Nokia 6600

Nokia 6600

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • GDC
  • 28 Jun 2003

The nokia phones are great. You can get plenty of software. I will be switching to nokia 6600 when available in Market. I LOVE NOKIA PHONES.

    • S
    • SE fan and anti Noki
    • 28 Jun 2003

    To the guy below me.

    If better read instead how dumb you realy are.

    Than is what i mean,you must better to understand that question if you don't understand that qestion than say nothing.

    FUCKHEAD And Nokiafreak fucker hahahahaha

      • @
      • @ SE fan
      • 28 Jun 2003

      Well there are phone that are capable of videocalls so in your eyes they will be in the lead of SE cos SE doesn't have them in shops already!

        • M
        • Major
        • 28 Jun 2003

        Still you don't get me.In Europe a SE phone costs almost as two Nokia phones with about the same features.Believe me.I used to be the biggest SE fan,but now I see that SE are very expensive for common people (p800:760 euros-7650

          • S
          • SE fan and Anti Noki
          • 27 Jun 2003

          To the guy below me.SHUT UP,you know nothing about SE pohen's.

          You so wrong about that moron.

          The T200 and T600 are differend than T610 and T300.

          The T610 has more technolochy than T300,T200 and T600.

          And the T300 have more technolochy than T600 and the T200.

          You talking like a little child moron.Nokia freak arsehole.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 27 Jun 2003

            SE phone are also same tech like t300, t200, t600, t610 etc. with the latest model having more features than the previous. SE fans do not admit to this for they are blinded by SE supposed greatness. i pity you all. they copy what nokia does and SE will never be no.1 ever.

              • S
              • SE fan And Anti Nok
              • 27 Jun 2003

              Major,the big reason wy Nokia behind SE is that Nokia only thinking money.i was Nokia fan to,bicous i find out what Nokia realy did.Nokia make us poor with their mobile phone's always the same technolchy in another case.And very expensive for a phone what Nokia sells.

              Look like the 6610,6100,7210,6800,7250 and 7250i all the same features accept the 7250 and 7250i their have a cam........wauw.

              I don't no wy people's not see what Nokia to offer??? SE offer allot more than any comapy in the mobile branch.

              SE have balls to,take a risk with design and faeture,Nokia have not balls the copy it from his own phone.

              If you take good look at the 6600 its a copy from the Siemens,this design is not Nokia style.And SE has 1.3 mega pixels so ware is Nokia?

                • M
                • Major
                • 27 Jun 2003

                Why using your bullets on us? You will need them to kill yourself when you see that the SE you just bought is a piece of crap.
                OK,serious now.SE makes the greatest phones(regarding technology),but they are very expensive(at least in Europe) and sometimes have some sort of black-outs.Nokia makes phones with medium/high tech and at affordable prices(in Europe always).Europeans and especially we, Greeks are great nokia fans.

                  • S
                  • SE fan and Anti Noki
                  • 27 Jun 2003

                  Major i will shoot,but not to SE freaks but Nokia freaks like you.


                    • M
                    • Major
                    • 27 Jun 2003

                    Daddy,can I shoot the kid below me? What? Not wasting my bullets on an anti-nokia guy? OK!

                      • k
                      • kid
                      • 27 Jun 2003

                      Mummy, can I buy this Gameboy for my dog? Please please please! No? It's too bad for him? OK.

                        • 8
                        • 8310 same size?
                        • 26 Jun 2003

                        8310 same size as the 6600? Could you use your brains or something? The 6600 is 113cc while the 8310 is only 66cc. Maybe I can't blame you for saying that.. Considering that you're a moron who supports Nokia, I can understand your stupidity. Even PROPER Nokia Fans have more brains than you.

                          • A
                          • Another Anti-Nokia
                          • 26 Jun 2003

                          SE's User Interface ugly?
                          Open your eyes and look at it properly lar fuck face nokia fan. The ONLY fucking graphics is fucking Nokia phones is what you see when you first enter the menu. After that, do you see any more graphics? NOoOoOoO... look at the T610. Every menu has graphics at the background, the top and all. If you don't like one UI, you can change it via themes. Nokia, what can you change? Colour.. Wow.. that fucking sweet man.. so I enjoy seeing blue lines at the right and upper corner rather than red. That's a big difference man. Use your brains before you say anything brainless Nokia Fan. You want to be Nokia Fan, defend something that is ACTUALLY good in a Nokia that they are good TOY PHONES for my KIDS because they look like one, feel like one, and break like one.

                            • G
                            • GERALD JAY
                            • 26 Jun 2003

                            please tell me more about this product
                            could i change my n3650 memory-card to this n6600?
                            when will it enter indonesia/jogja market
                            thanks for cooperation
                            best regard,

                            gerald jay
                            po box 279
                            pracanda 6

                              • M
                              • Major
                              • 26 Jun 2003

                              Well,at least I know a guy who works at NOKIA.

                                • R
                                • Rew
                                • 26 Jun 2003

                                Why compare 6600 with SE P800/P810?

                                Wait for the new Communicator 9100(?) (Series 90) and compare it with SE P800/P810. :)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 25 Jun 2003

                                  You guys are no lifer..
                                  why are you guys arguing a lot ?
                                  Like Nokia and SE is your father's company..

                                    • C
                                    • Crap
                                    • 25 Jun 2003

                                    Uh.. What the hell u talking... 6600 the same size & 8310.. Open ur eyes lar.. I think u sleeping.. IF it were to be that small.. I will give u 1000000000 dollars.. Don't crap around if u don't know the stats.. Nokia freak perhaps.. SX-1 is a good phone besides the keypad because of it's expansion/size/weight ( Thought not very very light ) Mp3 capabilites/Unique keypad which I am sure can be acquired..

                                      • Z
                                      • Zzzzzzz
                                      • 25 Jun 2003

                                      Uh... Pls.. World No. 1 when NON-COLOUR Phone were out!! Tell me the colours on ur 7210/6610.. Do they look washed out?? Lacking in richness/details?? Babish colour look right from the start!! Anyway.. P810 is going to be lauched around that time.. Look @ the comment below..P800 may not beat Nokia but wait till the P810 comes out.. Nokia bite the dust.. UR non-colour phones R good BUT not ur colour ones..

                                        • J
                                        • Jefferson
                                        • 25 Jun 2003

                                        This fone is whole lotsa better than SE P800! What's more, it's so much lighter. For those pple who are anti-Nokia, pls MAKE UR WAY OUTTA HERE! Don't try to slander Nokia as it's still the best in the handphone world!