Nokia C7

Nokia C7

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-2572
  • 3xJ
  • 04 Apr 2011

why, 04 Apr 2011man what is ALTDRMaudioplayerutility?? i have it on instal... moreNot sure what that is,but its probably related to DRM (digital rights media) for your music player and probably has to do with any DRM embedded files you download, eg from Ovi music, so I'd leave it be.

    • s
    • sang
    • fCP
    • 04 Apr 2011

    hate the fixed focus. Nokia should start installing auto focus on their smart fone. On this issue sony e has an advantage over nokia

      • D
      • AnonD-4462
      • fsx
      • 04 Apr 2011

      AnonD-3112, 04 Apr 2011Hello Deen.. I'm a C7 user since January. Yes, I have the ... moreThanks for sharing your thoughts rahulsuneja.

      I've read far and wide on different websites and forums on this issue and the complaints seem to be getting more heated and more widespread with each passing day. I guess part of the discontent is because of what people interprete as nonchalance on the part of Nokia administration trying to ignore the problem.

      I've always felt/hoped the tint was manageable as long as it stayed at a minor level, like yours and Maverick's. But at the same time, I've seen screen shots of tinted displays that were simply unbearable. If this were any other phone I'd ditch it and go for something else, but try as I may I cannot find a phone with comparable features at a similar price.

      All I can do now is pray real hard that I get one with an ok display. AND make sure I read the fine print on the warranty.

        • D
        • AnonD-3112
        • KAH
        • 04 Apr 2011

        AnonD-4462, 04 Apr 201150 sms? Now I see why you were dreaming of e7. It would hav... moreHello Deen..
        I'm a C7 user since January. Yes, I have the purple tint issue but it's not a major one. It doesn't really affect me in my routine use. But, while watching movies, I can see purple-pink-brown patches in dark areas of the video. That is when I come to notice about the issue.
        However, there are certain phones where the issue is quite explicit.. Those phones show up half of the analogue clock as completely brown or dark purple.

        This is an excellent phone, with so many features loaded. I couldn't find any other phone within this price range with these many features and an AMOLED screen.

        Now, people here who are cribbing about the tint issue should know that all AMOLED screens have a tint. Some have blue, some have a yellowish off-white, some have a red/brown, while others have a purple/pink.
        You can see it on wikipedia that all OLED displays have a tint that gives an apparent artificial saturation to one or the other colour.
        I do not say that there's no issue with AMOLEDs on N8's & C7's..
        All I want to say that if it's too much of a Pink/Purple shade, get it replaced. If your problem is not at the WORST stage, Nokia might not even touch your phone, let alone REPLACING the display.

        PS: must go through this link and read all about OLED technology. And stop cribbing, you can bare with it quite easily!

          • D
          • AnonD-4462
          • fsx
          • 04 Apr 2011

          BelaCom, 04 Apr 2011Big brother Deen, i gues u got a perfect reply. I'm addicte... more50 sms? Now I see why you were dreaming of e7. It would have been the perfect phone for you.

          I'm in Nigeria too and I have some questions for you as a prospective c7 buyer. How do you feel about the purple tint? Its actually worrying me a lot. Do you know anyone personally that owns a c7? Does any of them have the tint? I know two people with n8's but they bought theirs last year, so they dont have the purple tint (though they have freezing/restarting issues).

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • fXK
            • 04 Apr 2011

            What's happening? I couldnt get the right volume in my new c7just bought even with loudspeaker on for music and radio. less than my old n95. the headset is even loose. what do I do?

              • B
              • BelaCom
              • ftV
              • 04 Apr 2011

              AnonD-4462, 03 Apr 2011Hello BelaCom, If i read you right, you're looking for r... moreBig brother Deen, i gues u got a perfect reply. I'm addicted to mobile gaming & i can compose 50 sms in an hour(did i just over-rate myself?) so u see i luv typing wit mobile. D truth is as u said, my heart screams 4 c7 cos its picture is presently my laptop wallpaper.

                • n
                • nima from iran
                • HIa
                • 04 Apr 2011

                hi every's near 2 mounth i have c7.first i had black color but it was a serious problem.on it's own get to week later waranty change in for me and give me silver color ,and said black colors of this device have problem.
                now i have a healthy cellphone .it's realy supreme and perfect.finally i am sorry for my weak english.good luck.

                  • k
                  • krucifixio
                  • ftK
                  • 04 Apr 2011

                  Love it, but not wicked. GPRS/EDGE is not encouraging for c7, class33 is better for c7. when would c8 & c9 be announced?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-4734
                    • PUa
                    • 04 Apr 2011

                    why, 04 Apr 2011man what is ALTDRMaudioplayerutility?? i have it on instal... moreu dl it from ovi store right?

                      • R
                      • Raj
                      • ub6
                      • 04 Apr 2011

                      daudwong, 03 Apr 2011My Nokia C7 cant be connected to OVI store. Can anyone plea... moreJust creat one one internet connection from
                      setting->internet setting->creat new port

                        • w
                        • why
                        • v0q
                        • 04 Apr 2011

                        AnonD-2572, 03 Apr 2011Refresh the library only if you've added new songs, and do ... moreman what is ALTDRMaudioplayerutility??
                        i have it on installed application (installed on C:drive.. is it safe to delete it? i haven't seen it before..

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • v0q
                          • 04 Apr 2011

                          Seriously, I can't find those purple tint and about the update? It seems that my phone is abit laggish after the update. I kinda reboot it after once.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-2816
                            • YTK
                            • 04 Apr 2011

                            hii.. everyone is there any solution for managing my photo gallery as per my wish because whenever i move any thing from my laptop to my nokia c7 it always get distributed here and there in very awkward manner is there any remedy for this... because it became very hard to search pics which i wish to see... can it be managed...plzz tell me guys.

                              • w
                              • why
                              • v0q
                              • 04 Apr 2011

                              AnonD-2572, 03 Apr 2011Sorry mate, havent experienced that. If your headphone set ...'s now working... =)
                              i uninstalled it then installed it back again..and now it's working...tnx man..

                                • w
                                • why
                                • v0q
                                • 04 Apr 2011

                                AnonD-2572, 03 Apr 2011Refresh the library only if you've added new songs, and do ... morebut when i first opened tunewiki..on offline automatically refreshes it's library and it takes forever...

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-4462
                                  • ftK
                                  • 03 Apr 2011

                                  BelaCom, 03 Apr 2011C6-01 clear black display & class 33 of gprs. Excellent... moreHello BelaCom,

                                  If i read you right, you're looking for reasons to buy a c7 instead of a c6-01. Well, from what you've said, it seems your best bet is the c6-01. Sorry!

                                  Personally, i feel the c7 is superior only if you consider its FM transmitter, larger internal memory and larger screen. However, in your case, since you dont want an fm transmitter and the 2gig memory card that comes with the c6-01 is more than enough for you, then the only plus left on the c7 is it's larger screen.

                                  Comparing the two screens (from user opinions and reviews), the c7 is larger, better for gaming and typing text, while the c6-01 is clearer and sharper and doesn't come with purple tint issues. But I believe the touch sensitivity is the same. So unless you're a gamer and you do a lot of typing, the c7 doesn't really have much for you.

                                  I'm currently faced with the same choice and i've chosen the c7. Cuz unlike you, i have A LOT of mp3s (music, audio books, etc) i intend to store in the phone so a 2gig card is not enough for me; and since i'll be using it in my car, the fm transmitter will come in very handy. And finally, i've been using an OMNIA Lite (roughly same size as c6-01)for over a year and the screen is starting to feel cramped to me. So for me the c7's larger screen is a very worthy upgrade, purple tint or no purple tint.

                                  Good luck! I guess your head is telling you c6-01 but your heart is screaming c7. Not sure if i helped you at all.

                                  p.s: When you buy, make sure the one you get has the applicable country warranty. I hear Nokia Care Centers are pretty strict about that.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-2572
                                    • nCY
                                    • 03 Apr 2011

                                    why, 03 Apr 2011i tried installing tune wiki but takes forever refreshing t... moreRefresh the library only if you've added new songs, and do it once u've finished adding them all.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-2572
                                      • nCY
                                      • 03 Apr 2011

                                      fred, 03 Apr 2011hi mavrick, my c7 headphone is not going to next music when... moreSorry mate, havent experienced that. If your headphone set or connector is not damaged then try rebooting the phone and retry. If its still doesnt work, then you might need a new headset.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-2572
                                        • nCY
                                        • 03 Apr 2011

                                        why, 03 Apr 2011tnx man...i only have games like angry birds,nfs,and galaxy... moreYou can find games at mobile9 or n8fanclub/symbianzone, but most need signing. If ur not able to sign apps then u'll have to go with Ovi store.