Nokia 808 PureView
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaA
- 28 Feb 2012
Jee, 28 Feb 2012Even if it was a 41mp or either it has more than 1ghz proce... moreWhat are you saying?
The sensor in this can be measured as 41 or 42 mpix. You can get the full data (the full data not 38 if you know how to write your Symbian app)
The graphics chip in this device is pretty extraordinary and does a lot of the processing for the image and general display which is why the phones core processor doesn't need to rival a cray. The fact the OS is actually also bloody well written also contributes - Symbian OS was a lot of things ahead of its time, one of the main things was it was designed from the start to work on low processor powered, low memory, battery powered devices - that means it won't corrupt your data if the battery drops out of the back or goes flat at an inopportune moment.
- J
- tWh
- 28 Feb 2012
Yes it has 41mp camera sensor and maybe a very good in imaging. But regarding its screen resolution, it has very low ppi. Therefore its seems useless for a good camera and it can't beat other latest smartphone like Samsung, Sony or Iphone's screen resolution. Remember we're talking about smartphone, not a digital or "DSLR" camera. It's good if Nokia made it's display resolution higher and a hardware like the N9.
- Z
- Zac
- vnJ
- 28 Feb 2012
41MP?!?!?! Wow! That is one good camera.
- D
- AnonD-18532
- 2S{
- 28 Feb 2012
[deleted post]Anyways man thanks for your jokes. I was getting bored and you really helped me get out of it.
- S
- Sila Malai
- 693
- 28 Feb 2012
What if without that powerful camera?
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%%
- 28 Feb 2012
[deleted post]true nokia lovers never go for samy or others.wht is unique about ur nexus only that it has 1gb ram.if u just surf fb twitter skype and some utube browsing and playing angry birds asfalt or some other games so why u buy this phone.its totla wastege for u.this features also availble in old nokia phn like n8 e7.think about it.i dont advise u to buy nokia or love nokia.i like nokia for their unique and least they showed us wht a mobile can do.a symbian ruled the world almost 12 years.whts do u sammy se and htc.they dont have their own and android inspired by nokia. i advise u pleas buy a bada phn den u tell how well ur sammy is.symbian is lighter os then not need high is late making high profile os which gives u high hardware.i think carla dona and others make symbian lover return to nokia.
- O
- Otakusoldaten
- t7X
- 28 Feb 2012
[deleted post]Nokia promote this phone as a Cameraphone not a powerful but battery hunger Smartphone.
- D
- AnonD-18532
- 2S{
- 28 Feb 2012
[deleted post]Thanks but I am more than happy with the speed of my e6 with ancient arm 11 680 mhz cpu and 256 mb ram. So why would I waste my money on the things that I don't need. Or 1gb is what your android needs to perform what my e6 does on 256 mb.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vLx
- 28 Feb 2012
Anonymous, 28 Feb 2012Hopefully it will be available at may (global)!!
... moreclosely followed by uhmmmm. what's that again?
oh, that galaxy y. what a competition!! even driodboys are interested (envious most likely). don't deny it you want a piece of this 41mp.
- t
- torcida
- 0}$
- 28 Feb 2012
Can't wait to be may and hold it in my hands!!!
- D
- AnonD-44251
- fty
- 28 Feb 2012
after that I'll realy miss my n8
who talk about dual and quad corps !!! this is not a building workshope men is just a smartphone
- t
- timizn5
- t7S
- 28 Feb 2012
Kostas, 28 Feb 2012Funny (droid)boy! You pay 700-800$ for useless cores when s... moreImba.. dual cores are for multitasking..
Droid impresses dual cores because it has a bunch of 3rd party apps..
Single core by nokia because of its limited apps and just the usual built in apps..
Try to open all 3rd party apps for a while. Multi task from your phone.. experience it before judging.. y not go back to your pentium 4 if it really impresses you..
- D
- AnonD-37410
- 28 Feb 2012 really great camera phone.
but, i hope Nokia doesn't disappointed the customer, because this phone have high expectation from all people here.
- a
- asdfasdf
- PSv
- 28 Feb 2012
bad screen resolution. just a 41mp. o well that's nokia.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0xQ
- 28 Feb 2012
Symbian–DIE HARD!!!!
Short and sweat, "If i must die I'm gonna make everyone else look like crap from 2008"
- K
- Kostas
- 0Vc
- 28 Feb 2012
[deleted post]Funny (droid)boy! You pay 700-800$ for useless cores when symbian can do tha same things with less ram and only 1core. It's anoying for you droid funs to be treated as ships by companioes when you see that with less specs and half money a ''dead'' os is equal. Just go and play with your cores and leave us with our ''dead'' os.
- a
- almaty
- HAx
- 28 Feb 2012
41? is Nokia going mad? in every day usage 3-5 mp is enough, i do not think this Nokia 41 mp would shoot rather quality pics than my Nikon d60 (10mp)
ppl overwhelmingly printing 10x15...20x30 sizes it means that 10 mp is plenty enough, 41 mp what is for? is printing billboard sizes?
I dont think who is working in a model agency would buy this 41mp
moreover this 41 mp would interfere for comfort working. 10-20-30mgb, consumption, processor heating etc
what we get? nothing
Nokia does it the PURE FAIL
- O
- OnePerson
- 3LP
- 28 Feb 2012
very amazing device. But why isn't it android or windows os ?that the just alone bad feature. that is my opinion.congratulations
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0}$
- 28 Feb 2012
Anonymous, 28 Feb 2012does the camera support optical zoom? how come to have a 41... morejust read the whitepaper in link below you comment!!! ;)