Nokia 6600
- R
- Rahul
- 02 Apr 2004
hey ya ppl,all i can say about Nokia 6600 is that it's the best phone ever came out till date with all it's features.I,personally,have changed about 50 sets in two years in search of a good hand-set.Finally,i've bought the best one with all features i ever comparison with Sony Ericsson,Nokia quality rules.Sony Ericsson company's claims are sky high but performance very sub-standard,same with Samsung.SMS features are only with Nokia.
The photos are very sharp and colors realistic,moreover all parts are serviceable at their service's the coolest phone.If one can afford it,i think,one shouldn't think any longer go for it.
The battery life's good too,it's after 4-5 discharging and recharge cycles,the battery starts giving actual talk-time back-up.It's the best smart fone in the mkt at an affordable's a once in a life-time investment.
- M
- Mark
- 01 Apr 2004
anyone wanna P900. im part exin it for a 6610. i'll put money on top if they like. please contact me asap. thanks.
- t
- thy
- 01 Apr 2004
booooooooooooooooorin, instead buy P-800 of Sony aricsson
- H
- Hunter
- 30 Mar 2004
It`s good.Really.Almost the best.If it would just not exist the SE P900 the N6600 would be the best.
- d
- deejon
- 28 Mar 2004
remember... this is just a phone... dont over looked for stereo sound, PC functions etc... bcoz its just a phone :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Mar 2004
this is very very nice phone. but ringtone's sound not ok and processing is not first. picture quality is very nice. much batter than 3660.
- c
- cOw_kEEper
- 27 Mar 2004
Where can i find the symbian program for my 6600 to play mp3 files?? can someone help mi?
- p
- premila
- 27 Mar 2004
just luv this phone
- j
- joy
- 27 Mar 2004
which is a better phone 6600 or 3660? which phone should i buy
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Mar 2004
- n
- nev
- 26 Mar 2004
O2 Xphone rockz!!! .wma format ringtone better than .wav play stereo mp3 without headset, support bluetooth, runing mobile windows! compore to 6600, 6600 suckz! too many limitation poor mp3 quality, limitation of MMC!!since the prince almost same....i choose O2 Xphone...long live O2 good job!
- V
- Vladan
- 25 Mar 2004
6600 is great phone. Symbian is providing a lot of new possibilities. Great camera. So, what's not so good. Baterry - I need to charge it each night. It last 1.5 days. Phone is not stereo. Software has a lot of stupid, stupid limitations which seems Nokia did purposly, I just don't know why. Maybe they will implement it in 7610. But, it's still the best phone on the market
- d
- deejon
- 25 Mar 2004
Well.well..well... n6600 rox! i have one, i love this bcoz, i love its features, customizable/skinable UIs, business oriented phone, nevermind the bulky look the best is its functionality! BTW, just buy a 256Mb card,install symbian warez... Viola! you can play ur fav mp3s, movieclipz, jpegs, etc..... One thing ilove n6600? you know wot???? hehehe just donwload a symbian puTTY and it can serve as a remote machine for your Linux Server!!!!! you can TELNET!!!
- g
- gimbli
- 25 Mar 2004
Has ti got any bugs?errors?
how is the sound quality?can it take mp3 ringtones?what about the camera and the screen quality??please tel me
- s
- stacy pykett
- 25 Mar 2004
this phone is really cool i want one sooo bad !!
- j
- joy
- 23 Mar 2004
what features does the 3660 have that this phone 6600 don't have
- n
- niki medici
- 22 Mar 2004
i think that this phone rocs and everyone should buy it or just give one to me caus i really love it if you feel like giving/selling one to me email me details at
- ?
- Anonymous
- 22 Mar 2004
Aucks~! it looks like my I wanna chew on bulky, wonder if you can hit a baseball with it.
- s
- sramesh
- 22 Mar 2004
Anyone out there who knows what's the latest SW version? Mine's still the factory version 3.42.1.
- K
- 19 Mar 2004
Orite listen here.For your info n6600 is d best 1 EVER!! It can PLAY MP3!!!! All you got to do is to find a symbian program for it to run!TRUST ME this fone is far far FAR better than d SX1!!!NOW i'm listening no MP3 files.But first,you need to hav enough memory.So i advice you guys out there yo get a 256mb card.Its cheaper if you buy it @ those digital camera shop.NOKIA 6600............RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!