Nokia E61i
- h
- hatem hinawi
- M{3
- 11 Jun 2007
hi every 1,
i have a problem in my new mobile phone E61i which is the following: the mobile cant call contacts from the clendar page i have to go to contacts and call each 1 which is available in other mobiles.The only thing that i need is to find some 1 that may tell me a way or a software which is very useful for me and may solve my problem.
hatem hinawi
- J
- P%5
- 11 Jun 2007
I have both E-61 and E-61i. Was going to sell the E-61, but I like it too much. The 61i IS faster on the web and I like having the camera.
OK... someone was asking how to save pics when browsing.
in OPTIONS pics can be saved. If you want to take a screen capture like you can do on a MAC or a winblowz machine, get "SCREEN SHOT for SYMBIAN OS (S60) version 2.60. It's freeware and it's a great little app.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PVt
- 10 Jun 2007
hi everyone,
i am currently using an SE p990i. Its satisfactory but has ram issues and the keyboard sucks.
i like how the e61i sounds on paper but have a few concerns,
1. web browsing is very easy with a stylus, tap, scroll etc. is it easy on the e61i as well? (i hear something about a mouse pointer)
2. is the camera and sound quality atleast as good on the e61i as it is on the p990i?
3. how difficult is the transition from symbian uiq3 (touch screen based) to s60?
thanks guys, appreciate your input.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG4
- 10 Jun 2007
i am getting this one tomorrow...............sure shot...
- p
- pranay
- vGj
- 10 Jun 2007
this fone is one rokin thing on the nokia charts.
- m
- mcc
- nsn
- 10 Jun 2007
You can use GPS but you will have to have a separate bluetoth GPS reciever because E61i doesn't have one. I'm planing to get one for myself also.
- s
- sami
- SkE
- 09 Jun 2007
is this phone contain GPS option??
- L
- Louis
- Nxs
- 09 Jun 2007
can you help -want to get the E61i -all 100% but looks "bulky"?
let me know , thanks
- A
- naj
- 09 Jun 2007
THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking your time to explain all those & give me a detailed info regarding Blackberry Connectivity.
I really appreciate it.
Thanks again.
- S
- S60 user
- m9J
- 09 Jun 2007
Hi Alaba. I use an e70 which runs the same software. Web is unfortunately not like Services where you can 'view images', which will then let you save. The only thing i know which may be of use is that using google image search and clicking on full size image automatically downloads the content to your gallery. Any good to you?
- M
- PTp
- 08 Jun 2007
From quite some time I was planning to buy a e61 but then planning got much longer then it should and Nokia released e61i (really hot) but due to some money problems I went for a used e61 that costed me less then the half price of e61i.
I heard that e61i already got all the software that we are suppose to buy for e61 like hotspot finder etc. etc.
I am already short on money but want to have such awsome software, is there a way to get that software for free or get something similar for free?
Also are there any other software added in the new firmwire for e61 that are included in e61i?
Guys help me please, soon I am leaving for a long journey and this e61 will be like my mini laptop so I do need your help in this regard :o)
- M
- ijp
- 07 Jun 2007
Hi I just bought a used e61 (was short on money) and I know e61i is too cool but is there a possibility to get all the software upgrades as well as applications in my e61 that e61i (need that for free)
Please help me in this.
- A
- Alaba
- N9@
- 07 Jun 2007
Can any body help me!
How do i save a picture i like into my phone memory if am using the web browser.pls i need urgent help on this
- ?
- Anonymous
- YcG
- 07 Jun 2007
Setting up Blackberry Internet Service for Nokia e61 by Billy Bhakta
Step1:Type the following on your phone without quotes “*#0000#” you will find out which version your phone is. Should be one of the following and write it down.
2.618.06.05 or 1.610.04.04
Step2:Go to Nokia’s website and download the Blackberry Connect software. You will have to select region as Europe, Carrier as Other (don’t select t-mobile), and phone model Nokia E61. Click the show button and you will find three links. Based on version number choose the top link or the middle link. Make sure your usb cable is hooked up to your phone and pc suite is connected. Then download the file and double click to open it. It should automatically install itself. Once it says install successful then you can disconnect the usb link. Next go to Menu the messages icon. Then click on options and settings and then email then change default to black berry and email to black berry and click on those settings and make sure black berry setting are “on” for everything. Then go back and click on email and your can select your email and using joystick and move to right and you will find your pin# and imei# and all other info. Write this down as it is necessary for next steps.
Step3:Go to my t-mobile website, if you haven’t not logged in then set this up. It is mandatory.
Once you login to My tmobile website click on Communication tools tab in pink color. Next click on “Learn about Tmobile Web” which is in pink writing. Then you will already be on a white tab called communications. Re click on the white communications tab and you will see a new menu which has a link for Blackberry. Click on Blackberry. Then click on the link Setup Blackberry Internet Email. If you cant follow the above then follow this link : ---
Now you will see your logged in to make changes for blackberry. First click on change handheld link to the left. Then it will have your pin there already which should remain the same. You will have to enter in your new imei number which you got from the steps above. Once your done with that stuff you will need to click on the link to the left which says service books. Then click on send and it will send out new service books.
Finally walla you should get a txt message saying activation successful bla bla bla and send an email and its all there.
If this helps throw me a line at
Or if you have questions send email there as well.
- M
- NhJ
- 07 Jun 2007
It tailored for business with its QWERTY keyboard that support wide view of your e-mail and attachments
WLAN with all versions.
2mp integrated camera you can have your own
snapshots with a high resloution.
mp3 player with expandable memory up to 2GB.
Actualy tailored to simplify your business and life
- A
- 0fv
- 07 Jun 2007
I'm a bit confused with the Blackberry Connectivity. Do I download the software on my PC or my phone?!! And do I have to have that added on my service provider first before I download it on my phone? I am not familia with Blackberry @ all. So please fill me in.
Thank U
- ?
- Anonymous
- RK3
- 07 Jun 2007
i saw that you could play street fighter here, i tried downloading the software but i can t install it on my phone, it keeps on saying that the application cannot be installed..
- ?
- Anonymous
- YcG
- 07 Jun 2007
p.s. I think it's worth upgrading from e61
- ?
- Anonymous
- YcG
- 07 Jun 2007
I dont know what you guys talking about QWERZ- i have QWERTY on my phone. Some one was asking how to get blackberry connect- use Download! program or just google nokia business software in the browser and you'll be able to download it from the site right on your phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- YcG
- 07 Jun 2007
Just got it! Instead of e61. Looks a lot more impressive. Just connected it w/blackberry T-Mobile- works perfect! No need to sat up email address like on e61! Everything comes up by itself. Email key WORKS. Back cover made of metal and phone is a lot slimmer. got it for $417 shopped on ebay