or 6600 is better? which should b a wiser choice?? which is better?
- P
- Pablo Tyler
- 16 Apr 2004
What is the Damn price of the phone going to be with or without a service plan? Also what service provider will offer this phone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Apr 2004
im lovin it
- o
- omorbabs
- 15 Apr 2004
that phone is da bomb
- R
- Rudi Chan
- 14 Apr 2004
dear sir/mdm,
i already has nokia 6600, i need instal program to my nokia 6600 for recording outgoing call and incoming call, please inform to me how i can have this program,
Rudi Chan
- G
- Gary Parson
- 12 Apr 2004
If you can't afford it, don't bitch about it. Fantastic phone!
- R
- Ramtienz
- 12 Apr 2004
That's why Nokia really S*CKs. The first world's fancy mobile phone... :(
- j
- joy
- 12 Apr 2004
does anyone knows why does this phone don't have edit in its messaging
- a
- agent_orange
- 11 Apr 2004
Do you know what Nokia stands for??? ;)
ok, here's the formula...
Nokia = DisposablePhone + Xpress-OnCover
Disposable = Nokia + Xpress-OnCover
that's what Nokia is!!!!
- f
- fauziah
- 11 Apr 2004
I seem to have problem with receiving messages using this nokia model6600. Can anyone help me to solve this problem.
- C
- Cauyo
- 11 Apr 2004
It's too big, it's unconfortable. Understanding the menu is pretty hard also. I don't like you should buy P 900 instead or Motorola A 1000(Ufff)
- s
- shahrukh
- 10 Apr 2004
does nokia 6600 work both in india and usa
- n
- nobody
- 10 Apr 2004
nokia sucks. as usual, only nokia phones can talk to nokia phones, wat a sucks business strategy!
- o
- omer
- 09 Apr 2004
I am a big fan of nokia mobile phones and I appriciate the NOKIA Company give us the choice to express ourselves. And I am thinking about the nokia fones should be smaller as well as send and recieve images by having a little hole in the top of the mobile which produces a beam to show the sent or recieved images. I hope i hear from the company soon. Thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Apr 2004
fat phone for fat people
- s
- samsuddin
- 04 Apr 2004
It's a good phone but unfortunately it doesn't have built-in radio, cannot read chinese, video recording restrcted to 10 seconds, etc...I choose 6230 over this phone cos 6230 have everything including those 6600 doesn't have. Lastly, size a little big fat but not so bad as 3660 (big & long). Overall still an average good phone. What you think?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 03 Apr 2004
big like elephant.... heavy like a whale... looks like an old lady~ SUCKS
- s
- supersonic
- 02 Apr 2004
Am gonna wet mah pants if ah don't buy this phone TODAY!!!!!!