Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Devil
  • 19 Aug 2003

I currently own a Nokia 3650. Terrible software but nontheless excellent phone. Needs a restart every 3 days. Planning to get Nokia 6600 asap.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 19 Aug 2003

    Do any of you realize how ignorant and infantile you make yourselves appear with the langauge you use and the attitude you adopt in your opinions?
    Do you expect anyone to take you or your reviews seriously??

      • D
      • DMX
      • 18 Aug 2003


      Sure.. so let me modify a StarTac 70 and insert a 1gb SD card in it...

      Would you buy it from me for USD 500?...

      Why not?.. it has 1gb.. better than my T610's 2mb =)...

      Serious man... the things some kids fight about...

      Devil, I want to know what is the 'beloved' phone you are using now then?.. or planning to get?

        • J
        • Jake
        • 18 Aug 2003

        Devil you talking like a child sorry about that.

        i prefer more colorscreen with 65.550,32 channel midi,quicshare,theme's,midicomposer and build quality than 5MB from child phone like the 7250i.

        You have no idea where you talking about it.

        AND BOOM shut up and crow up little child.

        The true is that SE great phone,but SE has far more advence than the Nokia's.

        I have a 7250i to,but i sell it,it's a bad fucking phone the only what good is is the 5MB nothing els.The display very blurry and the midi very bad it have only 4 channels.

        If people's buy a 7250i because of 5MB,than you all not smart.

          • D
          • Devil
          • 18 Aug 2003

          Yoh, Nokia will always OWN S-E, forever, is like talkin westcoast, eastcoast, so have fun with yer 2MB on yer T610 mate.

            • D
            • DMX
            • 17 Aug 2003

            boom, I'm sorry but it seems that it is very hard for me to understand taht jibberish you are saying. I know that you are trying to insult SE users, but at least try it properly. Thanks. =)

              • D
              • Devil
              • 17 Aug 2003

              You guys live on here lol...

                • o
                • ola ta sfazw
                • 17 Aug 2003

                All this time i hear people argue about the stupidity or superiority of nokia and SE. The fact is that nokia is the world leader and will be for long time,because participate in everythink new in technology,even making ideas and because nokia's position in the market every other must follow...See platform 60.Developed by nokia and sumsung and siemens use it.Because phones need a comon interface and the same "language" in apllications.But as a company has one target, the profit...SE is coming up lately with good ideas put the market possition don't allow many things.My point is that both are good.If you don't like nokia,don't buy!!!

                  • K
                  • Klaas
                  • 16 Aug 2003

                  The kid below me:
                  So you are so smart to say that?


                  PS Ericsson have nothing to try buying Nokia.Without Ericsson no Nokia that is a fact.

                    • b
                    • boom
                    • 16 Aug 2003

                    couple of years ago, when sony-ericsson was still ericsson, they tried to buy nokia.... and the rest is history. ericsson was bought by sony because they thought that the 2 of them together will make things happen, well at least they got dmx and klaas, like sony-ericsson, like 2 tadpole brain fagots- suckers!!!

                      • K
                      • Klaas
                      • 16 Aug 2003

                      But you are richt about the P810,the P810 ia far supurior than the 6600.

                      And the 6600 is no maths agains the P810.DMX the name is the P810.

                      And DMX you forgot somting LEXUS is a real compition for the bently or Daimler.

                      LEXUS=TOYOTA TO you know that? :D

                        • D
                        • DMX
                        • 16 Aug 2003


                        You seriously are the one who needs to get a life. You are comparing a SMARTPHONE to a simple and small CAMERAPHONE? How stupid can you get?

                        The T610 isn't design to compete with the 6600, 3650 or 7650. It's designed to compete with the 7250i and it's likeness and even with the (i), the T610 is still better than the 7250i. Only thing the 7250i has in advantage is memory. That's all. Camera? Both has it's ups and downs. While the 7250i gives an overall good picture, the T610 at times gives fantastic picture and times horrid (Due to the lighting. Small lense and more sensitive to light)

                        Seriously man. It's like comparing a Bently or Daimler to something like a 'Proton' or 'Toyota Altis'.

                        You wanna compare 6600 to something in it's class? P810/P900 (which ever name it is). Let's start...

                        Nokia 6600 - SE P810/900
                        65kTFT(176x208)-65kTFTTouch Screen(208x320)
                        6mb internal - 16mb internal
                        xHTML Browser - HTML Broswer
                        Pastic - Metal
                        Symbian 7.0s - Symbian 7.0s UIQ 2.1
                        MMS - MMS (Much better. Just look at MMS on the T610 and 7250i and even 7650/3650)
                        Bluetooth - Bluetooth that actually sends stuff

                        You get the idea..
                        While the 6600 can browse xHTML (So can the T610), the P810 can broswe ACTUAL HTML..

                        We all know when it comes to connectivity; who will win.

                        Just look at the screen size. BIG differences and Touch Screen makes another BIG difference...

                        Wow.. 6600 with Joystick man (T610 has that too)...

                        Imagine using your palm with the Joystick?.. LoL... what a joke..


                        Just look at this.. can already see that it's one whole class higher...

                          • D
                          • Devil
                          • 16 Aug 2003

                          About the 6600:
                          It has every feature you could ask for. Digital camera with great performance, good physical appearance, not too big, MP3 players and many java apps, I could go on forever....
                          The poor rating is because the people didn't see the real thing yet. They just look at it, go "looks gay." and vote... But the feature make up for the nice and not-so-liked design :)

                            • D
                            • Devil
                            • 16 Aug 2003

                            Forgive me. I was comparing the Nokia Phones to the only SE worth a goddamn fuck. Okay, take the new T610. "ooo look at me I got 2MB!!!!!" Wow. So nice. How about the N6600 that can take upto 256MB of storage? Forgot about that?
                            Dude, you should seriously go get a life. Besides, the camera of the 3650/7650 is amazing, and the pictures I take on my 7250i look great on my computer. They SUCK on the phone, I admit it. But they still beat the shit outta SE. LoL. 2MB on that T610 piece of crap.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 16 Aug 2003

                              my boyfren have it... he say very nice

                                • K
                                • Klaas
                                • 15 Aug 2003

                                DMX good saying.

                                I think "Nokia disconnect people" :D

                                  • D
                                  • DMX
                                  • 14 Aug 2003


                                  Just to get one thing straight. Newer Nokias also does not show your teddy bear and all right too. So what are you trying to pull over here?

                                  Sending latest ring ring? In case you haven't noticed, again, newer Nokia phones lacks the function of actually being able to send your ringtones to somebody else. Not via message or even IR.

                                  Connecting people? Look at the 7250/7250i camera phone.
                                  "Look at me, look at me, I have the latest 7250i. Wow, I'm taking a picture. Let's send to my friend's PDA who is next to me. Damn. No send via IR function"

                                  So much for 7250i.

                                  MMS? What can the 7250i do with MMS?
                                  1 picture, 1 sound, 1 text box.. that's all..

                                  Let's see what I managed to do with my T610 today...

                                  Ah, yes, I got the latest hit recorded to a *.amr file and saved it on the phone. Now I'm sending a message that's about 150kb which consists of the song playing on the background with moving gif, text, images and multiple pages with different font sizes and colour followed with timing and the bunch.

                                  And yet again, what can Nokia do to connect people?...

                                    • K
                                    • Klaas
                                    • 13 Aug 2003

                                    Devil wrote"To all losers who like Sony Ericsson:
                                    SE is shit. I had a T68i for 2 weeks, and then it lost speed/RAM. It is shit. The P800 has 4k colors, and the camera is a piece of rubbish. Nothing will beat the N6600. It is perfect. Softwares exist for it such as black list, a service you normally pay for, MP3 players, etc. It is a perfect phone, TO HELL SE!"

                                    Devil you forgot somthing the P800 is all one year old so what you talking about it?

                                    if you compare the P800 agains the 6600,than you must compare with the P810 not the P800 Moron

                                      • s
                                      • squid
                                      • 13 Aug 2003

                                      ahhh... everyone is a cellphone expert, eh! well a lot of you guys are missing the point! it is not just the design of the phone, not just the functionality even! look at it this way, when the rest of the world are receiving text like dancing girls, funny cartoons, teddy bears, and your SE or siemens, or samsung can not get it right, then your text life is boring! that is why some company like motorola, is now adapting nokia text, (they wised up) when the rest of the world is swapping the latest and the coolest tune, and you are still playing out ring, ring, ring, then you are probably music a hater and a square, that is why some company like samsung are copying nokia tune on their phones. stop all these none sense about design, features, bluetooth, etc., bottom line is, it is how you use the phone that counts, and as for us who use nokia, we use it for communication and our messages are properly expressed, by text, by voice, etc., but the most important we do it our way and with expression and passion, and it always bring on a smile or a sigh... either through MMS, and what have you

                                        • D
                                        • DMX
                                        • 13 Aug 2003


                                        P800 with 4k screen? Name me a Nokia that is out NOW with more than 4k screen?

                                        Can't name any? So just shut your nonsence trap. No brains comparing that 1 year old phone to th2 6600 which is YET to release.

                                        T68i losing speed/ram?
                                        The only way that phone will loose speed is if the processor is damaged from drops. If you hate SE, you don't have to damage their phone. But then again, it's your own money.

                                        Ram getting less? I think you must be adding new stuff to your phone that's why!

                                        T68i is a coming 2 year old phone, and it still beats the crap out of the 7210/6610/6100 in terms of features and UI. If you are saying that SE's UI sucks, then why is the 7250i following SE's Icon based UI? In case you don't know what UI is, it's User Interface.

                                        P800's camera a piece of rubbish? Then why is it that the P800's camera better than the 7250/3650/7650 and so on?

                                        Maybe you're just comparing it to a digital camera. Then why don't you compare your phone to your computer in terms of memory?

                                        "Damn, 16mb is so little. Why can't they have 10gb instead?"
