Nokia E71
- a
- alireza
- pT2
- 22 Dec 2009
hi. how do i type persian sms? my phone have not persian or arabic language
- a
- abdul vahab
- nC7
- 22 Dec 2009
divoxl , 21 Dec 2009pls I want to know how to download yahoo messenger on my e7... morehi buddy
no worry about yahii messenger download nimbuzz it is working great will serve u more communities..........
- g
- germaine
- qEe
- 22 Dec 2009
having used it for a month now its just the best
- s
- sabil
- 22 Dec 2009
stylish, 22 Dec 2009Is its keyboars easy to be used ?keypad is easy to use
- s
- stylish
- fvT
- 22 Dec 2009
Is its keyboars easy to be used ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- pXj
- 21 Dec 2009
the best phone i have ever owned so far. recently updated to V400.21.013 and it is much better. GPS lock is much faster, and handles 8GB microSDHC with no problems. slightly better battery life even in UMTS. i have 1030 songs in it and does not hang one bit. web is awesome and youtube is great. keyboard is the best i have ever used. i can type like crazy on it.
- A
- Abhinav...
- vw2
- 21 Dec 2009
Purchased one today...Great phone...Sleek,stylish and sexy...Black Steel...
- a
- ajay
- 2@1
- 21 Dec 2009
d phn is gr8.......has all thngs a prsn wud want frm his phn.......nt even need 2 compare
- d
- dhiraj
- ixT
- 21 Dec 2009
no need to download massenger all will control by nimbuzz.better u download nimbuzz for nokia e71
- g
- ganesh
- ut3
- 21 Dec 2009
really very nothing to compare.......
- b
- betim
- 04U
- 21 Dec 2009
there is no words to describe the E71..its just wonderfull..i have it allready 1 year and i dont think about other mobile to change it..YOU buy it and will confirm thats its TRUE :))
- d
- divoxl
- N9@
- 21 Dec 2009
pls I want to know how to download yahoo messenger on my e71 pls help me.
- d
- daksh
- 2@c
- 20 Dec 2009
best phone no other words to say
- j
- jiggy(phil)
- wYy
- 20 Dec 2009
ive been using my e71 for about 8 mos. now.. im having some issues with it for the passed few days. it would always restart itself whenever i would use wifi. and when the signal is poor, it heats up. so, one time i left it like that, it drained the batt, and i just charged my phone that day. anyone could help? is there a new version?? is it with virus now?? help help help!!!
- a
- aditoditi
- wrn
- 20 Dec 2009
my sister used it for 1 year and it was really great. no problem at all and slim easy to use but the keypad its a bit difficult
- I
- Indian lover
- tDA
- 19 Dec 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970I have both e71 and 5800. 5800 wins multimedia (except) with its bigger screen and resolution. Browsing is awesome and listening music is wow (with a good pair of headphone,again you need to replace on board headphone).
E71 wins with its business feature. Email and organizer are so easy. Also if you're a fan of social network E71 should be a good choice. Don't forget that E71 has beautiful design and strong build quality. I think it's most beautful smartphone to date. Very suit to fashionista.
- P
- PC
- 2S%
- 19 Dec 2009
Hi guys, CorePlayer rocks, for those who want 2 kno where to get and how to install.. here is the procedure: Google for "CoreCodec.Coreplayer.v1.1.2.S60v3.symbianOS9.Cracked-BinPDA" and download it (via torrent), then before installing go to menu>installations>app.mgr>options>settings>software installation and make it all and change or make online certification check to OFF, then change your mobile date to xx.xx.2007 and then install, if it gives u error, try using 2006 or 2008 date too.. it will definitely get installed.. hope this helps you :)
it plays almost all 3gp, avi, mp4, mpeg4 (h264) videos
- S
- Shahnawaz from gopal
- upa
- 19 Dec 2009
diwaker, 19 Dec 2009E71 sometimes gets hanged while you want to go to main menu... moreAny computer or mobile gets hanged because of our being soon operation.if one operation is not completed by one's mobile and one is doing same operation again and again his phone could not understand and hanged, so wait untill u get response if any operation is not complete then after u do another operation.then u feell better...
- V
- Vishnu
- utt
- 19 Dec 2009
its very good phone better than E72
- d
- diwaker
- 9JH
- 19 Dec 2009
E71 sometimes gets hanged while you want to go to main menu, i need to switch it off for processing it again. can any one help me!