Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Devil
  • 13 Sep 2003

I have HELD the 6600 in my PALM. Some friend got one from England (they release nokia there first) for $1000. Its an AMAAAAAZING phone if you liked 7650/3650. It's the same only 10x better. I wanna murder my friend and take his phone. I even offered $2000 for it and he refused. He's right anyways ;)

    • K
    • Klaas.
    • 13 Sep 2003

    He Chemical,you talking bulshit.
    I have Samsung to and NO it cannot UPDATING A DICTONARY.

    SO Forget it boy.

      • C
      • Chemical
      • 13 Sep 2003

      to dmx:
      hey stupid, i'm holding a samsung in my hand now and i am updating its dictonary with no probelms at all. and the messages aren't shown that way the words aren't cut. if you really have used samsung you would've know that. so mister "i know everything" shut up and go play with you ugly phone !!!!

        • D
        • Devil
        • 12 Sep 2003

        N00b, 6600 is in no way like 6800. 6600 has 65K colors TFT screen. 6800 is a passive matrix 4k color screen. 6600 has a built in Digital Camera and Bluetooth. 6800 has a full QWERTY keyboard. Youre dumb.

          • B
          • Beth
          • 12 Sep 2003

          Hi to the person who wanted to see some none glossy pictures of the Nokia 6600. Here is a very good website for you

            • D
            • DMX
            • 12 Sep 2003

            My my Devil... so meaning if you keep swearing and cursing means you know so much? Wow, I never heard of this.

            Maybe you are just a Richard Cranium who only knows how to shoot that "Khai See Fhatt" mouth of yours at others.

            Sony Ericsson is gay? And how would you know? It takes one to know one youknow? So I guess that tells alot about you.

            Let's talk phone.

            Have anyone seen real pictures of the 6600? Not advertising pictures posted by Nokia.. they always modify the phone and make it look good..

            I saw some.. it looks like a 3310 or some sort. Same kind of material. From the side especiall, it looks like one..

            By the way, my friend just got a 3300 and wanted to Sync data to the phone but there's no PC Suit software designed for that phone. He aked Nokia about it and this was his reply...

            "With regard to your enquiry, please be advised that the Nokia 3300 is a music phone. As such, there isn't a PC Suite available for it. Therefore data synchronization will not be possible."

            By the way, phonedealer, is that the smaller version of the 6800 with bluetooth and camera? Looks pretty good actually.. just that the os and screen still looks kinda boring =(...

              • f
              • fonedealer
              • 12 Sep 2003

              if u think this is the best fone and u want to buy it SHOT!!! wait till u see nokia 6850 i saw is in belgium and its nokia's best bussines fone ever and its gona be middle range u can see the pictures on this site thank all for reaedin this and if any 1 wants to buy one of these email me on

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 12 Sep 2003

                i see a fight going on here
                cool down people
                dmx, no use debating with these people
                they try to make any small faults of other brands like se and make it a big deal
                look at devil
                he say touchscreen drop and break
                anything drop will break from pastic to his head
                even normal lcd would break
                touch screen is a big advantage as you have more freedome in control
                not limited to the 5 directions of a tiny joystick
                stylus also faster

                  • D
                  • DMX
                  • 11 Sep 2003

                  By the way, to Devil.

                  Please Devil, please. Don't tell us what you do with your mobile phones. P800 is not that small and how do you expect it to fit? Maybe you like shoving large things into your holes.

                  If you say TouchScreen is a bad idea, why don't you try and start an arguement then that PDAs and Pocket PCs should not have TouchScreens then? And that Tablet PCs then should have a joystick and a phone keypad then instead of the TouchScreen since it breaks easily?

                  Very dumb to make a stupid comment like that. 3650, 7650 and 6600 the 3 best phones in the market? Where did you get your statistics from? Devil's Collections of Dumb Statistics?

                    • D
                    • DMX
                    • 11 Sep 2003

                    Idiot below.
                    Who is this idiot who just cries to his daddy and get a phone?

                    To Chemical
                    You're being stupid. You never think first. Look at the V200 again, my prime subject. When you enter the ringtones menu, can you delete the ringtones off from there? No right? So then, how do you delete it? You'll have to go all the way to some menu here and tehre till you find downloaded or something and then enter tone, THEN only can you delete it.

                    As for adding word to the dictionary, again, tested with the V200, use your brains now... You CAN'T add words to the dictionary. Go to other forums and ASK this question! YOu are the one being stupid. You CANNOT add words into the V200's T9 and has been true for Samsungs before that. Now, not sure, but everyone knows SAMSUNG sucks for messaging..

                    By the way, Samsung can't even display messages properly.. they cut out words when it doesn't fit in one line..


                    This is how chemi
                    cal's beloved sam
                    sung would displa
                    y a sms. Great so
                    ftware huh? Can't
                    even display mess
                    ages properly.

                      • @
                      • @DMX
                      • 11 Sep 2003

                      DMX Wrote: "By the way, you all sound like you are all only in your early teens and just reaching your puberty age. Get real. You are just spoilt brats. When you start earning your own money, only you realise."

                      Hey cool. In an other thread DMX wrote, he is PROUD of your T610 :-))))

                      So: Who is the child, which buys his phone from the pocket money o:))))

                        • D
                        • Devil
                        • 11 Sep 2003

                        Hey guys, we all love Nokia, so let DMX talk till he dies. Let him use his HUGE P800 as a dildo everynight. So who cares. We're proud owners of 3650, 7650, 6600, the 3 best phones on the market. P800 camera is a piece of crap anyways. Touchscreen? What if your phone falls? Touchscreen goes byebye, then you have to pay your balls off for a new one. SE is trying to climb to the top but doesn't think right. They could one day be the best, but right now, Nokia owns YOU, DMX, and the market.

                          • C
                          • Chemical
                          • 11 Sep 2003


                          For the second time you've shown that you're stuid enough not to be able to use a phone! First you didn't knew how to delete the ringtones, and now u don't know how to update the dictonary! Quit it man, you're not intelegent enough to use one of these.
                          And if u r such a money-maker why don't u hire someone to teach u how to use phones !!!

                          BTW, I make my own money... and it doesn't make any difference wethere the phone is good or bad! SE still sucks!!!

                          About the 7250 and T610... true, T610 is much better, but still i wouldn't buy it. IT'S UGLY!!! On the other hand, 7250 looks cool, but it sucks in feats and i wouldn't buy that one either...

                            • B
                            • Beth
                            • 11 Sep 2003

                            Ok lets be honest people take a good hard look at this phone does it look good or does it just look big?

                              • D
                              • DMX
                              • 10 Sep 2003

                              Which Samsung can have it's dictionary updated? V200 can't and neither can any other before that.

                              T620, Z600, Z1010 and P900?
                              None of this phones is out!!!! Get real, SE sucks! And yes, Samsung's dictonary can be updated.

                              Neither is the 6600.

                              Well.. Just because the 6600 is coming out first doesn't mean it'll be all that wonderful.

                              For starters, 7250 came out long before the T610 did, and which one is the much better one? LoL. Hopeless.

                              By the way, you all sound like you are all only in your early teens and just reaching your puberty age. Get real. You are just spoilt brats. When you start earning your own money, only you realise.

                                • C
                                • Chemical
                                • 10 Sep 2003

                                T620, Z600, Z1010 and P900?
                                None of this phones is out!!!! Get real, SE sucks! And yes, Samsung's dictonary can be updated.

                                  • H
                                  • HELLO
                                  • 10 Sep 2003

                                  you true nokia fan r u for REAL if u r plz tell me moooooooooore

                                    • M
                                    • MISTAKE
                                    • 10 Sep 2003

                                    i just seen the pics of the T810 and i changed my mind, it like the P800, never liked its looks. IAM REAALLY SORRY NOKIA . NOKIA IS THE BEST> FUCKKKKK THE REST. this phone is the bomb am going to buy this first day it comes out

                                      • T
                                      • TRUE NOKIA FAN
                                      • 10 Sep 2003

                                      jah. NOKIA IS THE BEST DMX.
                                      SE P810 is comming out in Maart 2004........hahahahahah the 6600 will by out in October ........hahahahah so whare is your beloved SE release date....hahahahaha way to long mate,the 6600 is on the market while the P810 still 5 monts to go......hahahahha

                                      The 6600 will by a hit not the P810 that's crap from SE,that's is why SE P810 released in Maart 2004.

                                      And Nokia has 3 new phone's the 7610 is way and way better than the stupid T610 and the T620.......hahahahahaha

                                      And also crappy T330......hahahahaha.

                                      AND the Z600 is very ugly and also the Z200.....hahahhaa

                                        • D
                                        • DMX hear me
                                        • 10 Sep 2003

                                        listen man. forget what i said
                                        forget this whole nokia vs SE thing, just be peaceful. now ive heard from a friend that sony e. is releasing one thats going to be the best cell phone in the cell phone tech right now. is this it? and if it is WHEN WHEN WHEN. listen dont think that ive become a SE fan am still a nokia one but if its true that this is the best cell in the world, then welcome. just tell me when is it getting released. (ITS ALLLLLL A POPULARITY CONTEST) i just wanna beat my friends thats all >:)