Nokia 6600
- i
- iwan
- 13 Mar 2004
i just want to say that nokia 6600 is the mobile phones i ever want, because it has all features that i need to make my job well, that's why i'd like to know the price of nokia 6600 and i hope that's the cheapest price. thank u and i hope you'll reply my wish to my e-mail asap.
- v
- vikas
- 12 Mar 2004
- A
- Aragorn
- 12 Mar 2004
Well this is ok, not groundbreaking, Nokia again are shafting everyone up the arse by releasing this and then go and release the 6620 in USA which has MP3 Player and Stereo Radio, how long before 6620/6600i with mp3/radio gets released in Europe....poor poor poor.
- j
- joy
- 12 Mar 2004
I just bought my 6600 a few days back and i found out that the joystick isnt that ok to use because when you click an icon to open sometimes it shifts to the other icons. can anyone tell me how to use the e-mail and if I have a picture taken and want to send it to my friend's e-mail address how would I do that is that possible? In the contacts where you have the list of names can it be changed to the format same as the old nokia phones wherein you can view the name and cell number at the same time
- H
- Ho Ai Feng
- 12 Mar 2004
The physical appearance is bulky, big, look like potato. But the function and screen is good enough.
- w
- waldo
- 11 Mar 2004
You can play MP3s with the right software, but only in mono, which will sound rubbish. There's no way round that, because there isn't a stereo output on the phone, and bluetooth stereo is many months away. Strange omission, on a phone which offers nearly everything else. You're better off getting a separate MP3 player - check out the Panasonic range, which use swappable SD cards for memory.
- c
- ciprian
- 11 Mar 2004
price very mucht
- a
- alex
- 11 Mar 2004
the best mobiletelephon of nokia
- d
- debs
- 10 Mar 2004
ifyou need to know anything about your services ring or e-mail your network provider for assistants. also they are the ones that will help you upgrade.
- H
- Huzy
- 09 Mar 2004
Heloo it`s a software to play mp3 file ??? help me pls
- j
- john
- 09 Mar 2004
If you upgrade it to 7600 woul work it better?has anyione done it?
- r
- rayees
- 09 Mar 2004
kindly give details how to setup for the all function in nokia 6600 (software installtion)
- j
- john
- 08 Mar 2004
Does thi phone worth it's money??if i upgrade it would play better??with siemns sx1??can be compared?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 07 Mar 2004
Why bother with an N-gage? This can play the same games (if you know how), and you don't look such a wanker when you use it as a phone (see
- i
- iggy
- 07 Mar 2004
barely 2 days old & after I arranged my contacts to groups and special ringing tones it hung. I tried to restart by taking out the batery and putting it on again. The word nokia came on and it went out after 10 minutes and it was a white screen. Now i own an expensive torchlight.
- r
- recommend
- 07 Mar 2004
I work for a GSM company and i would rather recommend this phone to everyone
- C
- Cain
- 06 Mar 2004
You guys are nuts. Have you by any chance seen some of the Motorola stuff recently ? It beats the crap out of the uninovative, ugly, and non-functional Nokia phones.
- A
- Adrian
- 05 Mar 2004
George, I prefer the mighty Chea 168!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Mar 2004
It sucks. It keeps hanging. Wldn't waste so much money on this phone if i was u.
- g
- george
- 03 Mar 2004
Which one do you prefer?Siemens SX1?OR NOKIA 6600??I don't know which of them to buy?it cares me the battery and the camera mostly?has it got bugs?if i made update would work better?please answer!!!!