Nokia 6600
- v
- vlada
- 02 Mar 2004
The best phone I ever Have in my Hand
- j
- john
- 02 Mar 2004
Has it got any bugs in symbian??How long does the battery holds??about the camera?has it got nice apperarance?
- l
- lubaki
- 02 Mar 2004
would you advise me where I can get cheapest used phones to export to Africa?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 02 Mar 2004
* MP3 with stereo support
* 12 MB memory + MMC
* Pop-Port
* Symbian
You got it all in Chea 168!
- n
- noblewealth
- 01 Mar 2004
its a very nice phones,i hope to get some soon for my prospective customers.
- J
- 01 Mar 2004
Has it got any problems??How is Symbian???The appearance?the screen colors?and the camera?how are they??
- a
- angelo
- 29 Feb 2004
can any1 here can tell me where can i found ringtone wav file... plz
- a
- angelo
- 29 Feb 2004
can i any1 here tell me where can i found more theme for 6600... please e-mail 2 me
- D
- Devil
- 29 Feb 2004
2berk: Nokia 6230 without a doubt. it will be out in april.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Feb 2004
A bad thing that I have noticed that in the latest mobile released in mid of February has not the capability to capture pictures more than 9 KB, while the earlier hand set capture the picture about 35 to 40 KB. This change in software is without any notice to clients, Nokia should be ashamed of.
- B
- Bryan
- 28 Feb 2004
is this phone can read chinese msg??
if not, can this phone download the software? if anyone know, do reply to me pls. thx a lot
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Feb 2004
65k color only! cheap phone!!!1
- a
- alibaba
- 27 Feb 2004
txz nokia for such kind of great phon i used this cellphon by all means the phon is great.
- j
- jeevan
- 27 Feb 2004
an excellent phone and a must have as it is very user friendly
- 2
- 2Berk
- 27 Feb 2004
Devil, thnx for your kind reply.
I can see clearly that 6600i was just an false-advertise :) yes. And i've just learned that many networks and regions in europe doesnt support 1800hz. Now, thats a problem :)) this means 6620 will lack from reception mostly.
Finally i'm wondering how 6630 is and what do u suggest from thesee nokia6230 or samsung e715 ? :)
- m
- moon
- 26 Feb 2004
is there a way that i can have acess to FM radio through my 6600. Is there any software to download or any other way?let me know. Thanx
- D
- Devil
- 25 Feb 2004
yes, the 6620 can be used in 1800MHz network everywhere. not all networks are 1800MHz in europe, beware.
no, the 6600i is a false rumor. the 6630 will be announced shortly.
- s
- shorty
- 25 Feb 2004
The nokia 6600 is one of the best phones in world.
- 2
- 2Berk
- 24 Feb 2004
N6600 is ok but... in north america N6620 has just released.
6620 has some PLUS features;
* MP3 with stereo support
* 12 MB memory + MMC
* Pop-Port
* Major bug fixes
* Optimized phone speed
The question is:
Can we (europe) use this phone as it uses 850/1800/1900 hz.??? (europe uses 1800)
Or is ti true that 6600i will come up shortly with all those features?
confused ?:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 23 Feb 2004
Does it have radio?
Can it be downloaded