Nokia 6630
- 6
- 6630User
- mIn
- 14 Feb 2005
Best camera phone ever and it even has 3G! well done Nokia
- R
- Roshan Dinesh
- PU7
- 14 Feb 2005
I want to buy that phone.
- e
- evodean
- PxM
- 14 Feb 2005
6630 can only handle 128mb memory card due the phone can only give power to 1.5-1.9volts cards...256mb and bigger cards operate at 2.0 plus volts which the hp cannot unless the make 256mb or bigger cards with operating power or 1.9 volts or less then it'll be ok
- e
- evodean
- PxM
- 14 Feb 2005
for new owners get ready to format your 6630 a couple semms that the phone doesn't work well with 3rd party apps(it hangs on start-up whenever u swith the phone on...just had my phone formatted n now just gonna use the factory software n we'll see how long will it last. The batt btw last me like 3 days+ include heavy usage:)
- A
- Aduka
- F4p
- 14 Feb 2005
Guys, how's the caller group mgmt in the 6630? It is true that it can has unlimited caller groups? Thanx.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLV
- 14 Feb 2005
i seem to like the 6630 with its fast processor and os. 1.3mp is enough for me just look at the photos that this phone takes they are amazing even when they are enlarged.
- s
- sook
- n12
- 13 Feb 2005
hi peeps, i currently have the sharp GX30 an was lookin to upgrade to the sharp902, but have gone for the 6630 instead, how does the 6630 compare to sharps 902. from readin the reviews on here, i think i should of went for the sharp 902 with its 2MP camera. any comments plzzz
- s
- si fat kwai
- TKb
- 13 Feb 2005
i got one so hai ci bai fren,buy this fei hai fone,very tunn wan,always let ppl bluff,it also fatt like a bastard.
- H
- Hi
- mmt
- 13 Feb 2005
I heard a lot of people saying that I can use the 128mb rs mmc dv card of expansys for my N6630. But why can I or can't I use that 512mb rs mmc van expansys?
- t
- ti-tung
- 13 Feb 2005
Noticed that CNETAsia has not been posting new N6630 phone-user comments since last month! I wrote an entry but it was not updated. Anyone knows?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Feb 2005
hi, comparing SE S700i with 6630, which is better?
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLV
- 11 Feb 2005
hey guys if you always wanted an fm radio on your nokia 6630 go to to get it. it is compatible with all symbian series 60 phones.
- a
- actrepidacta
- Yhv
- 11 Feb 2005
hey "me unknown" the largest card so far is 128mb which is a third party card that just came out. it works really perfect on the nokia 6630 and u can get it at this site enjoy!!
- r
- rpdivers
- SdY
- 11 Feb 2005
I have the 6630 for 3 weeks now and till now, no problems.
I was looking for the SendoX that never came out here..
I think the 6630 works just fine, perhaps sometimes a bit slow,
but in it’s size has great features and a good camera for photos.
(not so much for video). The only thing that lets me a bit down is the
Battery that only last for 24 hours whit heavy using (games, photos,
using the organizer, etc). Still a great smartphone and I got it in exchange
of a 12 months contract.
- j
- joker
- msZ
- 11 Feb 2005
dear sheldon comerford
a torch have nokia 5140
- ?
- Anonymous
- 11 Feb 2005
Before, I used to think that this forum was a crap but now I intend to have reboot problem while I was half way messaging. I wonder what problems will i face again in future but if it reboots once in a while, it doesn't matter actually due to it's good features, it makes this phone GREAT! Btw nokia6260user. Well if they won't let you test, then it's impossible to tell whether you can write chinese or not.
- M
- Me
- md}
- 11 Feb 2005
Can anyone tell me what's the largest rs dv mmcard I can put in my 6630? If you react please give your source in your message.
- t
- talker
- 11 Feb 2005
hi, Linda Lim, I owe nokia 7610. Initially wanted to buy 6630, but after seeing this forum, it deter me from buying. But nokia 6630, feature is the best so far in all nokia phones such as 220 Mhz, 1.3 MP, 1 hr video recording, good sound output. Just curious, how much are u intending to sell?
- L
- Linda Lim
- F4p
- 10 Feb 2005
Hey talker, I have decided to sell away the phone... it just gets warm without any usuage meaning at a standby mode.. and I really dun like to be using a phone which I have to worry whether the heat will burn the phone....and frankly, ppl at Nokia Care Centre are not quite willing to help with the problems... their replies really makes me pissed off... Do you have the same problem?
- n
- nokia6260user
- 10 Feb 2005
Hi, Unknown 2005-02-10 14:43:14, thanks for yr reply. I mean when u wan to buy the phone, how do u know whether it can write chinese or not from its outlook? AS some shop do not let u test at all. Thanks...