Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • DMX
  • 10 Sep 2003

Not the best picture, but you can see what you get in the P810/P900 package and how it looks like.

You don't like the keypad. Fine, remove it. You get a PDA like phone. Use stylus to key in data. Give Memory Stick and nice cleaning cloth to keep it beautiful. Even gives you a spare flip incase you break yours. Touch screen.. beautiful. Stylus.. proper metal stylus.. one you find on PDAs.

    • D
    • DMX
    • 09 Sep 2003


    Sure, SE has TFT, TFD and the bunch, but again, software is terrible.

    SE is actually Samsung.. so it goes..

    Sure, Samsung has TFT, TFD and the bunch, but again, software is terrible.

      • D
      • DMX
      • 09 Sep 2003

      Preferring Nokia doesn't mean it's better.

      Does Nokia support Mophun gaming for starters? Or does it support bluetooth that actually connects? Where's the 'connecting people' slogan when trying to send images via IR on the 7250i? Or trying to send MIDI via the 3650 and 7650?

      Camera with puny res? T610 is a small phone. You're comparing a Smartphone to the T610? Get real. You want to compare camera res? Go compare with the P800 which is a much better phone.

      P800 has touch screen. No Nokia has. P800 has HTML support and not some nonsence xHTML which the T68i has. P800 supports landscape screen view and the screen on the P800 is by far larger than the 3650 and 7650 screen.

      No active screen phone out? Neither does Nokia have any active screen phone out dude. 6600 isn't out yet. SE no active screen? Then what's the T620, Z600, Z1010 and P900? Passive? Do your homework before opening your mouth.

      Sure, SE has TFT, TFD and the bunch, but again, software is terrible.

      What JAVA shit can you run on your V200? Or can you send your picture VIA IR again? Howabout SMS? Can Samsung learn new words in the dictionary? Keypad might be placed correctly, but for their clam shell phones, their keypad are so flat and you can't type without looking at it. I never said it wasn't positioned badly, just said it was flat and is hard to type without looking.

      Again, before you all open your chicken backside mouth, at least think.

      SE is only 1 and a half years old.

      Nokia on the other hand has been around longer than anyone alive on this earth has been.

      To the guy below me..
      No one's stopping you from buying the 6600. If you want the 6600, go ahead. By all means buy this 6600 and make yourself happy till one day you see someone with a P900, then you'll start thinking. By the way, P900 has all the features this phone has. Might not have a joystick, but why when you have a stylus? Might not have full pastic housing.. but then, it's all metal. Might not be fat and thick.. but it's thinner and narrower.

      With people like you around supporting Nokia, it's nowonder they can afford to do shit to it's customers.

        • T
        • To DMX
        • 09 Sep 2003

        dmx, u think SE is soooo precious
        just give them 1 more yer and they'll be bankrupt. no body, NOBODY compares to nokia. Now true Samsung has good phones, maybe more advanced thsaan nokia. but SE man get outta here. All the features nokia has now so SE has no more features to think of. Plus no every continent has their own cell phone preferred comtry, unfortunatly for SE, its not wanted. Lets look here:
        Asia: Prefers Nokia
        Middle east: Prefers Nokia
        Europe: Prefers Samsung/Siemens
        North America: Motorola
        South America:???? but im guessing nokia as well
        where is ur lil precious SE
        no matter how good they make the phone, ppl r dominated by nokia andu can do nothing bout it. and SE is trying too hard
        am out thats all i gt say

        PS. I love this phone and i will buy it no matter how much it costs(nokia 6600)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 09 Sep 2003

          heard some where this phone cost around $960...

            • C
            • Chemical
            • 09 Sep 2003

            SE has all the feats? C'mon, they still have passive matrix screen. What 'bout the camera resolution? Talking 'bout feats...
            'bout the keypad... Sam has great keypad. It's well organized, and it's neither too soft nor too hard.
            Anyway... I need reasons for (not) buying Nokia 6600 or Samsung E700

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 09 Sep 2003

              SE has all the features? Which outstanding features nokia or samsung has not ????

                • D
                • DMX
                • 08 Sep 2003


                Samsung has all the looks, but software crap.

                SE has all the features, but looks crap (I find them okay, but just following what the person below me said)..

                Nokia has some looks and some features..

                They don't have the lot of both =)... especially features..

                By the way Chemical.. don't you find Samsung's keypad a little too soft and flimsy or something and too flat?.. I find it hard, especially on the V200 to type without looking. Bad for driving.. T610 can just send new SMS without looking at all..

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 07 Sep 2003

                  Samsung's phone are onli nice to look at, features inside the phone is crappy.. SE's phone have great features, but looks too ugly..
                  Nokia's phone have both look at features :)

                    • C
                    • Chemical
                    • 07 Sep 2003

                    True, true...
                    SE has functional keypad... ugly, but functional... Meanwhile, Samsung has both functional and good-looking one

                      • D
                      • DMX
                      • 07 Sep 2003

                      Just look at the keypad for starter. There is a line to where fashion and usabilty ends.

                        • C
                        • Chemical
                        • 07 Sep 2003

                        I have Samsung, and I knew how to delete my ringtones the first time I wanted!!! If u were stupid enough, that isn't SAMSUNG's fault! :)
                        I haven't used T610, but I had T68i, and it's menu was alwful!!!
                        One more thing: People buy this ugly phone 'cuz they think that they're cool with an expencive phone, no matter it's looks.

                          • P
                          • Poor
                          • 06 Sep 2003

                          Yoü are a PROUD owner of a T610? You are 10-12 years old, right? Or are you a engineer of SE ?

                          First you wrote: "Design is more personal, so cannot be comment"

                          then you wrote: "3650.. bah.. looks at that stupid design.. keypad.. what were they thinking?.."

                          Do you think you are objektive? Someone, which one can trust because of his profound knowledge :-)))

                          But i didn't expect something from a child, respective an employee of SE, who is PROUD of his (SE) phone. Very poor.

                          By the way, not all people, which have not the same opinion than you are idiots or morons. No reason to become personal if someone critizes a piece of metal or plastics(If YOU had not designed or build it :-)))) )

                          PS: You "left this thread alone" ?? You should yourself not assume so important.
                          So now you can call me an idiot :-))))

                            • D
                            • DMX
                            • 06 Sep 2003

                            Yes, I have used a Samsung. V200 if you want to know which model. Yes, the menu does look pretty with the nice animation, but it's very very messy. Not THAT organized. Tell me, ask every V200 users.. were they able to delete their ringtones the first time they wanted to? No right?

                            About design, it's up to personal opinions..

                            If SE's design is so terrible, then why is the T68i and T610 selling like hot cakes?.. Especially the T610. If the T610's design is bad, I wonder why are people choosing that phone over V200 and 7250i.

                            If you HAD used the T610, then you'll know what is an ORGANIZED menu.

                              • C
                              • Chemical
                              • 06 Sep 2003

                              @ DMX
                              First of all: Samsung has become one of the best phonemakers in the world! Official information: samsung is the third most selling phone in europe! The menu is great. If you have used Samsung then u'd know that it's menu organization is well-made!
                              About SE, they should fire the whole design department! It's phones are uglier that ones that were made 5 years ago from Nokia!

                                • D
                                • DMX
                                • 06 Sep 2003

                                Man.. I left this little tread alone and come back to see morons making stupid comments..

                                For starter, I'm only a proud owner of the T610 and do not work for SE at all.

                                Okay.. now.. who's the idiot who says Samsung is better than SE?

                                ONLY in Screen and maybe design in Samsung better. Design is more personal, so cannot be comment. Samsungs, for starter has the most nonsence software and menu system. End of Samsung.

                                Now, about Nokia... sad sad Nokia...

                                For starters, the 3650 is cheap because it uses cheap plastics which scratches easily... uses a tiny LCD when compared to the P800, and everyone knows that LCD is the most expensive component on a phone, especially considering hte P800 has a large one and not to mention it's touch screen.

                                It has proper poyphonic which actually plays proper instruments rather than the 3650 or 7650 which plays like a trumpet.

                                Processor?.. the 3650 has some cheapo processor which doesn't works at it's full capacity half of it's time while the P800 has a processor of 3x of the 7650 and 50% more than the 3650.

                                3650.. bah.. looks at that stupid design.. keypad.. what were they thinking?..

                                Oh yeah.. Nokia sells because there are idiots like you all who keep buying them just for 'Name' and not quality and all.

                                Just take the T610 and 7250 and even the 7250i for example. Everyone knows the T610 kicks the 7250i's ass except for memory, but there are still idiots out there buying the 7250i even if it's more expensive than the T610. Why? They only know one thing. Nokia Nokia Nokia...

                                And to that idiot changing from a P800 to a 7250i... just one thing.. that is the stupidest move I've ever seen in my entire life. Like selling your 760iL for a C180 Kompressor.

                                  • C
                                  • Chemical
                                  • 06 Sep 2003

                                  After a terible experience with Nokia 6100 i said that i'll never buy a Nokia again!! But this one looks great and has excellent feats. Man, if its well made i'll buy it, that's for sure!

                                    • o
                                    • obaida zaitoun
                                    • 05 Sep 2003


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 05 Sep 2003

                                      Juicy Fat Machine

                                        • P
                                        • PIMP
                                        • 05 Sep 2003

                                        Nice But Fat !! :oÞ