Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • Jim is the best
  • 02 Jul 2003

Rew wrote"So pls cat in diff cat.. 6600 is to be compared with P810"

If this true,than will the 6600 no chance to the P810.

    • S
    • SE FAN
    • 02 Jul 2003

    To the guy below me.

    I don't believe you,the way you talking about.'n true fan has never talk like you........sorry.

    SE failet you,i don't believe this either,it's just peaple that saying that don't listen what their say.

    SE is sill the biggest leader in innovation and technolochy,so give it more time

    I,am big fan from SonyEricsson,the way you talking is not good,you must give SE the chance to give it more time,you no.

    SE come up soon with several new models,so don't worry about it.

    And also nex year come SE with new models.

    SE going strike back to Nokia..............and i believe that SE still the best,bicouse the are work verry hard in this verry difficult time.

    Greetings from SE fan

      • R
      • Rew
      • 02 Jul 2003

      The communicators are not using SYB systems @ therefore cannot be compared.. Also, the design is even uglier.. Lolz.. & it has keyboard.. So pls cat in diff cat.. 6600 is to be compared with P810..

        • A
        • ABC
        • 02 Jul 2003

        Major- What nonsense.. Nokia are the ones coming out with ex phones.. This phone is sure to cost a bomb.. Pls.. compare the N7250 & T610.. Though N7250 launched earlier, it is more ex than T610.. Also, Nokie don't have blutooth/morpheun/56000colours/32chord midi poly.. Let down.. Let down..

          • Y
          • You know who
          • 02 Jul 2003

          Siemens freak as I have said again I used to be the biggest SE fan.I have had three SE phones in my life.I still have one(t68i) although I don't use it.The reason I stopped praising SE is that it failed me and many other people ,while no NOKIA phone has failed me.

            • m
            • muien
            • 02 Jul 2003

            between n-gage and this, i'll buy this phone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 02 Jul 2003

              Do you know what? I bet if the T610 is a Nokia phone, not many people will complain about it but praise Nokia. But that is not the case now is it? It is Sony Ericsson, and that's why people are complaining about it. It all comes down to the fact that they are bias to Nokia. =). LoL...

                • S
                • Siemens freak
                • 02 Jul 2003

                Major.................why is Nokia good??
                I see always people complainig about build quality from Nokia and still buying yhis phone.....why????

                Youy als claime that Nokia better than SE or Siemens,that is not true Major.

                Nokia is populear that's all,not technolochy and build quality.

                That is everbody experients.

                So in mine opinion have Nokia not realy future,if people's better his eye use what realy buld quelity is,than is SE and Siemens,not Nokia.

                Major,i have the feeling that you never has a SE phone has,bicous you have no idea(experients) with SE phone's....Sorry.

                The reason why Se allot expensif is,its have better materials(sreen,software,hardware and build quality)

                If you drop a Nokia phone,you can hope that not break,for SE phone's you don't have the worry about it.

                Look at the P800 verry strong build quality for a smartphone.Or T610 verry stable software and verry good build quality.Also the T310 verry stable at all and verry good build quality and so more from SE or older Ericsson phone's.

                Major you must trying a phone from SE befor complaining about SE.

                  • M
                  • Major
                  • 02 Jul 2003

                  Nokia has a better future.Both SE and Siemens high-end phones cost too much.Nokia costs less,providing people with good technology and quality .

                    • S
                    • Siemens freak
                    • 01 Jul 2003

                    Wy don't Nokia and SE works together??

                    Nokia for the design and SE for Technolochy,i like their phone's.

                    But if i commets on Samsung,than have Samsung big troubles.You know wy,bicouse Samsung repeat him self just like LG and Nokia,that is a shame.

                    But SE did good work lately,just wait in September,Sony and SonyEricsson present their phone's.And believe me Nokia and Samsung going bad direction.

                    i have a Samsung and i ame not happy with it,bicouse its to limmet and bad build quelity.

                    And about Siemens and SE thei have a good future believe me.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 01 Jul 2003

                      Heard of the Sony Ericsson SO505i? 260k TFT screen, 1.3 megapix camera.. LoL =)

                        • S
                        • Samsung Forever
                        • 01 Jul 2003

                        The D700 is the best i'm sure of it...
                        The 2nd best is Sharp Phone and they have the 1megapix phone-camera and lastly DoCoMo campany use there Cellphone and its very cool...
                        the NOKIA REal a bull $#!+ phone and the feature they aare giving us really sucks if your going to compare it to Samsung, Sharp... try See the DoCoMo Site and you'll what i mean about the Sharp cellphone Products

                          • f
                          • fuck all nokia user
                          • 01 Jul 2003

                          its seems the story of two talls have been so very deep... well for me i think everyone has its own oppinion ...
                          glad to read them all....
                          all i can say is that any phone is good but has its own fall back...
                          but i heard nokia is not in to phone features lately a friend who works there... and look all the features they are showing right now is down the drain... well Sony ericsson is in the good track even if its look like a brick but still its good to use...
                          well wish this site would feature sharp cellphone because the innovation of this company is one of the first to give the new features of 3G... well hope u guys will be friends and be happy takecare dont send some virus to each other =)

                            • A
                            • Anti SE
                            • 30 Jun 2003

                            All my Nokia phones have no problem at all dude...
                            I heard many complains about SE phones from my friends too.. T300 = piece of brick..

                              • E
                              • Ed
                              • 30 Jun 2003

                              Hey guys:

                              Why are you all arguing about the companies??? You all don't even OWN the companies. By taking sides, what are you trying to justify? You are not trying to justify which is the better manufacturer. More likely than not you guys are just trying to justify YOUR OWN CHOICE. True?

                                • T
                                • To all anti Nokia
                                • 30 Jun 2003

                                Seems like it's no use fighting with all these Nokia fans.. It's like they have shares in this company only. We try to tell them that Nokia isn't too good, but they still insist that it's the best. Can't help the fact that they are just morons. It's not their fault. They're just born like that. I personally think that in terms of technology in the papers, the 6600 seems not too bad.. but we'll have to wait and see. Just because they're using 65k TFT screen doesn't mean it's better. Just look at SE's STN and Nokia STN's screen. I was just looking at this brand new 7250 at a shop and behold, the screen still flickers. What a shame I tell you. Seriously stupid. It's been almost a year and they are still producing phones with flickering screen. And even with facts like this and more, there are some morons like 'Unkown - 2003-06-28 16:58:54' who thinks Nokia is the best. And just because there's a 'T' that means it's the same. What a moron. So the BMW M3 and M5 and the M Coupe is all the same coz it's all M? *Sigh* Really man..

                                Do you know why Nokia is No.1? It's because they did a bang up job with phones like the 8210 and 8850 onwards till the arrival of their colour headsets. The T100 is against the 2100 and I think the T100 is much better than the 2100. Not only me, but many others also think so. Why do you say it sucks? Or are you one of those morons comparing a phone from a lower class to another of a higher class? If you have valid reasons, it's alright then.

                                  • A
                                  • Anti Nokia
                                  • 30 Jun 2003

                                  To anti SE:

                                  If you anti SE,wy use you SE phone????
                                  I think you liar at all about SE phone's.

                                  Go and get a Nokia,that is good for you low IQ.....................hihihihi.

                                    • F
                                    • FUCK2NOKIAUSERS
                                    • 29 Jun 2003

                                    I think about this phone its a bullshit.... i wanna ask u all a question.... why wont you people compare the features and the style and the user friendliness... well to be honest to all user of NOKIA, SE, and ETC... we're just use to nokia phone but the truth is if we try other phone we can also feel the user frindly feeling... well i can use any phone that i encounter even if this is a siemens, nokia , SE , sharp or samsung... i tell you you would say that every phone is very friendly to use... like the filipino's there just use to nokia phone but in china motorola, in japan Sharp By DoCoMo Campany.... fuck to all nokia phone.... thay are now the last in features.... 65k screen just now... unlike sharp, Samsung they are way ahead of everything... cool FUCK 2 NOKIA hope the company can read this msg

                                      • A
                                      • Anti SE
                                      • 29 Jun 2003

                                      SE T100 crap.. I have one.. I sms only once , but that damn mobile repeated it for about 10 times.... Fuck all SE Phones !

                                        • m
                                        • moris
                                        • 28 Jun 2003

                                        my love