Nokia 6600
- p
- pUnK
- PB5
- 05 Dec 2006
can n e 1 show me how to extend video recording and show me to put mp3
- t
- thewhiteraven
- 2WH
- 01 Dec 2006
Oh and by the way, mp3 ringtones are really quite unnecessary because the PC Suite reduces the size of wav files to less than that of the mp3 files
- t
- thewhiteraven
- 2WH
- 01 Dec 2006
6600 is an awesome phone. It's my first symbian phone and is a hand-me-down from my sister but I'm really happy with it. Admitted, the phone has a LOT of shortcomings (listed below by someone) but most of these can be resolved because there's a huge amount third-part software available for it. Just try searching for any missing feature (mp3 ringtones, radio, ebook reader, autokeypad lock, etc) on Google and you're sure to find a free software that solves the problem. While this may be inconvenient, you also have the advantage of picking and choosing and completely customising your phone's features. Its processing speed is quite low but that's one of the very small glitches in the phone. And it has no direct usb connection to a comp but a bluetooth dongle (which isn't too expensive) will solve this problem. I'd definitely recommend this phone to a friend!
- M
- 2W9
- 28 Nov 2006
i had used this phone for more than one year first i have a 256mb memory card but i had to store more songs in it that's why i had buyed a 512 mb card but i don't face any hanging problem the only problem that comes in the phone is that it processes very slow and take a very large time in turning off and on.
- s
- sanjana
- wpi
- 28 Nov 2006
hello am sanjana here am using 6600 i am using 256mb memory card i actually wanna use 512mb i want more mb card so can i use that i heard we should not use more than 256mb because it hangs is that true?
- i
- irtaza kazmi
- wuc
- 27 Nov 2006
excellent working and results
- a
- azri
- TS{
- 27 Nov 2006
it is to complex.Not comfortable as i thought .
- F
- Fola
- jR5
- 26 Nov 2006
To #sarjar#
Thanks so much. I'm very grateful
- f
- flavius
- nDL
- 26 Nov 2006
hy u guys.i waited almost a year an a half to get myself one of the famous nokia i am the proud owner of one.i had many nokia phones including giant 7110,3310 etc.i can say that 6600 is the same durability as 3310 only ten steps forward in the software can read mp3 files,video bluetooth is fast enough for me (and only bought it with 75 euros)it has all the things you might think of.the shape is great i mean that there are many phones out there that can clap,switch,turn,rotate etc,but show me one like this is unique of all the phones i used,nokia is unbeatable.i mean there are the nokias and the other advice is that this nokia appears once in a lifetime.i am planing myself 2 keep this one my entire life.
- C
- Csurlee
- mAS
- 24 Nov 2006
My favorite phone ... have all the feat. but the processing its to slow ...
- s
- sunil
- 2Av
- 24 Nov 2006
this fon same like my body..thatz y i like tiz fon..
- s
- sheraz619
- 23 Nov 2006
Is it possible 2 use mp3s as ringtones in this phone.Please help me out as i am going to buy one soon.
- R
- Rajeev Singh
- 23 Nov 2006
hi guys,
this is my comment to the ppls who want to bye 6600. I hv used many smart phones. And found dat 6600 is the catagory of fone. There are many negative points. Let me tell u 1 by 1.
1. Slow processing.
2. Less internal memory.
3. Poor sound quality.
4. Very Poor joystick.
5. No inbuilt mp3 playback.
6. Won't support mp3 ringtone.
7. Only 14 sec video recording
8. Vga camera
9. Only 2x zoom
10. Dnt hv external mmc space like 6630,6680,N70 etc
11. Old bluetooth version 1.1 lattest 1 is 2.0
12. No data cable provide.
13. No edge.
14. No 3g
15. No fm radio
16. No mp3 head phone is provide.
17. No display sensor.
18. Older operating system symbian 7.0. Lattest 1 is 9.2
19. Not gud navigation by joystick.
Dear friends nokia 6600 is only good is you won't compare it to any fully multimedia mobile. But i think 6600 was a gud fone in it time. But friend technology is increasing day by day so u shud make a gud choice. U can take this mobile if u r nt a hardcore user. It is a gud mobile according to the price. Thnks.
- a
- alberto dool chini
- SHq
- 23 Nov 2006
its realy nice phone I enjoy useing it
- J
- m1V
- 23 Nov 2006
It very nice to be with just dat the only problem i experience using this fone is all abt its inability to use mp3 as your ring tone.
Please someone should try help me out. Goodluck.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Nov 2006
is it worth buying?
- a
- ali raza
- Rxf
- 21 Nov 2006
i want to know abt the sound quality and volume plz any one tell me abt it..
- R
- Rajeev Singh
- 18 Nov 2006
hi to all Nokia 6600 users. I am using N6600 for last 14 months. I think 6600 is a gud multimedia phone coz it is very cheap and have most of the features except fm radio. But it is not gud phone for hard core users coz the processing is very slow it have only 6mb internal memory. I am using 1gb mmc for 5 days i have 519 mb free space in it. It is working fine but becomes very slow while opening gallery and renameing or deleteing or moving files.
- j
- jerry
- 17 Nov 2006
subs loaded up nov.15 amounting 250.00 via BPI EXPRES TELLER/ prompted "request cannot be processed, wait within 24 hrs"/trace no:026687/after 24 hours he didnt recv the load but the acccount has been debited/pls facilitate tenx
- S
- Sarja
- m25
- 17 Nov 2006
To fola,
6680 supports symbian os 8,whr 6600 supports symbian os 7.
So,in the fild of soft 6680 is bettr!
Nd, simply - all the 6600 softwr cn be run by 6680,bt al 6680 cnnt be run by 6600.
Thnx. Bye.