Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • t
  • teo
  • n9B
  • 25 Oct 2012

Great phone, works without any problems. Fhotos taken with it are beeing regularly published in local newspaper. It is very helpful for me to take a photo and send it imediately to press office. All in all - very very good phone. Highly recomended!

    • C
    • Carol
    • L7e
    • 25 Oct 2012

    PMRisOVER, 25 Oct 2012Awww.Thx.I didnt know i matured so much :3 So all your com... moreDon't you have anything better to do but showing your frustrated mind here in this "forum"? Making a fo*l out of your self? If you don't understand what am i saying, please bless us all with your silence...

      • P
      • PMRisOVER
      • PS6
      • 25 Oct 2012

      Carol, 24 Oct 2012Yep... you're mature alright:-J. After my personal studies ... moreAwww.Thx.I didnt know i matured so much :3 So all your comment is based on personal opinion and not the experts?Wheww I thought you are one.I guess not.Like you said d*mb people thinks their smart.That is much better than thinking they are really d*mb.Negative thinking will produce negative results.And you comment like you're a super smart person. Looking down on people is not an honorable thing to do you know. AND ...
      Hello?Is this the real life section.Oh wait ! This is the phone section.We are suppose to talk about phone here.Is this the thinking of the super smart person?Dont even make me laugh LOL

        • a
        • a15yearoldboy
        • PS6
        • 25 Oct 2012

        MdN, 24 Oct 2012So you don't communicate in the outside world? :-O Oh, the ... moreCan't you read?CAMERA!That is how I explore the outside world.Wouldn't a dslr gives out a much better result?Turned on?So it wont work it is off right?(no battery)Ofcourse it wouldnt.So wont having separate phone and a camera makes andifference.You can have twice the battery life.And yes,it sounded much better than before.

        P/S:- Food,water and money are categorise as minerals?.Oh wait!! They are not. :D

          • f
          • fu*k
          • tUd
          • 25 Oct 2012

          great 9kia look and great commbination of soft and creamy look,.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • fmx
            • 25 Oct 2012

            AnonD-2186, 24 Oct 2012I have my N8.. That's why if I try to buy 808PV, I think th... morei too had a n8 before 808, and the display is much better, im sure you will notice it too.

              • M
              • Mahesh
              • fCB
              • 25 Oct 2012

              don't know when my wait is gonna over..!! :(
              I want it now....!!!! :)

                • A
                • Anonymous
                • iwt
                • 25 Oct 2012

                AnonD-7455, 21 Oct 2012The 808 dislplay looks amazing and very visible in broad da... moreCongratulation man, you're lucky to own the awesome and amazing 808PV. It is a very distinctive phone that no other phone like this. It has a class of it's own and it's a dream come true !

                  • b
                  • bigbite87
                  • jHH
                  • 25 Oct 2012

                  This is the best phone I've ever had. It's great for Multimedia. The Display looks amazing, I'd rather watch high definition videos on it rather than on galaxy s3 which has a dull and bluish display..*poo* Amazing clear black display.. Go Nokia!

                    • M
                    • MdN
                    • Mtr
                    • 25 Oct 2012

                    AnonD-75470, 24 Oct 2012Android is the biggest os in current mobile market and it w... moreI'm sure Android will remain big, and if people want it, so be it. But because of things like this: I will stick with Symbian, feature phone or maybe, just maybe, WP.

                      • C
                      • Carol
                      • L7e
                      • 24 Oct 2012

                      PMRisOVER, 24 Oct 2012Wow!What a mature response!May i know if you're an expert o... moreYep... you're mature alright:-J. After my personal studies on peoples, i realized something, d**b people think they are smart. First off all i don't fight over phones with nobody, i'm just against stupidity. People talking rubbish about things that everybody can clearly see they have no clue how this things feel and look like. This is not just about a phone, this phone or any other. This is about real life. This is about a way of thinking, this is their way of thinking! Second of all, you don't need to build a phone to have a user experience with it;). Third: ye' everybody has a choice! And for some, this choice is to talk much and think less.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-2186
                        • v0q
                        • 24 Oct 2012

                        AnonD-7455, 21 Oct 2012The 808 dislplay looks amazing and very visible in broad da... moreI have my N8.. That's why if I try to buy 808PV, I think that I will upgrade to poorer display resolution.. T_T I wanted that the screen too is closer to the glass so that what's displayed pops the N9's... But fine.. I'll try it..Thanks anyways!

                          • M
                          • MdN
                          • 3qE
                          • 24 Oct 2012

                          a15yearoldboy, 23 Oct 2012Seriously?Getting fat just by surfing internet and testing ... moreSo you don't communicate in the outside world? :-O Oh, the old DSLR argument - NO. 808 is always with you, turned on, ready to shoot in a second. I know a few people who brag about having a DSLR... at home. Wow. As for the last part "everything a person with a life needs IN A PHONE" is that better? This is not a mineralogy site.


                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PS6
                            • 24 Oct 2012

                            AnonD-61316, 24 Oct 2012processor makes a phone laggy...!!! Do you know what u r ta... moreDont make me laugh LOL!! Do you know processor is located in the phone and is not any form of software/apps or os?My mom got a c5 and its not bad and.Sure it is not lag but i cant even surf internet smoothly with it.Hotspot is not even included.Luckily i can still use internet via bluetooth.In your previous statement,you say the bad part of the phone.You blame the android eventhough its the phone that has the problem.Cant you think?Samsung/Motorola and such phone uses android as their os.They do not create the android.And here you are talking bad about the os without even realizing that the problem you have is with the phone.But i have to agree with you with the apps.Most of it is just junk.
                            You say you love meego and whatever.Some people say they like android while the others are proud with their iPhone etc.Everybody got a choice on choosing which one to get.That doesn't mean everybody got the right to talk bad about the others that they dont like.And this is what most of us have been lacking of.RESPECT!!!

                              • D
                              • AnonD-75470
                              • YTL
                              • 24 Oct 2012

                              Android is the biggest os in current mobile market and it will remain the biggest until because the it gives full power to users without any restriction. Almost every nokia fan thinks wp8 will bring back nokia to top spot again in smartphone market, but a big sorry for them because this is impossible. Im a nokia fan too but i know they lost all their chances by discontinuing symbian and meego. I remember, back in 2010 when got the news that nokia will discontinue the symbain os and will use wp os as their primary smartphone os, i responded- who is jocking here on gsmarena. I was shocked nokia wan discontinue the os which has biggest market share. Another shocking news came from nokia a few months later with the launch of the first and last awesone meego device ' the nokia n9'.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-61316
                                • uvF
                                • 24 Oct 2012

                                a15yearoldteens, 23 Oct 2012Do you even know what android is? The one that is crappy fo... moreprocessor makes a phone laggy...!!! Do you know what u r talking.,? It is the os which makes a difference...for eg..n8 it has only got 680mgz processor, but it runs perfectly sooth With symbian belle. I have nokia c5 03 with symbian 1 and believe me its 1000 times better than any android phone of its price range. . I am not talking about higher processor speeds but i m talking about os efficiency... A gud os is that which runs smoothly and remains stable with minimum hardware resources it has...which is why i love meego and symbian belle.... But android is not an efficient requires a dual core or quad core to run... But lags...i hate it.. Android appstore is filled with useless apps..more than 90% apps r useless apps . meego and belle are the future os but unfortunately some are not SMART enough to see it...

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-5465
                                  • fm0
                                  • 24 Oct 2012

                                  grow up ppl stop this argue. its just phones and everyone uses what suits hom the most

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • fmx
                                    • 24 Oct 2012

                                    AnonD-31200, 24 Oct 2012I'm a camera lover, using N8 n planning to buy 808pv. I don... moretrue, i love my 808 too, wish uu get it soon,.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-31200
                                      • fxH
                                      • 24 Oct 2012

                                      I'm a camera lover, using N8 n planning to buy 808pv. I don't like android. I don't need thousand of apps. I use Nimbuzz, opera mini, web browser only. I ain't immature to talk to a stupid TALKING TOM or i don't have time to play games. Still nokia has the best EDGE class 33, best speed. Don't compare 808 with dslr. I love NOKIA.

                                        • w
                                        • waqaryousaf
                                        • UNU
                                        • 24 Oct 2012

                                        i am sale person . nokia 808 its very good phone.and os no problem people use just phone .big camra .to good phone and also coming soon lumia 920 beats all phone and nokia come back in market .windows vs androaid i think better os windows