Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • P
  • PS6
  • 24 Oct 2012

[deleted post]Wow!What a mature response!May i know if you're an expert on designing and making phone?Cause base on your previous statement you seem to know well if nokia phone function better than the so call '' copy everything i can phone''.Did you design or make this phone?Think carefully!It is rather foolish fighting over a phone.Its not like we're getting paid or anything.Everybody have the choice to choose which phone suits them.And yeah I may not have been matured enough but still better than you :)

    • R
    • Rydee
    • tUr
    • 24 Oct 2012

    Nokia 808 is simply rocks when compared to other sucking smartphones....
    Symbian belle rocks and the android os sucks....

      • a
      • a15yearoldboy
      • PS6
      • 23 Oct 2012

      MdN, 23 Oct 2012So you basically prefer playing games, surfing the internet... moreSeriously?Getting fat just by surfing internet and testing apps?Would you give me the link that would support your statement?Its hillarious!LoL Phone is use to communicate,camera can be use to explore the outside world.Differentiate that.Wouldn't using DSLR be a better way to snap some pics??and you say this phone has everything everybody would need in a life?Then let me ask you this,would any phone give out water and food to the hungry people?Would any phone give out money to a poor person?Can any phone supply minerals for our daily lifes?No right?So think carefully when you're making a statement!It is a great idea to combine both smartphone and camera.I cannot argue with that.

        • a
        • a15yearoldteens
        • PS6
        • 23 Oct 2012

        AnonD-61316, 23 Oct 2012Oh please ...s3 better than pureview 808... S3 sucks...with... moreDo you even know what android is? The one that is crappy for you is the phone and not the main system of the phone!Low ram or laggy processor is all from the phone and not the system! How old are you??? 5,6 or perhaps 7?Differentiate between the system and the phone.The one making the phone laggy is its processor in the phone and not the android!
        There is no such thing as a perfect phone.Samsung,iPhone or even Nokia smartphone have each of their defiency!You cant expect 1 phone would suits your taste and need(There's probably gonna be one in the future!)
        Battery life also depend on each phone!Different phone uses different battery which would result as diferent battery life!Note2 or S3 have longer battery live than Sola.So,think carefully when buying a phone.Not go talk shit about it without even doing some research.
        The game is a great idea.It is better to play on a PS3 or XBOX360 as it is much better than playing on a phone.(Well,we use phone to communicate right?)Playing games is a good way to kill time.For example,waiting for your children after school ends.You cant play PS3 in a car,can you?(Although ,time is gold!Cherish it)

          • P
          • PMRisOVER
          • PS6
          • 23 Oct 2012

          LoL we are supose to comment or give a review about the phone.Not arguing on which phone is the best.This just show how immature you guys can be.Its kinda pathetic you know.Makes me tired just by reading your comment and laughing at it.
          By the way,nice phone.Hope would reach my country soon enough!!

            • M
            • MdN
            • Mtr
            • 23 Oct 2012

            Anonymous, 23 Oct 2012camera way better? tell that to the average users who only ... moreSo you basically prefer playing games, surfing the internet and testing apps with that spyware bloatware S3 phone and getting fat and lazy instead of going outdoors, communicating and taking photos? To each his own. This one has everything a person with a life needs. Twice. That includes apps, games and internet, if you really, really have nothing better to do.

              • C
              • Carol
              • L7e
              • 23 Oct 2012

              Anonymous, 23 Oct 2012camera way better? tell that to the average users who only ... moreBoy, you're out of your league here. You cannot compare nokia with that 'copy everything i can' phone. You come here to hit the big guys... The experienced users with your non-expirienced words. Anybody can tell just by lookin' at your comment that you are quite a novice. You're talking from paper, from what you have heard, from what you have read on google. When you get some expirience, then, maybe, we will let you to give your useless comments. But when you will have such a thing i am quite shore that you will change your way of seeing things. Until then please let nokia area empty of your spamm's.

                • D
                • AnonD-61316
                • uvY
                • 23 Oct 2012

                Anonymous, 23 Oct 2012camera way better? tell that to the average users who only ... moreOh please ...s3 better than pureview 808... S3 sucks...with its crapdroid..i love symbian and meego which are the true is always laggy and brother had got sony xperia ion . And it sucks. Even with a dual core , android was lagging....and some games and apps were too lagging( trinity warriors 2 ,this game never ran perfectly on sola but after the update it ran perfectly). Battery life is complete shit....what i mean to say is android sux.... But symbian belle and meego are so efficient and smooth oses ... They are able to run smoothly even with a slow and single core processor... Nokia phones r known for good battery life and excellent built quality.... And who the hell want hd games on smartphone...go buy ps3 if u want them...and pureview is the best cameraphone its not a dslr...if you dont like symbian just because it has less apps then you can wait for nokia lumia 920 or the next meego based jolla phone. .. Crapdroid sux... Nokia rocks ....

                  • D
                  • AnonD-2665
                  • rA{
                  • 23 Oct 2012

                  best phone = NOTE2
                  best camera phone = NOKIA 808

                    • D
                    • AnonD-570
                    • sUw
                    • 23 Oct 2012

                    Anonymous, 23 Oct 2012did i forget to mention that the S3 still gets updates? and... morelol !!! Android user claiming to have better battery life than symbian....based on some tests !!! best of luck dude.i have nothing to argue !!! :D

                    and regarding using DSLR...i am pro photographer & i have mark-III !!! thats the reason i know what quality this phone can produce.

                    regarding the update part i agree....but i dnt agree to the part its a 'dead' phone !!! if its good then i guess people can use it...the term "dead" is really wrong :)

                    and regarding music 1st u said,its up to personal taste & then u said 'experts' will chose S3 !!! :O let me know those experts if u can !!! ;D

                    and BTW,my brother uses S3 & i have nothing against it.its just that u tried to compare 808 with S3 thats y i told u few points against it...personally i have been using androids since 2.1 till my last galaxy note with ICS,so m experienced Android user too.

                    and no matter wht gsm arenas battery tests says,i have both & m telling u the real life story...i can assure u on 808 i can watch 2 full movies back to back with some battery still left !!! but with s3 i cant.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sG%
                      • 23 Oct 2012

                      AnonD-570, 23 Oct 2012pureview users... not better but wayy way wayyyy better ... moredid i forget to mention that the S3 still gets updates? and for 2 or 3 years to come? 808 PV is basically dead

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sG%
                        • 23 Oct 2012

                        AnonD-570, 23 Oct 2012pureview users... not better but wayy way wayyyy better ... morecamera way better? tell that to the average users who only notices small difference? wanna see massive difference? use a DSLR

                        nokia has HD games? how many though? 1? 2? crappy ones like ping-pong HD?

                        i didnt say 808 has a bad screen, but the S3 does have a better screen go ask the experts or google it yourself or let people see it side by side.

                        yes s3 is lighter and easier to hold, and build quality is different for everyone, theres really no such thing as "my plastic is better than yours"

                        and thanks for mentioning battery life, since the battery endurance test 808 pureview gotten 34 HOURS TOTAL... while S3 gotten 43 HOURS LOL... thats almost 10 hours difference ROFL

                        ok i didnt see the NFC part

                        what multi tasking features does nokia pureview got that s3 cant do? cause i can name a few from the S3 that the 808 cant do

                        yes actually S3 has faster speed in internet browsing, no need to race but boy i dont wanna have a slow laggy browser that acts like its on dial up just to load pages.

                        well for music, could be personal choice, but the expert would chose samsung S3

                        hmmm watch 2 full movies on S3? i dont think any phone can do it without battery going to 0. How can 808 PV run 2 movies when its video playback test is less than S3? nice try.

                        I have an S3 and i can pretty much install 95% of android apps... but hey atleast android has apps right?

                        so now LETS CHOSE AGAIN?

                          • D
                          • AnonD-570
                          • sUw
                          • 23 Oct 2012

                          Anonymous, 23 Oct 2012S3 users... with my S3 i have HD games, large selection ... morepureview users...

                          not better but wayy way wayyyy better camera(u better dont compare with any camera phones they are no way near)

                          HD games ???even 808 has HD whats new there ???

                          beautiful screen ??? just because 808 screen doesnt show some 'X' numbers regarding PPI comparison...doesnt mean 808 has bad screen !!!

                          light and great build quality with S3!!! :O light - OK,agree !!! but build quality !!! :D :D :D :D :D
                          808 has premium build quality,any ways u light weight cheap plastic phone users wont understand !!! :P

                          u missed one very imp point regarding "BATTERY" life !!! do i need to mention how long an Android phone works ??? 1-1.5 day max !!! :P :P :D :D
                          808 easily goes about 2 to 2.5/3days with light to modr8 multimedia use :)

                          NFC ???? 808 has it,dont u know ??? :)

                          multi tasking ??? obviously 808 can do that too :)

                          fast browsing ??? 808s native browser is good enough for u race with lightning fast browser ??? how many browsers u have beaten ??? what price did they gave u !!! :P ;D

                          reagarding music & video i would say thats personal choice i love my 808s dolby digital plus !!! just one question though,can u watch 2 full movies on Android ??? well !!! i can !!! :D :D :D :D

                          so now the actual situation is -

                          for 808 users : read above.


                          * * * now "YOU" decide !!!! * * *

                            • r
                            • rozen
                            • KgZ
                            • 23 Oct 2012

                            guys finaly i hav it....

                              • l
                              • longlegs
                              • t7X
                              • 23 Oct 2012

                              this phone could become a real game changer if it just have:
                              -waterproof, for underwater image capturing
                              -1800mAh+ battery, for more image capturing
                              -shatterproof/dustproof, for protection

                              but w/out those that I mention, I'm still hoping I would have this as my christmas gift. :)

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PWD
                                • 23 Oct 2012

                                one of a best phone can use every body

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • sG%
                                  • 23 Oct 2012

                                  AnonD-76903, 22 Oct 2012Nokia is generally known for it best camera phones...Nokia ... moreS3 users...

                                  with my S3 i have HD games, large selection of apps, fast and smooth browsing experience, great audio quality, multi-tasking, beautiful screen, NFC, thin and light, guaranteed updates, good quality camera for the average users and most of all FREEDOM...

                                  Pureview users...

                                  my phone has better camera...


                                  okay everyone, you chose.

                                    • N
                                    • Nimmi
                                    • PWD
                                    • 23 Oct 2012

                                    it is very easy to use. specialy girls can use it very proudly. it has a nice look...... east or west nokia 808 is best

                                      • R
                                      • Raj
                                      • 2ZY
                                      • 23 Oct 2012

                                      Awesome Phone
                                      Camera Clarity Superb
                                      No other phone can beat this
                                      Pitty on Samsung Galaxy

                                        • V
                                        • Vishalt
                                        • t}6
                                        • 23 Oct 2012

                                        1. Is joikuspot the only way to setup nokia 808 as a wifi hotspot and use ainol tab on the same internet connection ? ( i dont want to buy a dongle,and i have read that joikuspot premium/2012 is clunky, difficult to setup, heats up the phone, has only WEP security, lite version doesnot allow https sites like facebook and twitter etc, and is expensive ) are there any free softwares like android/iOS systems have ?

                                        2. Is it even possible to connect android and symbian smoothly ? (i read about android not connecting to Ad-hoc hotspot, the only kind which symbian nokia provides)