Nokia 9500

Nokia 9500

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • FCR
  • 23 May 2006

this phone is HUGE! i was playing around with it today in a nokia retail store, and it is probably the biggest cell phone i have ever held, i could only imagine how uncomfortable the phone would feel in my pocket. i really like the phone alot, it has alot of great features and its a really good phone. but if you want to get it i sugest you get the 9300 or 9300i....the only difference is that there is no camera( but the camera on the 9500 isnt that good anyway, and that the 9300 is smaller which is better, and it is much cheaper. so i sugest the 9300 for people who want this phone

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • w4q
    • 18 May 2006

    Is there any way we can get the market share figures for Smart phones. I am sure Nokia is dropping in this segment like crazy

      • O
      • Owen
      • 2Am
      • 18 May 2006

      well, thats what Nokia is known for: releasing phones that doesnt have everything =)
      there's always something missing. I dont know with the N series.

      Im just wondering about the next communicator they will produce: 3G? megapixel cam? internal HardDrive? touchscreen capability? but no bluetooth... haha.. kidding! =)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • w4q
        • 17 May 2006

        The Reason I am upset with Nokia for not including the vibrator mode , T9 , qwerty keyboard that is not back lit and a better camera in the 9500 is that I am a loyal Nokia customer and would like to buy only nokia communicators but the goof up on small but very essential inclusions has let me to look at and buy other brands.

        Every high end phone however sophisticated it may be must have all the basic features to make it a true success.

        It is like a rolls royce with no air conditioning....for god sake Nokia wake up and get your house in order with your communicators. Right now I think Palm / O2 / SE have far better smart phones that dont comprimise on the basics

          • O
          • Owen
          • 2Am
          • 14 May 2006

          Hi Sebyshoru =)

          if you're talking about the keypads outside where you dial a number, there's no option to turn it off or on (as far as i know). its supposed to turn on once you press a key (unless its locked). if your outside keypad still doesnt light even if its active, then you have to have your phone checked or repaired. there must be something wrong with it.

          if you're talking about the complete keyboard inside with all the letters, it has no lights at all. there's nothing to turn on there =)

            • O
            • Owen
            • 2Am
            • 14 May 2006

            True, Nokia should stay in competition and offer products that are equal or better than its competitors..

            what i was trying to say is: if the phone is not enough for you, then dont buy it.
            some people will get it anyway because its the latest and they're excited about it and want to be the first one to have it even if they're aware its lacking some features. then after the hype and all, they'll realize its not good enough for them.

            Im not against Nokia or SE or Samsung or Panasonic, etc... ive tried all these brands with some features lacking in it but i bought them anyway and didnt complain. why? because im aware of those missing features and i wont be needing them the time i bought it, and i read the specification before i buy it. i dont let my excitement or my impulse to just buy it without getting myself familiar with whats in it.

            so, when can you complain?
            like when the product for example has a vibrate function then its not working. thats when you complain.
            but if the product catalog says that it has no vibrate function then you still bought it and you'll complain it doesnt have one, then why did you purchased it in the first place? get what i mean? =) PEACE!

              • s
              • sebyshoru
              • nDU
              • 13 May 2006

              hello guys, plssss tell me how tu turn on the fron keyboard lights on, pls I am desperat becose i can't figure out ow to do this plsssss hep me :((

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • w4q
                • 13 May 2006

                Can one load T9 on the 9500 so when I use the number pad i can send sms's with T9

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • w4q
                  • 12 May 2006


                  The explanation given for no vibrator / poor camera qualty in the 9500 is sad to say the least ...

                  Nokia competitors (Sony Erric.. , Palm , Samsung) all offer smart pones with a full qwerty keyboard . In addition they have a vibrator and a good camera.

                  In this day and age if Nokia cannot produce a relaible smart phone with a vibrator it might as well quit this market .... its competitors will eat it alive....So either Nokia offers the market a great product with all options or market forces will ensure it becomes extint

                    • O
                    • Owen
                    • wYG
                    • 11 May 2006

                    Hi Vishal =)

                    My 9500 can sync ok with my computer's Windows XP. it doesnt mean that if a cellphone is not using windows, it will not sync with your computer. even old Nokia's can sync with computers. Its also stated in Nokia website that you should at least have Service pack 1 or 2 for Windows XP to connect 9500 using USB cable or the data cradle. But my computer doesnt even have any Service Pack and its doing good. there were a lot of errors during installation but i went to control panel in my PC to do "repair" on the PC Suite and now its working fine.

                    I think both XDA and 9500 can sync good with any computer. people will not buy them if they dont, because its a business cellphone. It depends on your computer's configuration. if your computer has a lot of incompatibilities, then whatever phone you buy will not work with sync. you can also ask the store which phone is the best seller for business people. that might help you decide.

                    do a search in Google as well about nokia 9500 and XDA about PC sync and connection. you can read online forums about these phones with people talking about their experiences about both phones. you can search something like "nokia 9500 vs xda" or "02mini vs nokia 9500"... something like that...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • PBY
                      • 10 May 2006

                      both phones 9500 and 9300i have the same functions except for the size and the camera and of course the price as well. Here in the Philippines the price difference is almost 3 to 4 thousand pesos. I prefer the 9500 with its camera function which is pretty good for sending emails etc. You'll never know when you need a camera. :-)

                        • a
                        • arki_ed (Philippines
                        • PDP
                        • 04 May 2006

                        I've been using a pocket pc for years even the xda O2 honestly I'n quite happy with it except for the bluetooth function, plus I'm using an n70, not because that I'm a nokia fun but believe it has the best signal ever, and paired it with my bluetooth stereo headset was the best ever, unlike the SE though I already tried the w900i but pairing it with headset was frustrating, anyway I got my 9500 yesterday and its the best phone ever, I was able to sync all my contacts with outlook just like my pocket pc. I tried to transfer my excel file and words, it was a breezed no need for the cables like the my pocket pc, less cluter on the my desk. Probably this phone will last with me and my n70 great phones!

                          • v
                          • vishal
                          • 2@q
                          • 03 May 2006

                          1st of all thank u very much for u r prompt advice
                          Is pc and phone compatibility a big issue for 9500 since there is no windows.'
                          can i regularly synchronize my outlook data , on pc and phone .
                          Does windows absense matter a lot.
                          pls tell me the unique selling proposition(USP) of both the phone
                          which has more resale value.\
                          i want a perfect sync with my pc.
                          i want it to substitute with my laptop because in my city it is very hard to travel in public transport with a lap top.
                          pls advice which is a phone with highest utility

                            • O
                            • Owen
                            • RKn
                            • 03 May 2006

                            Hi Vishal =)

                            You might want to consider getting Nokia 9500, but it has no windows operating system. Aside from viewing word documents with Nokia 9500, it will be easier for you to edit them as well because of the full keyboard that you can use.
                            XDA Mini might give you a hard time using the handwriting recognition.

                            plus, 9500 is designed for business use so im sure it wil be useful for you if you want to organize things. wifi is another good thing about this phone.

                            I havent used XDA mini yet but I was able to give it a try and it always freezes.

                            If I were you, go to a local phone shop and give both phones a try so you'll see which phone will work best for you. It still depends on the person who will use it. for me, 9500 is best because of my everyday task and lifestyle.
                            if you hate bulky phone and want a small one and dont really need the full keyboard, wifi, and stuffs.. then try the XDA mini.

                              • v
                              • vishal
                              • 2@q
                              • 02 May 2006

                              Hey guys pls pls pls guide me as to go for o2 xda mini or 9500 and does 9500 missing windows really misses a lot due to absense of windows.
                              i need to use for organising task , reading word, excel files, using windows, which is better , pls tell.
                              which is the best bang for u r bucks!!!!
                              any nokia communicator with windows. pls tell

                                • O
                                • Owen
                                • wYG
                                • 26 Apr 2006

                                to some of you complaining about no vibration and VGA camera and others:

                                1) Vibrate
                                this phone has a lot of features packed to it. its also a big piece of communication tool and kindof not appropriate to integrate a vibrate feature. some of its internal parts and the large internal display might breakout or something when vibrating. im sure Nokia has a reason why they didnt put it. they did a lot of research and brainstorming for that. they will not just release something big not thinking hard about it. Imagine if they did put a vibrate function, some of you might still complain saying the other way around like "Nokia shouldnt have put vibrate because phone is too big and heavy for a vibrate and it wrecks sensitive part, i had mine for repair blah blah blah yada yada it sucks blah blah".

                                2) Camera
                                this is a business tool. mostly for executives. and executives have no time or not interested in taking pictures for fun or whatever. and if in case some of these executives do take pictures as part of their job then they'll get and use a digicam instead and not rely on phone camera. the cam for this phone is just for quick snapshots. some people buy this phone because of high-end features, but they dont really need them then will complain on the camera or size or whatever at the end of the day. read the specifications of the phone and try it first at your nearest phone shop before you buy it so you will not end up complaining. if you dont like the specs then look for another phone.

                                I bought this phone a week ago and i was using Samsung e730 before and it has a very nice camera quality which surpasses N70 sometimes. its also compact and small to fit in any pocket... but i was ready to sacrifice the camera part and the compact size of it because i dont get to use the camera very often anymore. so i got this larger one (9500) with excellent communication features and Wifi, email functions.
                                i noticed myself sending email to my partner or browsing websites in a coffee shop using GPRS from my Samsung E730 so as not to get bored while waiting for my partner get off the office for pick up, or when im relaxing during my dayoff. its expensive to use GPRS you know. so i told myself i need a fone that will do the job. 9500 is the answer. free WiFi on free hotspots. and great email software. mp3's and streaming video will help me fly off the time while waiting.

                                So my advice, get the phone suited or fitted for you so you will not complain. sometimes you dont have to look after a nice design just to be popular or cool or whatever. you're going to use the phone to ease your life or to do something related to your lifestyle. if your lifestyle changes and your phone does not fit it anymore then change it and look for something that will adjust and cope with your life, may it be an expensive phone or cheap one. as long as it satisfies you. =) CHEERS!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • in}
                                  • 25 Apr 2006


                                  Where have you seen the 9600 ... no news abt it this side of the globe or is it a hoax.

                                  Hope it is a slider with inbuilt battery , push email , windows 5 + and 4 + gb memory

                                    • M
                                    • Mario Renor
                                    • P4F
                                    • 23 Apr 2006

                                    Hi, all.
                                    I just got a 9500 and I don't know where I could find applications for it. Do you know any nice website where I can find it?

                                    Also, the applications I find for Nokia 6600 works in 9500 too?


                                      • d
                                      • dudi
                                      • MCq
                                      • 21 Apr 2006

                                      I just got 9500!It's true, it's a second hand cell, but I think that's the best cell I ever had. I have also a N90, but I like more that Comunicator (I have 9110 too)Belive me, that's the best!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • iLT
                                        • 21 Apr 2006

                                        I have just seen a prototype of the 9600 communicator looks real cool.