Nokia 6600
- N
- Nokia Employee
- 13 Aug 2003
To all nokia lovers,
Please bare we us cuz the nokia 6600 will not be release on Oct. 2003.. it will be Full release on 1Q 2004... we r having alot of bug problem with the phone...
hope u guys bare with us thank you...
nokia employee since 1998
thank you guys
- N
- Nokia fuckers
- 13 Aug 2003
Devil, and to other oponion givers,
to be honest wiht u guys your comparing a new phone of nokia to an old phone of sony ericsson.... they are uncomparable... stupid shit...
hope u guys get the lotic... if u compare the SE P800 to nokia 6600 the phone is uncompareable cuz the nokia 6600 is a new one and P800 is already a year old... but nokia is really no match to SE with features... and if you feel suck with a sony ericsson phone your a loser...
- D
- Devil
- 13 Aug 2003
To all losers who like Sony Ericsson:
SE is shit. I had a T68i for 2 weeks, and then it lost speed/RAM. It is shit. The P800 has 4k colors, and the camera is a piece of rubbish. Nothing will beat the N6600. It is perfect. Softwares exist for it such as black list, a service you normally pay for, MP3 players, etc. It is a perfect phone, TO HELL SE! :)
- S
- Stephan
- 12 Aug 2003
No better phone then a Nokia, Sony ericsson are rubbish!
- L
- Leo Laporte
- 12 Aug 2003
I've always been happy with Nokia's interfaces. They are as usable as they are approachable-- as opposed to weird Samsung interfaces, funky Sony and disparate Ericsson interfaces. I hope other manufactureres 'trend' towards Nokia's laudable type of interface uniformity.
All fones have bugs, however, N, SE, Smg,P, Sei, Mot, etc.
I'm not interested in the Sony P8X0 line, too fat and non-standard. Niche product for the hype-eaters and would-be-trendsetters only. As much as I hate tiny joysticks, I will have to check out the T610, however at some point.
- D
- DritonS
- 10 Aug 2003
goooddd!!! nokia is nokia!!!!
- D
- 09 Aug 2003
I know a friend who owns a mobile shop and he says that both the sales of the 7250/7250i added together since it's launch can't match the sales of the T610, especially so now since the blue and red colour is out. But this is in Malaysia.. Might not be true at some country where Nokia has a monopoly like Indonesia or something..
- K
- Klaas
- 08 Aug 2003
Hello DMX.
I think he is meaning marketshare?
Bicouse SE launch the P810 and P200 after the release date from the 6600.
And SE going to lose more market share if theire not going release the P810 and P200 befor the 6600.
What i think is that SE i nice line to present at 6 September te Paris.
I'm not sure if the 6600 succes hit among the mobiles phone's,if SE inform for the release date from the P200 and the P810 than will people think about it for buing phone.
- D
- 08 Aug 2003
To the person below me..
So what's wrong with it coming out later?
Look at your beloved Nokia 7250. That came out ages before the T610, but then the T610 just kicks the ass of the 7250 and even the 7250i. Most if not all of the features you can find on the 7250i are already in the T610. Zoom? Just change the size of the picture to 'Small' You'll get 2x zoom. Just enlarge it again on the computer and you get 2x zoom (Digital)..
- A
- Anti SE and Love Nok
- 08 Aug 2003
Boy's i have good news aboud Nokia.
SE is not planning to launche the P810 and the P200,so the 6600 will released to October.
The P810 and the P200 will by out on 1Q 2004 that is a sign SE LOSE AGAIN fron Nokia hahahahahahahahahahahaha
The 6600 is the winner say goodbay to the P800,P810 and the P200 hahahahahahahahaha
- m
- me
- 08 Aug 2003
i have a dude... is 6600 better than 7560... or what? i thing the price of 6600 wil be double...
- N
- Nokia employee
- 06 Aug 2003
well to be honest people nokia is the number1 in cellphone world today... but.... think again... "there's been a problem lately with there models".... i've been a good employee since 1998 and we never had this problem with the phones... now i think we r lucking out of features to give.. but more to come with good features and good price.. thank you for ur time in readying this msg opinion
- c
- caff
- 03 Aug 2003
What a fatty looking and carton like shape phone ! Simply ugly !
- S
- Sisaneo
- 31 Jul 2003
sorry , but you are all funny , I've used so many different phones (N1611-N2110-N3210-N3310-N8210-N8850*-N5510*-N5210*-N8310-N7650-N3650*-N2100*-N6610-N7250i*-SamSGH600-SamR220*-SamN100*-SamN620-SamN500*-SamA100*-SamA200*-SamA800*-SamT100*-SamT200*-E688-Et10*-Et18*-Et20*-Et28-Et65*-Et68i-Ez5*-Et66*-SEt600*-SEp800-Mv60-Mv66*-Mv70-SIEa50*-SIEc55*-SIEsl45-SIEs55*-Ssl55*-...(*means my friend's Not mine, But exp. for more than a week) ... and there were so many GREAT phones (Example 8210 was the best for more than a year I think or t68/t68i in different times) but all of them kinda SUX (the ugliest phone ever is 3650) but anyway Nokia was/is the biggest selling/releasing company in telecomunication for sure . it's also the 4th biggest company all over the world (after Microsoft - Mac & don't remember 3rd one) I think Motorola is 6th and Sony is 16-17 , I've read the article about a month ago and I think Ericsson wasn't in first 50 list . this was due to their sales in 2002 and 2003 I think . and that means people of the world (means us) chooooooooose nokia even it sucks and that doesn't mean they are stupid so they chose nokia 'cause 8210 was great (if so t68i was much much better) but means they choooooooose nokia 'cause it LESS SUX . and it's an advantage that 6610-7210-6100-5100-3300-... are somehow the same but different , gives you more choises if your head doesn't SUX , and there are so many advantages for 6600 beside P800 ... Go find them your self if you don't SUX . and I'm a fool too 'cause I'm talking to you fools ...
- m
- max steel
- 30 Jul 2003
Hunter you have more SHIT then dmx you are the one that does not know and thing only SHIT so SHUT UP!!!!
- m
- max steel
- 30 Jul 2003
ok dmx you are not totally right. nokia phone does really sucks i admit they come out phone very fast that good for some and bad for other like me i use all of the nokia phone before i need new phone to be out quick.And nokia has a very good phone coming out which is 6600!! and hunter i use the se p800 it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really SUCKS i hate it i use it for a day and i bought a new phone the colour and the camera are really horrible!!
- D
- 30 Jul 2003
And Hunter, do you think you know so much? Since you're so smart and you think I'm telling people wrong things, why don't you correct me then? Or are all your corrections bias point of view?
- E
- Enigo Montoya
- 30 Jul 2003
ITs true, Nokia ere putting out good phones at the 8850/8890 era. the 8910i could have been a great phone, but they screwed that up.
All it needed was polyphonic tones and pop port and you were laughing, but no. the lcd screen was pish for images and it was just a token phone to cash in on 8910 users.
Working for nokia can be frustrating as hell sometimes becase they do things like that.
3310 then 3330 2 month later.
6310 then 6310i 2 months later
8310 and 6510 same phones different colour screens.
7210 and 6610 exact same phone, just different covers aiming at diferent markets.
7250 then 2 months later 7250i
Its shite that they keep releasing a phone then bringing one out the exact same but with an extra 1 or 2 features just after that.
Thats very bad.
- H
- Hunter
- 30 Jul 2003
DMX U are full of shit.U don`t know about anything about mobile phones and u come here and give us lessons.Learn something before opening your mouth man.This is a good phone,the SE P800 is a good phone.
- D
- 29 Jul 2003
I never said Nokia sucks. Only their newer phone sucks.
It's not something they are doing right with their shitty phone Monyota, it's something they did right last time with their good phones the 8850 era. They have managed to produce a good image in their company then that even now when they suck big time, there are still many who only knows Nokia from that time still going for Nokia.
I'm sure if they are introduced to SE or something else, they would go for the something else, unless they are diehard Nokia fans like you are.
Take the 7250i and T610 for example. Two similar class phones at same price, but then, T610 has so much more features for the price you pay. Nokia? Just a 6610 with Camera and different design. That's all.
Also, about the fact with touch screen, it's also true with Joystick. Incase you didn't know, too much pressure on the joystick and it will break too. Considering the P810/P900 is a PDA phone, a touchscreen would be a better idea. Can anyone imagine using their Palm or Pocket PC with a joystick? It will be such a pain. Imagine having all the function of a PDA to be access by buttons? The PDA will be full of buttons. And everyone knows, the more moving part, the more chances it has in breaking.
Desperado, it could be a P810, it could be a P900. Earliar model has been said to be a P810. But later sources said it was a P900. Incase you want to argue, just do a search on Google. Many site recognised this phone as a P900 now rather than the P810.