Nokia 6630
- v
- venessa
- RKp
- 08 Oct 2005
hello can anybody teach me how to read my e mails through this phone 6630,,or chat or how can i see tv in this phone
thank you
- A
- Ali
- PS8
- 08 Oct 2005
Personnaly i dont recomend that u should go to 512MMC that is whole lot of memory and cell will get CONSIDERABLY Slow, Using 256MMC one can compromise speed, but on 512 MMC???? i really cant give u any picture how much "slow" r we talking here
U should stick to 256Mb only. Cell responds fine on it.
- A
- Ali
- PS8
- 08 Oct 2005
Man i cant give u a "Precise" time calculation about how slow the cell will get. but rest assure that it is NOT THAT SLOW, i mean u will feel the difference but it wil not bug u at all, Takin a picture, making a call, opening a recieved sms will almost take the same time, but opening gallary, opening menu 1st time afet restart will take more time. If u wanna purchase a 256Mb MMC its cool, just remember that u should install all ur applications on MMC not on phone , there should be @leats 6-7mb space always available on cell memory. then fone will work like a charm.
I am using this cell sice 1 months, installed 10 apps (all on mms), usin 128mb mmc card. and Havin Hell Fun:)
Hope this will help Ya:)
- N
- Nokia User
- PUm
- 08 Oct 2005
Of course 6630 is much better than K750i.
K750 is juct a normal phone.
6630 is symbian phone.
6630 is probably one of the best phone!
- n
- noodles9368
- ib7
- 07 Oct 2005
Hi..fellow N6630 users...I can't agree with you more on this wonder of a phone..however, I need some help here..can any of you able to set the colour palette ? What is it used for ?
- J
- Jonathan Willliams
- ibb
- 07 Oct 2005
hi guys, I am very interested in this phone and i am going to buy it.I think it is a good phonejust that it would have been perfect if it had fm radio and built in flash, nevertheless one can't have everything in a phone.I would like any of your opinions abt this phone.I think its a great phone.All opinions regarding this phone is acceptable.Many thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 05 Oct 2005
i have realise something: even though the 6260 and the 6630 both support 48 chord polyphonic midi, the same midi file may not sound the same on the 6260 and the 6630! for a few midi files i have which does not exceed 48 chord polyphony, some of the notes/instruments could not be heard at some points when played on the 6260, but there were no problems when played on the 6630. maybe this is because 6630 has stereo music support...
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 05 Oct 2005
it would even be better if it hav dedicated volume control button
- i
- irtiza
- PTp
- 04 Oct 2005
hey brother ...6630 is too cool and very dynamic...u can install diff kinds of softwares and games in bulk as it is series 60...and GPRS is amazing due to 3G support..and camera is also very nic....In 6230i is simple phone radio is there sound is nice..and static as it is series 40..nice elegant shape.....if u want more fun and enjoyment then go 4 6630...and if u want just a simple phone with some gud functions then go 4 6230i....have a nice phone the way i like them both
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 04 Oct 2005
if u wish to use your phone to listen mp3 songs like mp3 player, u should get 6630(dont get 3230!)
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 04 Oct 2005
yes 6630 if u listen using headset the sound is stereo. but it dont have fm radio. and i dont think the loudspeaker itself is stereo speakers like motorola. but it does produce clear and acceptable sound. i'm happy with the sound quality.
and yes the 3230 can take video for up to an hour. (note: video only, not .amr audio clip!)
- v
- viktor
- ScT
- 04 Oct 2005
is it stereo or not ???????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 04 Oct 2005
i like the phone because it has offline mode!
- A
- Adetokunbo
- TjW
- 03 Oct 2005
Thank you very much Ali. Just one more gray area before I invest $294.99 on a 512MB card.
Describe how slow is "slow" when the 6630 scans this card. Give an instance "the act of making a call, retriving an image and listening to MP3 all at once. How many seconds would it take to perform this task, your responce would inform my decision to purchase a larger card or not.
I still insist that the Nokia 6630 is the best Phone ever. Reasons:- the portability, sheer beauty, functionality, above all, it's ruggedness. Mine had taken a three storey fall without parking-up.
Everyone's assistance would be highly appreciated.
- A
- Asif.Peerwale
- U2e
- 03 Oct 2005
In my Nokia-6630 handset,whenever i start the camera in my handset it shows,"feature not supported".Please help me to overcome this problem.
- A
- Ali
- PS8
- 03 Oct 2005
It is very obvious that cell memory will ranout when u open toomany applications. it is recommended that only 1 application should be opened at 1 time.
If u increase ur MMC memory beyond 128Mb then performance of cellur will Suffer. bcoz cell has to scan whole lot of memory, but if u r a music lover and u can compromise a slower cell over music then its ok, but if u need optimum phone performance then 128Mb is the name of the game.
- Z
- Zurinah
- PA8
- 03 Oct 2005
Why only have one camera?
It's better have two cameras other than use the extenal camera.
- A
- Adetokunbo
- TjW
- 02 Oct 2005
Nokia 6630 is all a phone should be, it's unfortunate an FM Radio is left out of it's design.
I would appreciate been enlighten on how an application (Software) runs on the 6630. My phone freezes when running multiple applications. "A game and MP3 player". Does it mean my phone memory is full or there is an internal RAM that handles that? If so, What's the size. Lastly, is it expandable?
How true is this statement:-
" 512MB RS DV MMC reduce the speed of all operations on the phone" Please, confirm. Thanks a lot everyone.
- A
- Arsalan
- PIb
- 02 Oct 2005
this is the dual front nokia fone.
- A
- Ali
- jcq
- 02 Oct 2005
u can download (6630 softwares)symbian based softwares for free on then click on "Mobile Softwares"