Nokia C7
- B
- Brix
- w0Q
- 10 Sep 2011
Bilal, 10 Sep 2011Hi Brix....R u talking about phone`s SW updater or pc or la... moreGuys aGain..
How cn you say if you are using the OTA updater?
Is that c0ming froM apPlicAti0n then SW? Or setTing ,ph0ne management, dEvice updates..
Is that 2 then same an exAmple of OTA updates?
- B
- Brix
- w0Q
- 10 Sep 2011
Bilal, 10 Sep 2011Hi Brix....R u talking about phone`s SW updater or pc or la... moreSw in phone.. In the aPplicAti0n..
By the way thanks for replyin me..
Thanks guys
- v
- venky
- t1{
- 10 Sep 2011
AnonD-12555, 10 Sep 2011Just open menu button, it's square under space. There you h... moreThanx ramyaHR... One more thing i want to update my c7 to Anna But the problem is that Im using GPRS, not 3G or wifi please suggest me the best way to update my c7.. when i check for updates in Applications>Tools>SW- its showing device update 30MB which i think will more time and more importantly if any call or msg comes when updating...what will happen pls pls pls help me out:-) Reply will highly appreciated
- D
- AnonD-12555
- SH{
- 10 Sep 2011
venky, 10 Sep 2011Hi ramyaHR...How Eid to change the qwerty key board to alph... moreJust open menu button, it's square under space. There you have "Alphanumeric keypad" option. When you change it once, that's it, you don't have to change it every time. Cheers mate!
- D
- AnonD-12555
- SH{
- 10 Sep 2011
Brix, 10 Sep 2011Hey guys.. All of u, use the sw updater? Who is use th... moreI updated mine OTA using wifi. Everything works perfect. First type *#0000# then check for updates. When you install that, go to App, Tools, SW update. There, you'll find 6 more updates. Install all and enjoy your new phone! :)
- v
- venky
- fCx
- 10 Sep 2011
AnonD-12555, 09 Sep 2011Ok, summer is almost over, but Anna... Welcome to Croatia a... moreHi ramyaHR...How Eid to change the qwerty key board to alpha numeric again..pls help:-)
- B
- Bilal
- fCx
- 10 Sep 2011
Brix, 10 Sep 2011Hey guys.. All of u, use the sw updater? Who is use th... moreHi Brix....R u talking about phone`s SW updater or pc or laptop by using ovi suit..?? Please reply soon waitinggq
- B
- Brix
- w0Q
- 10 Sep 2011
Hey guys..
All of u, use the sw updater?
Who is use the OTA ? Is that n0t gud?
- D
- AnonD-12555
- SH{
- 09 Sep 2011
Ok, summer is almost over, but Anna... Welcome to Croatia and to my C7! :) Upgraded today, exploring... Happy for now, only thing is- QWERTY keyboard is a bit too small in portrait mode, so I changed it back to alphanumeric. We'll see how everything else works. :)
- B
- Bilal
- t1%
- 09 Sep 2011
sahil khan, 09 Sep 2011Rehan, each and every products have some drawbacks in this ... moreHi sahil khan.. i want to know whats the best way to update my c7 to Anna.. in phone's software updater or by using laptop via Ovi suit..?? thanx in advance.waiting for your valuable reply
- s
- sahil khan
- PAm
- 09 Sep 2011
Rehan, 08 Sep 2011Dear All Can u tell me the advantage and disadvantag... moreRehan, each and every products have some drawbacks in this world. Dont think so, i m using c7 its simply the best one. Purchase c7 and upgrade it to symbian Anna, really u wil enjoy with c7.
- s
- sahil khan
- PAm
- 09 Sep 2011
[deleted post]U shud buy c7 wether or not prelodaded with Anna, even if u purchase c7 with symbian^3, u can flash it with symbian Anna by the technician it wil be as if u have purchased preloaded c7. I have purchasd and got it flashed with Anna. Realy it works more than expectation. Enjoy bro...
- D
- AnonD-15537
- uva
- 09 Sep 2011
AnonD-13321, 09 Sep 2011Google it. You'll get a couple of free links. I got mine fr... morethank u so also trying to download frm N8 fanclub..i'll gv my feedbk aftr getting that.
- A
- Ali
- U@n
- 09 Sep 2011
Dear all i am buying c7 plz tell me about more nd more
- D
- AnonD-13321
- s82
- 09 Sep 2011
AnonD-15537, 09 Sep 2011thanx a lot...can u tell me the frm where(web site) i can d... moreGoogle it. You'll get a couple of free links. I got mine from n8fanclub. It didn't even require signing.
- J
- James
- 95m
- 09 Sep 2011
Rehan, 08 Sep 2011Dear All Can u tell me the advantage and disadvantag... moreBetter buy Samsung SI9000 with android
- y
- yamel
- ftK
- 09 Sep 2011
kish, 09 Sep 2011The phone is heating up for just surfing the OVI store for ... moredont worry about d heat up its normal, aftet you update to anna it'll reduse it. Mine was also like that b4
- D
- AnonD-20777
- KIe
- 09 Sep 2011
i m sellin my nokiac7 in absolute original condition n 8 months warranty, if any 1 interested so contact me @ 0332-2319082, demandin just 24 000
- D
- AnonD-20777
- KIe
- 09 Sep 2011
my front camera is nt workin n a msg "unexpected error , restart ur phone" is showin when i open it, please tel me the solution?
- k
- kish
- vIp
- 09 Sep 2011
The phone is heating up for just surfing the OVI store for 10mins, near the camera....very bad experince during the second day itself...returned to nokia care......does any has this issue??????????