Nokia C7

Nokia C7

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-2572
  • Trj
  • 13 Mar 2011

Neil , 13 Mar 2011Can You Please Suggest any Useful Applications that you hav... moreI've put quite a few apps, but I'll just tell you a few i consider most nifty :
1.Tunewiki music player: Nice internet based alternative music player with lyrics display and album art
2.Music stopper : lets you stop the music player(or other apps) after a predetermined interval
3. Soundhound/Shazam : Similar to the iphone apps of the same name, I use them mainly to ID music.
4. Xenozu player : For youtube
5. Mobiola web cam/epoc web cam
6.SPB mobile shell/V Home/N desk/9 Grid : For a radical home page interface
7. Screencapture/screensnap : for screenshots
8. Pocket lock : really useful autolock
9. Advanced device locks : just to secure apps if someone else also uses ur phone
10. Vlingo : voice search (requires internet for some searches)
11. Mazelock : Additional lock screen security
12. Opera Mobile/Mini/UC Browser : Alternative web browser
13. IM+/ebuddy/Nimbuzz : IM apps
14. Handy Wi : Mobile hotspot functionality
15. Facebook/Gravity for twitter/snaptu : For the obvious :)
16. Compass/Paper compass : Compass functionality
17. Wikitude/Layar : Interesting augmented reality. (Be warned, Layar has issues with Bubbles)
18. Kayak/Tripadvisor : Travel apps similar to the iphone apps of the same name
19. Nokia Situations (Beta)
20. Sports Tracker : Old favorite symbian apps to track your sport/exercise routines
21. Dorian/Albite reader : Epub ebook reader
22. X- plore : Excellent file browser
23. SmartGuard/smart gallery : Secures your messages/media files
24. Mobiwitch remote/ Doktu : To send files/control Pc apps via bluetooth/wifi respectively
25. Best Taskman/ Handy Taskman : Task Manager
26. Best Blacklist : selective call blocker
27. Best Crypto : Secures any info you might want to secure
28. Best message storer : stores/backs up your messages
29. Best call recorder : records calls
30. Ting! : Full screen caller
31. Incallert (S60v5,works for me): Minute minder beep app.
32 . Best private conversation : Hides any trace of sms/calls and records from any selected number and passwords it.

One thing I like about symbian is that even though it has a lesser number of apps as compared to android/iOS,the apps available are pretty useful.There are thousands more software out there, which you will discover. This is just to get you started, I hope others will mention their favorite apps here as well. Cheers.

    • D
    • AnonD-2572
    • Trj
    • 13 Mar 2011

    AnonD-3360, 13 Mar 2011One problem-when i hold lock key flashlight turns on... how... moreYou can disable that by activating power saving mode..thats by touching the battery icon and selecting "activate power saving" , which will disable the flashlight (but also put into effect a lot of other power savers). As far as i know there is no setting for the flashlight, its a "hidden" talent of the C7. If you cant prevent the lock switch from getting stuck when you put it into the pouch, then activating power saving before putting it into the pouch seems to be your option. Anyone else has any ideas?

      • D
      • AnonD-3360
      • v{P
      • 13 Mar 2011

      One problem-when i hold lock key flashlight turns on... how to disable that key? cos whenever i put c7 in my pouch lock key gets pressed... plz Help:....

        • D
        • AnonD-2572
        • Trj
        • 13 Mar 2011

        AnonD-542, 13 Mar 2011Exactly. But its not true that nokia copied album flow from... moreYes..the gallery in earlier symbians was something like a carousel view..and I too prefer the C7's cover flow to apple's..for one its kinetic scrolling is much better, not short and jerky like apple's, and the bar at the bottom and the 'flow' of the cover art itself is much nicer. A real positive.

          • A
          • Adeeb
          • HBx
          • 13 Mar 2011

          Which color of Nokia c7 is the best.Most people say the frostly metal is good.Another thing which c7 is better 1.made in Finland, 2. Made in Hungary' 3.Made in Korea or 4 .made in china.
          As far i know the best one is finland made and the second is hungary made.
          Pls suggest the color and the manufacturing place.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 7tA
            • 13 Mar 2011

            Sayan, 13 Mar 2011hey buddys n8 costs slightly higher & doesn't have vide... moreDear Sayan,
            Please tell me what is this video light?

              • J
              • Johan
              • fX1
              • 13 Mar 2011

              C7 very nice phone , but make sure if you by that it is a genuine Nokia C7. I almost bought a fake phone.

                • S
                • Sayan
                • TL5
                • 13 Mar 2011

                hey buddys n8 costs slightly higher & doesn't have video light.go for c7,8mpx wth video light,jst go for it,xtremely 18000.U can say the just d brother of n8.

                  • A
                  • Adham
                  • fs$
                  • 13 Mar 2011

                  I bought the C7 last month. It's really a good phone... It's really a brilliant phone... It's got everything you want....

                  The only disadvantages are the sound of the external speaker when playing music is relatively low with hi treble and the screen really gets dirty by fingerprints easily... besides these 2 disadvantages, it's a great phone that i recommend to anyone

                    • O
                    • OzMaxC7
                    • i2a
                    • 13 Mar 2011

                    Want to know disadvantages/the parts you hate, read on:
                    1. Your a very bad boy for "restarting/turning-on" the phone.
                    If you try, hook the phone up to a nuclear power plant & wait 2 mins till it usable.
                    Now, just watch & suffer at the battery just feel so cheated and used.
                    HENCE, don't restart, keep the POWER, there isn't any errors on the phone that dont fix themselves.
                    2. The web browser sucks. its horrible. but your all sweet, go download Opera and it works as fast,easy,simple and flexible as chromium development builds on PC.
                    3. Because it lasts so long, you want it to last longer and its just not enough for u as it feels like it stays on forever, and you&your friends have gamed on it for 9hrs whilst you made calls and sms randomly between the breaks.You can't go back to other phones with crap battery life. Your stuffed.

                      • N
                      • Neil
                      • u1C
                      • 13 Mar 2011

                      AnonD-2572, 12 Mar 2011For disadvantages, just read Rahul's post below. Its mai... moreCan You Please Suggest any Useful Applications that you have installed in your C7.

                        • o
                        • ola
                        • fsV
                        • 13 Mar 2011

                        can anyone tell me about the battery of this fone.

                          • w
                          • wael
                          • JEt
                          • 13 Mar 2011

                          is this phone better than the n900 ?

                            • D
                            • AnonD-542
                            • t1{
                            • 13 Mar 2011

                            AnonD-2572, 13 Mar 2011Good to hear mate..cant agree more with your comments and e... moreExactly. But its not true that nokia copied album flow from apple. Nokia was the first to introduce a similar feature in gallery of s60v2 devices. Although the name 'album flow' was apple's but if one compares symbian and iOS album flow then they give a heaven and earth difference. And the way the album flow of symbian^3 seem to come from infinity at 35° towards Z axis (considering the screen as XY plane) and the albums coming side to side instead of one over the other (iOS style), makes more sense as the user can see and understand all the far end albums. IOS album flow is difficult in the sense that unless the album photo is at the center of the screen, one won't know how the image looks. Now apple's album flow looks like a cheap imitation of symbian's.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-542
                              • t1{
                              • 13 Mar 2011

                              mj23, 13 Mar 2011 ..just got my new c7..but there seems to be a ... moreBefore going any further, get the certificate and key of your mobile from s60certkey and start installing any app you want. Details of how to apply certificate or how to get them can be found by googling.
                              As for your restart problems, I don't know whats wrong. Maybe it has something to do with the apps you installed. For eg, opera mini symbian and swype don't get along too well. They tend to crash each other (low probability, but still...). I am not sure if they do the same with C7 but it did on the C6-00.
                              If you want to play games for long then I recommend you to keep the mobile plugged to the charger.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-2572
                                • 3xJ
                                • 13 Mar 2011

                                AnonD-542, 13 Mar 2011I finally got my hands on nokia c7. I have to say that its ... moreGood to hear mate..cant agree more with your comments and especially the cover flow..I have an ipod touch and the C7's cover flow beats that hands of the few examples of copying that bests the original :) I recommend everyone puts album art on their music for use on the have to see it to believe it!!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-3785
                                  • Khr
                                  • 13 Mar 2011

                                  Top 10 Nokia Phones:


                                    • m
                                    • mj23
                                    • w0P
                                    • 13 Mar 2011

                                    ..just got my new c7..but there seems to be a a course of a day i get about a minimum of 5 restart and most of this normal with symbian^3?..i have PR 1.1.and i get battery life of less than 20hours,this is with just txting and few gaming of angry birds about 20 minutes and i can't get through the day..xc..any suggestion? the battery damage?...and another..where to get paid apps for free..because there is no paid apps here in the philippines..thanks for those who will answer..

                                      • S
                                      • Samo
                                      • 0CP
                                      • 13 Mar 2011

                                      Anyone know what are the languages available in this phone?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-542
                                        • Hkr
                                        • 13 Mar 2011

                                        I finally got my hands on nokia c7. I have to say that its a massive improvement over symbian^1 or s60v5. Everything seems perfect now. No lags, no waiting..... nothing. The screen's sensitivity is just too good. Sometimes I don't even know I even touched the screen.
                                        The music and video player intrigued me the most. The album flow is sooooo good. No lags and the implementation of kinetic scrolling is an added plus. One thing most people might have missed is that the tiny bar at the bottom which signifies the position we are at can actually be moved. So if we have to go to the end of the albums then all we have to do is drag this bar to the right end and all the album covers flow to the end with the smoothest of effect and slows down to a halt. looks so cool. Iphone album flow is nothing compared to the speed and usability standards of symbian^3 album flow.
                                        And the video player.....all I can say is that it played everything.....simply everything I threw at it (of course videos).
                                        Oh btw a new application of around 28 mb size has released. Its some kind of gallery app with lots of effects and transitions. Check out n8fanclub for more details.