Nokia 6600
- K
- KnowB4Talk
- 05 Jul 2003
To all nokia users: Your beloved company will release Q4 2003 its smartphone 6600.
I won`t mention that its ugly as hell because its everyone`s taste. But did you think that 6600 is already outdated? But the truth is this phone will be a hit as soon as there exist nokia marketing victims. SX1 already kicks 6600 ass, the only difference is symbian v7.0s which has very little differencies with 6.1 which I won`t mention now and I`m sure that most of you nokia users don`t know them. Your beloved company wanted to fool you that this phone is better than others because it has v7.0s (and better than P800 which has v.7.0 without the "s"). Just marketing tricks. And also wait for P810 which also kicks 6600 ass. Now the battle is AGAIN between SE and Siemens (SX1 vs P810). Nokia was always out of the game. SE and Siemens users are tech freaks not like you that believe that tech is "picture messaging and ringtones and exchangable covers".
I repeat: What you say must be based on facts and NOT ON WHAT YOU BELIEVE OR KNOW.
- J
- James
- 05 Jul 2003
Seith, don't worry about that guy. He jacks off in front of a mirror as things seems bigger in the mirror that they normally are. You know physics don't you? Optical illusion.
- S
- Seith
- 05 Jul 2003
Mys3lf, we don't want to know about your own personal fetishes with eating shit and talking in front of a mirror. And god knows what else do you do in front of the mirror.. Jack off??
- R
- Ronny
- 05 Jul 2003
I think what KnowB4Talk said is true...
Lately all nokia's phones seems to be like shit.. from design to features.. Nokia was once the best but not anymore...
And honestly, I'm a Nokia fan, I think these new nokia phones are so ridiculous :
7250i = waste of money for 7250 users
3100 = pink color and the design, I think that suit girls and gays only..
And this 6600 looks like a plate to me... I will be so embarassed if I take this phone outside with me ...
Nokia 6220 is still considerable to me.. I think I will get this phone or maybe switch to another..
I'm using Nokia 8850 and this phone still is the best to me.. But now people can use MMS , so I will get a new color phone soon..
To all My Nokia Buddies , flame me if you want , cause I won't comeback to this place anymore..
We are wasting time and energy for sure,if we keep arguing about this...
- M
- Mys3lf
- 05 Jul 2003
hey you siemens shit ok ..dun talk so much....trying to be a lecturer is it???go find mirror and talk to yourself ok???hahahahah.....
- K
- KnowB4Talk
- 05 Jul 2003
Relax guys, why you argue?
I`m a Siemens fan but I won`t join your battle.
To all SE fans: You know, all nokia users think that they know everything because they had 20 nokias. They think they good, fast, bug-free etc. You say "How is that possible?". I`ll tell you how. Say that you had 20 nokia phones and haven`t tried anything else. Who would you support? nokia of course. Why? Because it was the first and only you tested and because its new to you and you think its the best not knowing that better exist allready.
The rule u must follow: What you say must be based on FACTS and NOT WHAT YOU BELIEVE OR KNOW!
You can`t say that e.g. mercedes cl55 is worse than seat ibiza for example because you believe that.
Too bad that all nokia users do this.
In order to someone decide which phones are good, he must try almost EVERYTHING and know what he is talking about. Not just try nokia and say its the best because you believe that.
I can`t understand why I`m wasting my time writing this msg to make nokia users normal people.
Nokia is out of the game (exclude popularity) for a long time. It almost always releases mid-range phones which are considered as top-class by clueless people. The battle is for a long time allready between SE and Siemens.
- M
- 05 Jul 2003
all right,i want your attention.a hard school period is ahead,so i will have to study and i won't have the chance to use the internet often.before i go i want to apologise for any arguement i started or any bad word i said.oh and that thing about changing sides was not mine.i suggest a truce between nokia and se fans.that's it and goodbye to everyone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Jul 2003
To Sum.
Its bed time for you,just sleep and dream about your Fucking Nokia,you little piece of shit.
So another Nokia bastard is gone.........Next
- S
- Sum1again
- 05 Jul 2003
Thats the last time a read an opinion about a phone.
- S
- Sum1
- 05 Jul 2003
Grow up! All of you. This is better, no this is, no this rulez. Damn, no stuff is always being made. Products are becoming more alike. "Oh SE handsets make coffee." In a month or so so will tthe competition. "Oh Nokia is better because it looks good for the chicks."
(////////> U ALL.
- D
- 05 Jul 2003
I agree with Jake. You all think that Nokia's menu is good only because you are too used to the 'up down' and scrolling one by one style. You have to scroll about 13 menus to find what ever and things like that. In the T610...
Everything to do with messaging, picture, SMS or MMS all under one menu, "Messaging". All pictures and sounds including picture editor, composer and recorder is under that.
All java and mophun under one menu, "Entertainment".. Calender, notes, alarms, timer, stopwatch, calculator.. all under 'Organizer'..
Nokia has one here, another there. What Nokia have been doing is just throwing new features into their same old menu structure. At least SE bothered to redesign the whole menu from the T68i era to make easier what wasn't and keep waht was.
- M
- Major
- 04 Jul 2003
Hey guys guess what.I changed sides.I am with SE now.
- J
- Jake
- 04 Jul 2003
Ronny you saying"Nokia's menu is more easier to be used compared to SE"
What a bullshit you talking about it,i have always having a Nokia,but their menustructure is so hard and complicate.
Sinds i have swith over to SE i have never troubles with the menu.It's so easy compared to a Nokia menu,believe my.
And you saying about"Nokia's price is not really expensive because they offer less features, SE's price is expensive because they offer more modern features.. "
Come on Nokia cheap i don't think so,nokia is way to expensiv.
- R
- Ronny
- 04 Jul 2003
This mobile is cursed somehow , you guys are fighting because of this mobile ??
I feel sorry for you guys..
Nokia's price is not really expensive because they offer less features, SE's price is expensive because they offer more modern features..
Nokia's menu is more easier to be used compared to SE ...
Sometimes every phones has it own problems, like crash , repeating sending sms, and others. And you can't say that Siemens or Samsung is retarded, compared to yourself! Can you make such a phone ?
No ? Good , then stop saying that they are retarded...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Jul 2003
Hit SE and Siemens from all sides?.. with what?.. bad design and technology? =)
- K
- Kimberly
- 03 Jul 2003
SE kill Nokia soon................i wanna bet.
- M
- 03 Jul 2003
nokia troops,stand fast.don't let se or siemens breath.hit them from all sides.
- J
- Jim is the best
- 03 Jul 2003
Major-Nokia troops.
Nokia technology............hahahahahaha.
Design more like siemens ....hahahaha
SE troop goodwork,let Nokia kick some ass.........Hihihihihihi
(game)Nokia is al a game,for the kids.
- M
- Major Nokia
- 03 Jul 2003
NOKIA troops! I order you to defend our loved NOKIA with any means possible! I order you to design new phones with more technology to kick all the other manufacturers out of the game.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 02 Jul 2003
In which case I think the P810 is gonna rock.. 260k TFT.. LoL =)... and someone mentioned Nokia having TFT and SE not?.. hehe..
Nokia with 640x480 camera.. wow =).. 0.3 million pixels....
P810?.. 1280x1024... 1.3 million pixles..
Hmm.. hard choice huh? =P