Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 14 Sep 2003

" When you see it and look carefully, you'll noticed that it doesn't look painted on. Open the battery cover and look at the metal on the inside.. it's still the same."

hoho. It doesn't look painted on. Wow. Thats the evidence !! But it is. Make a scratch and you will see :-)) But as a proud owner of a metal-cover you carry it in cotton balls, right ? o:)))

    • D
    • DMX
    • 14 Sep 2003

    To delete ringtones on the V200, you need to go to 'Fun Box' to delete them. You can't delete them from 'Sound Settings'. Stupid!

    To add words on SE and Nokia, just press 'Spell Word' and it's added.

    To add on Samsung is?!?

    Why don't we ask the public if their Samsungs can add word into their dictionary now shall we?

    For starters, my V200 can't. Neither can Klass' Samsung.

    And about your STUPID comment on coloured metal, then you have never seen the red or blue coloured T610. When you see it and look carefully, you'll noticed that it doesn't look painted on. Open the battery cover and look at the metal on the inside.. it's still the same.

    Look at your Samsung, which I'm sure already has scratches all around and see how your beloved metalic silver paint is wearing out.

      • s
      • soso1
      • 14 Sep 2003

      im wiat to arrival in the middel east/kuwait/ iwant to get this mobel becse its great

        • G
        • Gr3at
        • 14 Sep 2003

        Nokia 6600 vs Siemens SX1
        which one is better?

        can u guys gimmi some ideas?

          • G
          • Gr3at
          • 14 Sep 2003

          Does anyone know when is Nokia 6600 will be launch?

            • H
            • HaHa?
            • 14 Sep 2003

            too late technology? no sale.

            changing covers and calling them different models? no sale

              • H
              • HaHa?
              • 14 Sep 2003

              6600 fucks over p800 , but z1010 fucks way over 6600

                • K
                • Klaas
                • 14 Sep 2003

                Devil mabey the 6600 fucks over you. :D

                  • H
                  • HaHa?
                  • 14 Sep 2003

                  nokia users so lame.....6600 65k they've got........all 4096 mp3................ stupidly huge

                  NOkia may have good marketing, but not phone admin it stupid chunk Cover changing bastards. And they call it different models

                    • D
                    • Devil
                    • 14 Sep 2003

                    Um, metal phones suck, theyre usually so sensitive to scratches. My 7650 and my 3650 both flat out P800 because of its ridiculous software. SE needs some lessons about phone. 6600 fucks over any SE phone.

                      • C
                      • Chemical
                      • 13 Sep 2003

                      "The red/blue colour you see IS the colour of the metal and not a paint over the phone"

                      Man, now tell me who's stupid. Just for your information a metal can't be neither blue nor red, it's PAINTED IN THAT COLOR...

                      About the dictonary... you don't have the right to speak becouse you couln't delete the ringtones in the samsung, so it's logical to cunclude that you don't know how to update the dictonary!!

                        • n
                        • nokia user
                        • 13 Sep 2003

                        my 8210 which has a blue cover has turned black at the edge and my champaign gold is starting to turn white at the edge

                          • D
                          • DMX
                          • 13 Sep 2003


                          A Samsung that is 10 years old..
                          How stupid..
                          The V200 is at around the same time with the T610 and you can't update the dictionary on that phone..

                          @the person above my previous post
                          Scratch a black 8910i and what do you get? A silver background.
                          Look at the Nokia 8250, no matter what colour, the paint on the cover scratches off so easily. Look at Samsung phones.. the matallic silver colour will be scratched off over time. Look at the 3650 cover.. scratched and you find it's a black/white plastic underneath.

                          If you hold a metal covered phone in your hand, you'll feel the difference. I used to have a 8850 before the T610. So what are you trying to talk about with it being a Nokia?

                          About the 6600 in your mind, I was referring that it was expensive, that's why.

                          About me saying having the 6600 in your mind... I'll use a comparism with your beloved Nokia then..

                          Hold a 8850 and hold a 8910i in your hand... Both are made from metal. Both has the same finishing feeling when in your hands... but which one feels more expensive? Of course the 8910i will feel more expensive as you KNOW it's expensive.

                          Have you seen a T610 coloured metal phone before? The red/blue colour you see IS the colour of the metal and not a paint over the phone. You go and see your beloved Nokia phones with plastic covers that look nice.. look on the inside.. is it the same colour? No right? When you open the back cover of the 8850, the whole thing is the same colour right? So where are you trying to go with your 'brainless' point?

                            • K
                            • Klaas
                            • 13 Sep 2003

                            Noel you say"Nokia 6600 Is The Best CellPhone I've ever see, bcuz of it's Features"

                            Whare is the MP3 and PDA function??

                            The P810 is the best celphone not the bulky 6600.

                              • C
                              • Chemical
                              • 13 Sep 2003

                              Why don't u try S500. U have it and i have no problem updating its dictonary.

                              If you have a samsung thats 10 years old, sure u won't be able to update its dictonary...

                              So... DMX, how 'bout getting mobile-using lessons? You can take Klaas with u :)))

                                • k
                                • kypros
                                • 13 Sep 2003

                                I believe that 6600 is the bst mobile of nokia and i will buy please tell me how much it is cost. I think that nokia is the best companmy in the world because it competes always sony ericsson!!!!!!!!

                                  • G
                                  • Giorgo
                                  • 13 Sep 2003

                                  NOKIA sucks: i bet you can not transfer your pretty wallpapers or nice ringtones by the IRd. That's Nokia: go WAP yourself poor to get your wallpapers and ringtones, and do not forget that Nokia does not allow you to enter al WAP pages. Their covers are cheap in quality, leave Nokia.

                                    • @
                                    • @dmx
                                    • 13 Sep 2003

                                    " (Take not that if your mind has it set that you're holding a 6600, might feel better =P)" Your ironic comments are ridicolous. You are the one, who wrote, that you are PROUD of your T610. So if someone is PROUD of his phone, there could be no phone which ist better for him. So go to your SE forum and praise it.

                                    Whats wrong with a plastic cover? Because your beloved T610 has a simple metal cover (which is very sensitive against scratches)? So what about a 8910i with a titanium cover ? But sorry, i forgot. It is made by nokia.

                                    PS: Scratch in a plastic cover -> you look at the same colour. Scratch in a coloured (non titanium, which is solidley coloured) metal-cover -> under the blue or black surface you see your silver metal. UGLY.

                                      • D
                                      • DMX
                                      • 13 Sep 2003


                                      How's the screen quality? Is the colour correct? (White as white and not with a yellow tint as the 7650 and 3650 has) Similar to the Samsungs or better? (I'm presuming it should be better as it's higher res)

                                      How does it feel like in your hands? Similar to the 3310 or does the plastic feels closer to that of the T68i (Not very smooth kind)? (Take not that if your mind has it set that you're holding a 6600, might feel better =P)

                                      What Samsung phone are you using now?.. Coz the prior to the V200, all Samsung phone's dictionary cannot be updated. It's a known fact that Samsung's T9 cant' be updated. Even deleting Ringtones, it's possible but the option is in another menu rather than in the 'ringtones' menu. And MANY said that Samsung's menu is very messy.

                                      Don't need to get all emotional. If you think the T610 is ugly. That's nice.

                                        • N
                                        • Noel
                                        • 13 Sep 2003

                                        Nokia 6600 Is The Best CellPhone I've ever see, bcuz of it's Features.!.NO CellPhone can Top N6600 for my info.!.(Tri-Band, Camera, Video.etc..!). Man that's Cool.!.