Nokia 6600
- D
- Dicky
- 08 Jul 2003
When i can buy this series in indonesia
- O
- Ola Ta Sfazw
- 08 Jul 2003
I said Intel? Yes I did! Try to find Something that connect intel and nokia..maybe now you cant, but in the future..."Intel EVERYWHERE"..
- O
- Ola Ta Sfazw
- 08 Jul 2003
Dane Why do you think T610 offers so many things in this price? Bad SE marketing? Nop! Low cost chipset inside! SE did that to low the cost of produsing phones Because Ericsson Phones Is a pane in the a.. for Sony.Good performance for T610 But for how long? It like saying that a mobo with SiS chip is better than an Intel...
- D
- 08 Jul 2003
Ahem... 2002 with the 7210?.. what a joke...
The 7210 is Nokia's deperate way of getting into the Colour and Polyphonic market. Even their 7210 can't match it's half a year old competitor the Samsung T100 in both colour and polyphonic.
Everyone knows when comparing the 7210 to the T68i, the T68i just kicks the 7210's ass. Sure, the T68i doesn't have poly.. well.. the 7210 has such a crap poly anyway... 4 tones... and their so called instruments doesn't even sound like anything but muffeled beeps...
Screen? The 7210 might have 4k colours compared to the T68i's 256 colours, but then, do you rather get 256 colours that are clear and bright? or get 4k colours that are very blurry, looks greyish, flickers and pixels very very blur?.. That is only screen..
7210 with TECHNOLOGY?....
What technology?.. An IR that can't even connect to a PC without a stupid software to PDA to get appointments?.. An IR that can't even send or recieve jpg files for backgrounds?...
Even the T68i can do that.
Also, the T68i HAS BlueTooth.. so what if Nokia also has bluetooth?.. having is one thing.. whether it works or not is anoything.. and Nokia's bluetooth can only connect with their stupid devices (Series 40 phones.. symbian is more universal.. then again, symbian is not by nokia)..
- D
- Dave
- 08 Jul 2003
What a joke you talking about it.
Nokia is just crap nothing els.I have many years a Nokia and ever fucking Nokia what i have was shit and i still buying a Nokia DAMN.
Sinds a couple of days have i a SonyEricsson T610 and i can tel you that Phone is a Nokia kliller believe me,so manny years a Nokia and now SE..............SonyEricsson is just Rocks.
The new communicater hahahaha don't let me smile,the P810 and also the P9xxx from SonyEricsson is comming up.Than you can say BY BY Nokia Communitator................hahahaha.
And i not agree with you friend Jason-x...............Sorry guy.
6110,8210,6610,6100,8910,8910i,5510,6800,6210,9210,6310i,7650,7210,8310 and 7250. This phone's are so fraigle and so limit technolochy and always the same technolochy in another case.
I know that,bicouse i have all of them.
Greeting from EX Nokia Fan
- O
- Ola Ta Sfazw
- 08 Jul 2003
I agree with you my friend Jason-x. NOkia has a hiden ace which will shut up many big mouth people here.Always was a step infront.And to all guys who dont like nokia, DONT BUY NOKIA.
- J
- Jason-X
- 08 Jul 2003
You wanna see the truth?There is it:Every year NOKIA releases a phone with great technology which beats the shit out of any other current phone.Let me remind you: 1999 nokia 6110-2000 nokia 8210-2001 nokia 6210/9210-2002 nokia 6310i/7650/7210/8310.2003 NOKIA takes a break in order to come back stronger in 2004,with the new communicator which will make all others cry.So stop predicting the future of NOKIA and judging NOKIA phones in an immature way,since you are no fucking experts.I know most of you will answer to me in bad words,but you know what?I don't give a fuck.
- M
- Major Hater!
- 07 Jul 2003
Nokia's gay
Nokia's Bent
Nokia's arse is up for rent.
It's not realy major so put your money away and get you head out your arse.
Dont make out like your an expert cos you've had seven. I work for a mobile company in britain so have access to many nokia's and currently own a nokia and has 3 previous! And i know there expensive crap. Thats why I'm getting a SE T610!
- r
- richy rich
- 07 Jul 2003
Sorry i sound a bit snobby there!
Well i am!
And my girlfriend is a stunning model!
Long blonde with big boobs called sally anne
- R
- Richy Rich
- 07 Jul 2003
I am an Millionaire i have lots of cash to buy things. I got this phone it is very nich i also have se z1010 thats nice aswell. I bought my girlfrien a 3G phone brand new but its like a brick so i bought her a Motorola V600 superb phone! I didn't like My samsung V200 aswell!
- P
- Pagoda
- 07 Jul 2003
Looks like my Siemens S55 a lot...
But has better characteristics... on paper...
Let's call it "Fats" ;-)
- M
- MikeL
- 07 Jul 2003
Looks like a Siemens rip-off...
- D
- 07 Jul 2003
That's why you get a phone with Warrenty, so you won't pay for it. I have had the T68i and any problems, the service center here takes good care of it. Even when the warrenty is more than a month overdue, they changed the system board of it as it fell in the pool. Some idiot didn't see my phone on his towel and fling his towel. *Sigh*...
- N
- Nokia Lover
- 07 Jul 2003
the real nokia fan:
I know my english is not good at all.
Where i come from..............just in Holland,it's just my first message.
And i am true Nokia fan,just like you.
Good luck
- t
- the real nokia fan
- 07 Jul 2003
Nokia lover, where are u from? coocoo land!!
weird english i must say!
- N
- Nokia lover
- 07 Jul 2003
To the guy below me:
I ame not agree with you.I ame self a Nokia fan,but that Nokia alot cheaper than SE,that is not true and also SE has not more expensif repair than Nokia did.
I know that SE far better than a Nokia,but i still buying a Nokia bicouse i ame a fan for Nokia.
You say this only bicouse Nokia sells alot more than any mobile phone,this have nothing to do with quality,technology and durability.
Wrote"buy SE if you have much money to spend on repairs"
Hahahahahaha.....That is what Nokia did,not SE.You talking like a Nokia freak
- ?
- Anonymous
- 07 Jul 2003
Let me tell you smth.In Europe nokia phones are the best with great quality,durability and low prices.Either you want to believe it or not.In Amerika nokia released some ugly problematic phones.Just come over to Europe.Nokia phones have no problems,they don't break,they are cheap and their technology is excellent.First is SE but second is nokia.Siemens has made only one good phone(sx1).I have a SE and I have many fucking problems(gets stuck,does not receive calls etc..).All my friends with SE have the same problems.The service center does shit to fix it. My girlfriend has siemens.Her phone is not fully functional until she resets it 2-3 times.A recomendation to all Europeans:buy SE if you have much money to spend on repairs.Buy siemens if you are freatly patient.If you want agood,cheap phone with good technology buy NOKIA.
- K
- Klaas
- 06 Jul 2003
To Ed.
Siemens SX1 has no 1.3 Siemens lose the battle aswel
The P810 has 7.0 Symbian and the Siemens has Siemens lose als in this section.
The P810 has bigger TFT display compared to the Siemens lose again in this section.
The P810 has also Email Client so.....................Siemens lose the battle again.
So the P810 is the winner.
- E
- Ed
- 05 Jul 2003
I just don't see why you guys are trying to force your own opinions down others' throats. What good does it do? Do you get commission from the company you "support"???
- E
- Ed
- 05 Jul 2003
Why are you guys arguing? It just basically shows that you guys are an immature lot. This is just like a bunch of kindergarten kids quarrelling over whose toy gun is better. Hey guys, EACH PERSON IS ENTITLED TO HIS OR HER OWN CHOICE! FREEDOM OF CHOICE! That is granted to most countries' constitutions. If you are a SE Fan, good for you. If you are a Nokia fan, good for you too. TO EACH HIS OWN. Why quarrel here and be immature?