Nokia 6600
- m
- muien
- 13 Jul 2003
question for all of you. if you have a choice between n-gage and nokia 6600. what will you pick?
- J
- Joey
- 12 Jul 2003
Hey, someone removed my remark that this phone is the shape of my period pad! What is this??
- K
- KnowB4Talk
- 11 Jul 2003
I have tested ALL nokias (hardcore testing :P) except of 8110 (which is very old). I also had (exchanged with my brother,sister etc) 5310, 3650,5210,3310&30, 6100. Also I have tested and had some of them: All after GH628 except of T300, T610 (soon :) ). And also ALL siemens phones after SL10 except of CL50.
Sorry if I offended any1 in my previous post but I was really pissed of that day for some reason.
- J
- Jason-X
- 11 Jul 2003
Klaas I bought the samsung S300 for my girlfriend.She was delighted.Thanks man.
- m
- mustafabay
- 10 Jul 2003
This phone looks like a bar of soap with a keypad and a color display.
- m
- mr Nokia
- 10 Jul 2003
Shokat, its not released yet, there is no price.
its not due for release until quarter 4, which means anytime in October November or December.
Man do none of you guys actually look at the manufactures website?
Oh yeah, and anyone that claims to have one of these phones is a bullshitter, only the prototypes are kicking about right now. Nokia Uk has only got 1 prototype.
- J
- Jason-X
- 10 Jul 2003
Klaas thanks and keep it cool man.
- K
- Klaas.
- 10 Jul 2003
Jason-X for you a Samsung for her.Women and Samsung is always good believe me.
Jason-X i think that SE also have surprises.................big surprises,it's coming believe me.
keep it cool Jason.
- s
- shokat
- 09 Jul 2003
'i would like to know the price.
- m
- mr Nokia
- 09 Jul 2003
Klaass, Nokia has 1 call centre for mobile phone support for the UK and Ireland. Its staffed by only 40 agents and the lines are only open Mon-Fri. 40 agents for support for god knows how many millions of Nokia mobile phone users in the UK. I think that shows that the phones are actually extremly reliable.
- J
- Jason-X
- 09 Jul 2003
Thanks a lot pagoda.Knowb4talk I have tried out out many Nokia phones(mostly from friends,since all of them have nokia)like 8850,8210,8310,6510,6610,7210,7650 and all 3xxx phones.I have also tried some SE phones(the ones I have and r520m,P800 but not so much).I used to be an owner of a panasonic gd-67 and I have tried out very much the gd-87(my cousin's phone).Also I have tried some siemens phones from my neighbor who is a siemens freak(me45,c55,s55 and sl45i).I haven't been owner of any nokia,but people I ask say that their quality is excellent and they are easy to use.
- P
- Pagoda
- 09 Jul 2003
Oooopsss... it's Xelibri, not Xabri.
But you'll have to buy one each season... ;-)
- P
- Pagoda
- 09 Jul 2003
For girlfriend? Siemens Xabri, a soon as it's on the market - it's anyway mode detail with mobile phone functionality...
- D
- 09 Jul 2003
What phone have you tried before?..
- J
- Jason-X
- 09 Jul 2003
Can you do that KnowB4talk?I have tried many mobiles and I have four myself.If you read below you will find my opinions.
- K
- KnowB4Talk
- 09 Jul 2003
LOL! Some1 said that Siemens released only 1 phone! LOL!
Pleeeeeeease get serious. I try EVERYTHING, see EVERYTHING and THEN say what is good! Not like most of people here!
"Nokia is the best so shut up!" Another says "SE is the best blah blah blah". So what do you think that everything you see is the truth??? In order to have opinion you must first have knowledge of what are you talking. You can say "I have SE or Nokia I like it and that means its the best. I don`t mind how a SE, Nokia or a Siemens phone is but because I like it this means that its the best!" GET SERIOUS! TRY EVERYTHING AND THEN SAY IF ITS GOOD OR NOT!
- J
- Jason-X
- 09 Jul 2003
Klaas you might be right.But the phones I have are SE phones with the logos of Ericsson and Sony.And as I ahve said again nobody can foretell the future.Nokia might surprice us again.Up to then I vote for SE.Oh and I also believe that richy is a fucking liar.I
also need your help.I want to buy my girlfriend(she is no model,but definitely good chick) a mobile phone.Which one should I prefer?
- h
- ha
- 09 Jul 2003
anyone think the comments from richy about 6 below! Are full of lie's.
Shut your mouth richy u broke tw*t
- K
- Klaas
- 08 Jul 2003
The reason that Nokia number 1 is,is that Nokia more phone sells than other phone's.
Thas has nothing to do whit better phone,but marketing.
Nokia is just a phone with a name,nothing to do with quality,that is the reason that Nokia alot sells.
If you good look near the Nokia's,is that phone always the same with old menustructure that never has to chance.
If you want to buy a phone,than will the dealer or friends recconment a Nokia,tha is why that Nokia number 1 is.Not bicouse better phone.
Jason X,the phone's what your have aren't not SE phone's,but Ericsson and Sony not SonyEricsson phone's(T65,T29s,Z7,T68m)
Jason X wrote"All my friends and the people around me have nokia and I have never heard them to be disappointed with them"
It's a fact that Nokia phone's the most fails,fraigel and bugs and manny more,That is a fact and people still buying a Nokia,bicouse their phone's looks better and not better phone.
And so have SonyEricson and Samsung better future than Nokia,you kwow why bicouse people don't make his fool what Nokia always did with their another design with the same technolochy
So am i,mine friends have also to convins to buying a Nokia without trying another phone,bicouse the saying Nokia are the best.So that is not true it´s a buying without brains.
That´s is why Nokia sells more.
- J
- Jason X
- 08 Jul 2003
Guys the point is one:nobody can foretell the future of mobile telephony.I am an owner of 4 SE phones(T65,T29s,Z7,T68m),so do not call me a nokia fan.I am not.I just talk with facts.All my friends and the people around me have nokia and I have never heard them to be disappointed with them.Also,nokia has never got away from the first position,although it never made significant phones.Thats why I think nokia will not lose the battle from SE.