Nokia 7710

Nokia 7710

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • iwq
  • 14 Apr 2005

wht about screen quality of 7710 ? is it better than p910? and wht about full screen playback in real player ? is full screeen playback really good ? waiting 4 answer so tht i can choose betwwen p910 amd 7710 and also plz tell can we surf all web pages in 7710?

    • $
    • $unny
    • Uqq
    • 14 Apr 2005

    Hi Guyz!!

    I am planning to buy a pda phone.

    I m thinking of any one of these --> NOKIA 7710, O2 XDA II mini and Sony Ericsson P910.

    Plz guide me which phone is the best option to go for.

    People using these phones plz give feedback like any problems faced.

    Hoping for a fast reply from u all >>>>>>

    Thanx a lot

      • G
      • Goli
      • MEI
      • 14 Apr 2005

      I think this is a great multi media phone. The MP3 player rocks. The camera is outstanding.(For those who wants a good sample just drop me a mail). Real player and video not quite what I expected. but with smart movie, watching a video clip on the full screens is the biggest show off.

      Over comment is excellent for multi media usage. Phone is a little bit slow when processing images. Sometimes slow becos too many applications running. Use the switcher software to close unwanted apps.

      I wish the people at Nokia come up with a better firmware to manage the phone speed and application handling. Rock on.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • RxY
        • 14 Apr 2005

        i'm planning to buy this phone and i'm so confused... Does it have so many problems? Does the phone have so many flaws? Coz if thats the case i would look for other phone that is worth-it for my money. Anyone please help me decide...

          • f
          • francis
          • TST
          • 14 Apr 2005

          Ahmed, i dont see it has lots of problems. Yes, it works quite slow.

            • f
            • francis
            • TST
            • 14 Apr 2005

            the screen is not like the computer's before 1997, really.

              • f
              • francis
              • TST
              • 14 Apr 2005

              I've just had this phone recently. It's great! i didnt like nokia at all, because they had ugly screen, even the 65k color resolution Nokia phones... And gross sound quality.. So i chose to buy se k700i last year rather than buying n7610...
              But Nokia 7710 is different! It's screen is bright and nice, and it has brilliant sound quality!! I enjoy listening to the mp3...

                • t
                • tian wang
                • 4rA
                • 13 Apr 2005

                to add to my comments, the lcd on this phone is so much better than any sony ericcson lcd combined. yes it is 65k but it is also 16 bit. if you ever used a computer before 1997 you know what i am talking about, which is better? 65k 16bit high color or 256k? =) stupid people stop talking trash about nokia 7710 just because u heard from others. stupid.

                  • A
                  • Ahmed
                  • PB0
                  • 13 Apr 2005

                  hello every one i am buying 7710 can any one tell me that it is right that i am taking 7710.i heard that there is some problem in this is problem in this set can any one tell me is there is any problem or not

                    • C
                    • Clyde
                    • RxY
                    • 13 Apr 2005

                    The Nokia 7710 is not a phone nor a smart phone. it is a super samrt phone. i heard that a lot of users are annoyed because of its slow operating system and there are no applications to download yet but i think its just a matter of time before nokia fixes these flaws. anyway, its a first. do not be surprised when this has flaws because its the first trial of nokia for a series 90 platform. maybe nokia will someday release a much better device with a better feature set. all we have to do is wait but for those who cannot wait, then buy the 7710. after all its an overall good device knowing that when you own one of these, you are considered a pioneer of the series 90.

                      • t
                      • tian wang
                      • jK1
                      • 13 Apr 2005

                      first of all, i am writing this comment on my new 7710
                      secondly, no, i do not want to receive two million dollar worth of phones from you nigerian scam bags

                      now, honesty, i have never once talked nice about nokia in my entire life as a cell phone store manager or as a commentator on

                      i have used only touch sceen phones in my life as my main phone. from motorola a338, treo 270,treo 600, to se p900 and se p910. i have never liked nokia one bit.

                      i took pride in owning a vertu or se p910 phone.

                      nokia has just never been a brand that i like. many of their phones are like fried rice, you cook it again to sell it again. there just wasn't a single hint of innovation.

                      however, nokia 7710 has completely changed my point of view of nokia.
                      let me compare a few main stream phones to nokia 7710

                      sony ericcson p910 has about same price as the 7710. but this nokia has 65k 16bit true color screen which is much bigger than the p910
                      in addition, this phone carries the ability to access edge access points, which is much much faster than the p910.

                      moreover, 7710 uses the latest v7 serios 90 platform, which actually performs much faster than the p910

                      i must agree that it is almost impossible to dail with one hand on the 7100. also the p910 is a much better looking and smaller size phone. however, to me, what matters is from the inside. i need the phone that coulf out perform other phones, in areas such as, mobie browsing, word processing, music quality, and at last, a camera that has over one mega pixel.

                      other than nokia's one mega pixel amera that rocks vgas, the phone comes with almost one hundred mb inside, and a 128 mb external.

                      it also comes with two cpus which process data much faster than se's p910. to be honest, this phone is hard to use like the nokia 7280, but user friendly doesn't mean better. apple still cannot beat windows! complexcity.

                      today i'll only compare the p910 to this phone, because its the closest enemy to nokia 7710

                      bottom line is, use this phone, and you will understand what i am talking about.

                        • j
                        • jm
                        • ijB
                        • 12 Apr 2005

                        i'm planning to buy this phone on june or may... and i'm so affected of the news that it hangs everytime you use the phone in internet surfing... can anybody help me on how to decide? coz it cost 28,000 pesos here in the philippines and its a lot of money, that's why i want to make sure of the phones worth... is it really unworthy, does it have so many flaws... or does nokia doing something to upgrade the phones features? pls. help me to decide?

                          • k
                          • kxr
                          • MsN
                          • 11 Apr 2005

                          whenever i open the music player it closes by itself...
                          whats wrong with it?????? plz reply i just used it for 1 hr and i want to know as soon as possible
                          thank u

                            • t
                            • theboss
                            • RKq
                            • 11 Apr 2005

                            HI all, i have this cell for more than a week now and i have no problems at all with it. You know with such a unique phone you use the phone to its max and i admit i had to restart my phone once in the whole of 10 days(better than my pc)for hanging problems. I also agree touch screen should have meant u click and go but here we have to double click on each icon. But any minor problem with this phone is totally neglible to the fact that you get the curious look carrying the cell. In the end I am too happy with the cell without any regrets admitting the fact that its too costly.

                              • T
                              • TrueStory
                              • QsN
                              • 11 Apr 2005

                              I purchased the phone last week, and I love it, the sound quality is terrific, picture quality is great. Overall great phone, it will be hard using it while driving though I must say, but does anyone who owns the phone know how to enable cookies, all the web pages are working but I can't seem to log into my accounts on for example chase, or ebay, can anyone help me with this. Thankyou

                                • l
                                • lemon
                                • F4p
                                • 11 Apr 2005

                                too big...

                                  • D
                                  • Debasish Ghosh
                                  • ije
                                  • 11 Apr 2005

                                  This is a very good and fantastic phone. Do not believe any other opinions, they r not true. Use ur own logic. Use it and then reply me whats ur opinion. Nokia 7710 no doubt is a very good Handset. Buy this phone.

                                    • z
                                    • zane
                                    • QrS
                                    • 10 Apr 2005

                                    is it really worth buyin the nokia 7710...coz am gona be buyin 1 soon. jus wanted 2chek...d reviews say it hangz a lot.nw is dat correct...does it really give lotz of problemz n does it make it tough and impossible 2 use dis cell ..i kinda like dis ph..wanted 2chek on d hanging thingy abt it

                                      • R
                                      • Rica
                                      • SXZ
                                      • 10 Apr 2005

                                      I just read the comment of "italian 7710" posted here saying that there is a version of 7710 in Italy that has GPS or A-GPS which costs 140 Euros more than the version without GPS. Does any of you know about this Nokia 7710 with GPS or A-GPS???
                                      If this GPS version is not really existing, do you know if a GPS can be added/installed/downloaded on the 7710?
                                      Regards to you all.

                                        • i
                                        • italian 7710
                                        • mxj
                                        • 09 Apr 2005

                                        this phone cost in italy 609 euros or with gps 749 euros