Nokia 808 PureView
- a
- anonymous
- w0P
- 03 Mar 2012
samsung and iphones are the ones that will be outdated soon! nokia started it all and NOKIA will end it all!
- b
- black hat boy
- bJv
- 03 Mar 2012
Suddenly, Xperia S become obsolete
- ?
- Anonymous
- S1x
- 03 Mar 2012
Why Nokia stick with the slide lock button in the side! ... Its totally uncomfortable.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wiR
- 03 Mar 2012
Kosovari, 02 Mar 2012I don t know about fire the CEO but absolutely right If tho... moreWhat is the 41mp camera
- D
- AnonD-44531
- uCa
- 03 Mar 2012
AnonD-44826, 03 Mar 2012this phone with android will be the best. but sadly damian dinning is not work for android least for now..LOL..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mv2
- 03 Mar 2012
When this phone arrives in the stores. Many amounts of nokia fans will purchase this phone and when they use it for a while if you ask them is the 808 PureView a great phone? As usually they will answer (ofcorse this is the best phone in the mobile history coz it mounts an 41mp cam). They will answer this coz the only reason is about the phone's 41mp cam but if you ask them what else good specs it has (accept it's cam?) They cant answer you coz nothing's affordable accept it's 41mp cam for them. I'l bet that Sony Ericsson P990 that mounts 2mp cam it snaps much more better than this piece of junk. Wake up Nokia fans!The best os in the market it's the Android os and you brain washed people still use the abnormal belle os and old school windows os and most specially (the out dated symbian os) you think that these operating systems are the best but they are the worst operating systems. What can i say it's an Nokia afterall that keeps on advertising for disconnecting people
- D
- AnonD-44737
- P%%
- 03 Mar 2012
AnonD-44826, 03 Mar 2012this phone with android will be the best. then u need core i processor to run this.hope android will be sucessful to release coffe burger with core i processor
- C
- Clara
- Khs
- 03 Mar 2012
whatt ?? 41MP ?? Woww
- D
- AnonD-44826
- j0c
- 03 Mar 2012
this phone with android will be the best.
- D
- AnonD-15945
- sxt
- 03 Mar 2012
Anonymous, 03 Mar 2012Guys please dont go for this phone..
Coz nokia phones will... moreGuys please go for this phone..
Coz samsung and iphones will be outdated soon...
Go for nokia high end phones instead of buying samsung and iphone...
The best os is symbian...
android and ios has no future...hahaha..
If im telling lie...,guys u can search the net...
Nokia lover !!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- uvq
- 03 Mar 2012
Waste phone ihave ever seen in my life.i challenge the nokia fans to prove that this phone can do more than that of sgs3 or iphone with its silly single core 1.3 ghz e core procrssor and bledy belle os.only its camera is good .it does not have the configuration of other smart phones.....
- s
- sssssss
- ut6
- 03 Mar 2012
Anonymous, 03 Mar 2012Guys please dont go for this phone..
Coz nokia phones will... morewhich phone do u have samsung metro go to --h ell--- sammmy lover
besides if u know about apple and samsung then u should know that they both r cheater. Apple copied nokia ,samsung copied apple therefore iphone is nothing but ipo-rn
- G
- Gerhman
- Nhg
- 03 Mar 2012
Anonymous, 03 Mar 2012Guys please dont go for this phone.. Coz nokia phones will... moreYes Symbian is dead but this phone has Nokia Belle the most powerful OS in the world that actually has a very bright future because of it's power and modern looks. I mean this phone has a 1.3ghz single core (Plus GPU and Camera unit) yet it processes 16 times more data per second while shooting 1080p than any other phone and it does it very smoothly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pWT
- 03 Mar 2012
i have also 5230 and it look terrible as to compare beautiful desing 808 pureview..jealous people hanging on that look question
- D
- AnonD-19258
- t1$
- 03 Mar 2012
uhjpae, 03 Mar 2012Being able to send an sms/mms, make a call/videocall, brows... moreWell said buddy......
Fandroids cant accept that this monster is from nokia.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t1$
- 03 Mar 2012
Guys please dont go for this phone..
Coz nokia phones will outdated soon...
Go for samsumg or apple high end phones instead of buying this worst symbian phones...
The best os is ios and android is second...
Symbian has no future...hahaha..
If im telling lie...,guys u can search the net...
samsung lover !!!!
- k
- krraanl
- q{F
- 03 Mar 2012
Mubu, 27 Feb 2012camera features are outstanding ,screen size is good,with b... moreI totaly agree. I'm quite surprised Nokia pus such awesome specs in a dated design. This looks like a C6 or 5230. I'm equaly surprised by how many people are giving so much praise but not commenting on the fail design appearance.
- A
- Anonymous
- Mv2
- 03 Mar 2012
When this phone arrives in the stores. Many amounts of nokia fans will purchase this phone and when they use it for a while if you ask them is the 808 PureView a great phone? As usually they will answer (ofcorse this is the best phone in the mobile history coz it mounts an 41mp cam). They will answer this coz the only reason is about the phone's 41mp cam but if you ask them what else good specs it has (accept it's cam?) They cant answer you coz nothing's affordable accept it's 41mp cam for them. I'l bet that Sony Ericsson P990 that mounts 2mp cam it snaps much more better than this piece of junk. Wake up Nokia fans! In one word i can say (Nokia's brain washed slaves). The best os in the market it's the Android os and you brain washed people still use the abnormal belle os and old school windows os and most specially (the out dated symbian os) you think that these operating systems are the best but they are the worst operating systems. What can i say it's an Nokia afterall that keeps on advertising for disconnecting people and brain washing people.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 03 Mar 2012
nokia 808 wil be one of the last symbian phone nokia wil really excited to grab one of these to experience its camera..go nokia.go create more awesome phones.(if you cant beat them in apps,beat them in special features)