Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-2665
  • U$4
  • 19 Jul 2013

Anonymous, 17 Jul 2013try 2012.16.004.48159 works great for me.I always uninst... moreI managed to install phoenix on another laptop but It doesn't start flashing, it stucks on waiting for usb cable and an error at the end that boot rom was not detected, unable to flash !

    • D
    • AnonD-77434
    • fk6
    • 19 Jul 2013

    Carol, 19 Jul 2013Yeah, this is a very good study. I always said that no mobi... moreWow Carol, what a post!!!

    I just got the surprise chill when you said that people saw your mobile as it's the first Symbian to act good and fully customizable, shame on you Nokia killing this software!!

    - Also agree with you about that Symbian was limited by hardware and even it is very powerful comparing to other OS's

    Example: Xperia Z with it's quad core processor and 2 gigs of ram and Adreno 320 with Exmor RS Sensor...N8 blow it of the water in terms of image quality and processing...Nokia N8 is producing 300 dpi images too!!!!!! and this is one reason of why it's better than Xperia Z and Xperia S with it's 12 MP in terms of imaging...beside the sensor size, big pixels and optics

    Windows phone can't handle such imaging power despite it's bloody smooth in every thing more than Symbian, but I called it fake user experience!!!

    The UI doesn't have any animations or graphics like android and Symbian...but coming to gaming and imaging...WP OS is gonna believe me

    All android devices with the same spec: S4 krait chipset and adreno 225 with 1 gig of ram preforms way better in gaming and imaging despite it may lag at daily uses, Symbian on 808 pureview for Example can run fruit ninja like a boss in 35 to 45 frames, while Lumia 800 and 920 and above with better chipset run it like a movie on 20-23 frames....very bad experience

    and about my opinion Carol: WP OS is beautiful and unique...but truth that it will never catch up with android!!!

    cause of one word: (((OPEN SOURCE)))...and that's the secret word behind Symbian emperor which can do every thing...Zip, download from browser, torrents support, office, file manager, all videos format support, all sharing features...modifying and custom small PC

    Android Now despite it's disadvantages, but I consider it the now days SYMBIAN cause it can do almost every thing....however it's not like it in imaging...Symbian is a king really and that's very mysterious thing despite it's poor specs...powerhouse really specially for cameras...smashing any other OS's

    Android is very successful cause it copied every thing Symbian did and do and updated it to make it better and more modern....While WP OS is very limited...512 doesn't support a lot off apps and games, unlike android which is source hungry, imagine ??

    Nokia Now is the only Company who push WP further and further and they bring a golden innovation to it more than any company ever...Hope they will be no. one again cause I can't imagine my phone without their logo :D

    Thanks dear carol for you amazing reply and sharing with me all that...happy you loved my post also, appreciated "P

    cheers and have an amazing day ^-^

      • D
      • AnonD-34934
      • utY
      • 19 Jul 2013

      AnonD-13957, 19 Jul 2013Hi frnds I'm using this phone over a year. Now I want a lit... morehi THE INDIAN. Me using 2gb card for back-up purpose. Also if u r a music lover and like to have 3000+ songs in ur phone.. Surely nokia music store will help u.. As 808 comes with one year music download subscription for free ( 40 lakhs songs ) and each song from store size 1 mb in average. If u want 20+ movie's in ur phone.. Then 32gb card will be needed.. Getting our doubts clarified is always worthy:):):):);););) take care friend.

        • b
        • bigboifab
        • f0B
        • 19 Jul 2013

        Carol, 19 Jul 2013Yeah, this is a very good study. I always said that no mobi... moreAt last someone thinks like me...
        I hope Nokia bring Symbian back and make the most out of it.

          • D
          • AnonD-34934
          • utY
          • 19 Jul 2013

          Carol, 19 Jul 2013Yeah, this is a very good study. I always said that no mobi... moreabsolutely powerful OS... Only who use symbian in all respective areas to the core will believe this. Well said Carol.:):):);};};}

            • C
            • Carol
            • J5L
            • 19 Jul 2013

            AnonD-77434, 19 Jul 2013Hi all my friends by the name of every one :P As you all... moreYeah, this is a very good study. I always said that no mobile os can beat Symbian in terms of power. Other have raw power hardware that can not be used entirely by the system, but symbian is just a raw power system. It is like a brutal machine handeling everything you throw at it. It's only limitations is the hardware and not vice-verse. Still, unfortunatly, people look for simple, fast anno headakes. Symbian developers were to late with belle. The world already bashed the only real mobile os and the trend started with useless os's that were doing simple tasks (facebook, tweeter bla bla bla) look sparkling. Funny, era of smartphones started with dumber OS's Nokia never fear. Nokia knew Symbian is to powerfull to be surpased by crapp but they were to cocky to realise that the world does not know that, and don't really care about that. The world is fake. And symbian was behind android UI and even ios crappyest UI ever. They were simple and quick to access while 80% of ex symbian user still don't know that symbian could be very simple in the menu if they would just move the damm apps from folders and delete all of the folders. Or create folders as they pleased. I had people telling me that my phone is the first symbian they see it is different. They never knew you could customize it to the full. They had no clue what are they holding. Shame on them for being lazy to learn and shame on Nokia cause has left the system behind, never releasing the true power of it. THE only system that is limitated by the hardware and not vice-verse. The only real smart os that could still be the king if nokia wouldn't have been so proud. Windows os, is good, and i hope nokia will make it even better and will survive this era. But symbian with kind of support, would have killed andoid in a matter of months....

              • C
              • Carol
              • J5L
              • 19 Jul 2013

              AnonD-13957, 19 Jul 2013Hi frnds I'm using this phone over a year. Now I want a lit... moreYeah, supports if it's not full. You can plug it in, yes. It will be readed, yes. But! Going above 32 gb will make your phone totaly unresponsive. Will already start to hang even before the card hit's the 32 gb limitation. So, is this card supported? I say definetly, no, besides what i've said earlier, it is also not worthy to pay more money for something that cannot be used to the full. Others may contradict me, cause they use one. This is also something that tells me that people don't need so much memory, cause they never reach the problem, even though they may have some but blaming on the system:).

                • D
                • AnonD-13957
                • vwm
                • 19 Jul 2013

                Hi frnds I'm using this phone over a year. Now I want a little help from you earlier I heard that this phone can support upto 64GB microsdxc card. Please let me know if anyone is using this or anybody knows about this.
                Thank You

                  • D
                  • AnonD-34934
                  • utY
                  • 19 Jul 2013

                  AnonD-77434, 18 Jul 2013Thanks Siva my lovely friend for such words, and believe me... moresure my dear friend.. Sure.. Our discussion page here is hotter than ever... Already samsung s4 zoom a side and now 1020... And u r making many things clear that how good still our 808 is.. U continue Ziad. Now u r the one who makes many 808 users hope live.. I believe that 808 stays as camera king yet..:):) thank u once again ziad for ur wonderful work...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-77434
                    • fk6
                    • 19 Jul 2013

                    Hi all my friends by the name of every one :P

                    As you all see that Nokia Lumia 1020 samples full of noise, grain and mine craft mush details even in bright sun light despite the great hardware and great new algorithms...but why really the Pixel size is so small and let us remind you by the pixel size of other high end smartphone

                    1-Galaxy S4: 1.4 um at 1/3.2" sensor

                    2-IPhone 5: 1.4 um at 1/3" sensor

                    3-HTC One: 2 um at 1/3" sensor

                    4- Nokia 808 PV: 1.4 um at full resolution and 3.x- 4.x at PV mode at 1/2" inch sensor

                    So why Lumia is only 1.12 um however it's bigger sensor ever in any phone if we'll not mention the 808 pureview???

                    and why juha said to me that 1.4 um on lumia results was worst than 1.12 um...Sounds strange O-o right???!!

                    It's so simple friends...after thinking of it and little conversation with my brother(engineer)

                    Lumia 1020 produce Images at 72 dpi only...unlike Nokia 808 pureview which produces images at 300 dpi (great)

                    to all of us who want to refresh his knowledge :
                    the dpi refers to a digital image of sufficient pixel dimensions to be able to meet their required pixels per inch requirement (usually 300 ppi) at the dimensions of the printed image

                    and It doesn't matter what number is parked in the DPI/PPI setting of the 10 dpi is like 1000 dpi, it still doesn't ends her...e wait

                    BUT...what counts is really there are enough pixels in the digital photo to meet their minimum PPI requirement...specially when using Photoshop or printing it

                    more simple discuss: dpi in digital images sometimes we can link it to the amount of details...but this isn't such precision way to explain it

                    clear??? or still foggy?? :)

                    I explain this...Lumia 1020 with only 72 dpi (dot per inch) needs smaller pixel to give the perfect results

                    and if Juha and Nokia's team used 1.4 um on such small dpi and such huge number of pixels...means like

                    we will use big piece of loaf or bread and small amount of cheese then we try to spread such small cheese amount on this big it.


                    -cause WP OS can't increase the dpi amount more than 72 dpi it will be great to use 1.4 um on Nokia Lumia 925-920-820 for it's 8 MP...sounds normal

                    -- but increasing the pixels to such insane pixels 41 million...then you can't use the 1.4 um you will need to decrease the pixel size to 1.12 um (1.1) to perfectly match the dpi which is only 72

                    and the final result as you see...smaller pixel size despite large sensor, noise, grain, and a lot of lost details

                    Hope that explains why Lumia 1020 have little bit disappointed quality despite it's amazing hardware, and explains also why Nokia used such smaller pixel size.

                    Thanks very much for your time and always be at your best :D

                    Good night *-*

                      • M
                      • MdN
                      • B}Q
                      • 18 Jul 2013

                      Hey there, good news: Nokia updates the maps for its Symbian Maps Suite (July 2013) so just go to Maps - Map Loader and check for updates. Or try it through Nokia Suite. I already got mine.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-162764
                        • fBh
                        • 18 Jul 2013

                        AnonD-77434, 18 Jul 2013Thanks Siva my lovely friend for such words, and believe me... moreactually this page is added to my favourites ;) with one click i can access your awsome reviews..:)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-77434
                          • fk6
                          • 18 Jul 2013

                          AnonD-34934, 17 Jul 2013Ziad u made it clear how good 808 is.. thank u brother.. th... moreThanks Siva my lovely friend for such words, and believe me I don't deserve any thing of this :D

                          and about Symbian, I do believe you are right (YES), definitely it's on of the biggest reason to bring such stunning quality...Stay tuned cause today I'll post very important issue...really every important about why Juha Alakarhu told me that 1.12 um was better than 1.4 um while optimizing 1020 camera sensor

                          stay tuned all the forum :)

                            • D
                            • AnonD-77434
                            • fk6
                            • 18 Jul 2013

                            Anonymous, 18 Jul 2013which ones image quality and video quality is better?-808 o... moreHi known Anonymous "P

                            I Post the answer 1-2 days ago...if you search the comments for just yesterday you will find it

                            1- 808 is the best cameraphone till now in terms of clarity and quality, even the rich audio recording is better.

                            2- Lumia 1020 is better in terms of Low light and videos cause it has Amazing OIS 2nd generation so it's more practical and allows you to take non flash photos with free blur and very stable, but Lumia 1020 isn't even better in terms of details Day/Night photos

                            search the comment section and you will see detailed answer

                            hope that helped ")

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uNV
                              • 18 Jul 2013

                              AnonD-77434, 18 Jul 2013Hello all friends :D - I'm sorry for not bringing Phonei... morewhich ones image quality and video quality is better?-808 or 1020?

                                • D
                                • AnonD-34934
                                • utY
                                • 18 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-77434, 18 Jul 2013Hello all friends :D - I'm sorry for not bringing Phonei... moreCheers Ziad... Once again good work...

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-77434
                                  • fk6
                                  • 18 Jul 2013

                                  AnonD-92342, 17 Jul 2013Samzoom finally beats my 808 fair and square at the most re... moreHello all friends :D

                                  - I'm sorry for not bringing Phoneix link cause the only link it works for me was the I hope Gitty will solve his problem and by the way try to uninstall Nokia PC suit then install the Phoneix then Nokia Pc suit again and try to turn off your antivirus or windows essential-malware-spyware during the installing and using.

                                  -The second thing is dedicated for SBP...Samsung zoom as I said before it's better for it's OS, 10 X optical zoom and OIS, beside nice imaging features

                                  but If you looked at the AAS will see that the teddy bears-Steve drinking-pool is way better in 808---1/2.3'' will never beat 1/1.2'' without zooming...even slight zooming,S4 zoom will be like smartphone photo with tons of noise

                                  3rd: I talked with juha alakarhu on twitter and told him if they can push the pixel size 1.4 um rather than 1.12 and he told me that of course they did that but the details was worse than 1.12 um...and that's really very strange

                                  If any one has an important question about Lumia 1020, you can ask juha at twitter....or post it here and I will deliver it myself

                                  I'm not happy by the 1020 quality to be honest and I told him that....he said that I need to try it first myself, and I promised...hope Nokia will improve it by coming updates

                                  cheers :D

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-145812
                                    • N9@
                                    • 18 Jul 2013

                                    ikenna351, 17 Jun 2012To Samsung/Android fans: Honestly, i dont know what is w... moreBro! Just so you know, the 808 Pureview has been in Nigeria for quite a while. If you want one at an affordable price, do go to the Jumia Nigeria online store and purchase one. Good luck and do enjoy.

                                      • V
                                      • Vegeta
                                      • LeS
                                      • 18 Jul 2013

                                      MdN, 17 Jul 2013Did you try the Nokia BetaLabs WLAN software update? I'm no... morethx mate, the link seems to be working to me, no more problems with wifi

                                        • c
                                        • cozmo
                                        • TjQ
                                        • 18 Jul 2013

                                        Anonymous, 17 Jul 2013hopeless stupid phone i ever used...whem mobile data is on ... morei got the same phone but when i dont face what you are facing,the phone still on while conected.