Nokia C7
- G
- G-Shock
- uC3
- 26 Oct 2010
referring at, nokia C7 and N8 does not have clearblack Amoled display...Clearblack display only got on nokia C6-01 and nokia E7-00.Correct me if im wrong.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 26 Oct 2010
Nokia C7 released in the philippines
cmk cellphone shop selling at 19,000 pesos
- V
- V
- uGM
- 26 Oct 2010
GSMARENA, pls review C7 asap, and if possible, give detailed comparison between N8 and C7 especially on hardware. i am torn between these two nice babies.
- s
- sameer
- ut3
- 25 Oct 2010
VISHAL NAYAK S, 24 Oct 2010visit this link... morethese guys r wrong most of the time in predicting the price ... it will be lunched at 21k and end up at 5-6k less ...
- S
- Saske
- vGe
- 25 Oct 2010
@ yotavzki - it doesnt have gorilla glass.
- y
- yotavzki
- wHr
- 25 Oct 2010
does it hav a protective glass or gorilla..???tnx..!!!
- S
- Sweettooth
- N7$
- 24 Oct 2010
R8, 24 Oct 2010I have the phone!! Its very nice. The phone its very exclus... moreYo just want to know if you can still jump to different aps without exit like on the NSeries using the hot/menu key?
- L
- Lora
- 9Fx
- 24 Oct 2010
VISHAL NAYAK S, 23 Oct 2010Tanks 4 the info parth....can u pls tel me the cost of tis ... moreIf you get paid change then dear you have to think again about this phone my dear,,,,JOKING 5600 by the way thats money i get taxxed for a month or that kind of amount one can put it too good use ......then again if you can afford it then go for it Lol
- L
- Lora
- 9Fx
- 24 Oct 2010
VISHAL NAYAK S, 23 Oct 2010Tanks 4 the info parth....can u pls tel me the cost of tis ... moreif you get change at work then dear you have too think again about this phone my dear.....joking 5600 by the way thats money i get taxed for a month.....
- R
- Rizwan
- 2AY
- 24 Oct 2010
Nokia C7-00 is the best phone. which covers all the future requirements. I like it and appreciate Nokia company. That will be the leading phone in C series till next comes.
- C
- Cassie
- 0m1
- 24 Oct 2010
ajju, 21 Oct 2010am confused between wave nd nokia c7.
1- i dnt hav ny prob... moreAs far as camera abilities are concerned, 5 megapixel with autofocus should be better that 8 wishout autofocus. Without autofocus it is impossible to make copies of documents, or shoot macro, the camera is only usable for snapshots from a distance (1 m in this particular case.)
It will be other features that can matter if I should choose C7 over Wave in the future. I mean the Symbian (yes..) I am accustomed to, whereas Bada is new, sound clarity improvement and the USB on the go wonderful thing. (But I am still thinking..)
- R
- Ranjith SK
- 0C4
- 24 Oct 2010
Saw model C7 in Nokia shop in Hayat Plaza, Doha,Qatar.The price tag is around QR 1870
- V
- utX
- 24 Oct 2010
[deleted post]visit this link...
its been given here tat cost of c7 is 16000/- INR...
it m8t fluctuate btwn 14000-17000/- INR...
- 6
- 666
- tsZ
- 24 Oct 2010
C7: 430 usd
N8: 530 usd
i was surprised when C7 came out at the same time with N8. Both are now available in stores.
- n
- nidhi
- 2@e
- 24 Oct 2010
plz tmme when nokia c7 vl b launch in india and wat vl b d price of diz.n which ph is bttr btwn nokia c7,c6 an e5 plz reply soon....
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 24 Oct 2010
Hi. don't you know Nokia C7 has a secret Near Field Communication chip inside. Nokia has been known to randomly slip in easter eggs into their handset – e.g. FM radio receiver in the N800/Accelerometer in the N95.
Nokia will apparently announce soon what they plan to do with this ability. God knows, Nokia phones have always had great features years ahead of predecessors – but they’ve not really known how to take full advantage of it or tell joe public how awesome it is.
- R
- R8
- nru
- 24 Oct 2010
I have the phone!! Its very nice. The phone its very exclusive,and i love the loooks off it.
- V
- utX
- 23 Oct 2010
Parth, 23 Oct 2010Definately c6-01 ll b available frm mid december and price ... moreTanks 4 the info parth....can u pls tel me the cost of tis phone if u no it..?
- P
- Parth
- 95H
- 23 Oct 2010
[deleted post]Definately c6-01 ll b available frm mid december and price ll b approx..between 13-14 k. And to all as i said b4 c7 ll b available frm this MOnday at all nokia PDs.