Nokia E71
- C
- Cool
- uta
- 13 Sep 2009
Guys... i'm impressed with both E71 & E72.... please suggest the best of these two... i'm prety much confused. Please list out the negatives if any... Thanks in Advance.
- W
- Wasif
- mJU
- 13 Sep 2009
Bilal-Pak, 13 Sep 2009I am using this mobile for the last 6 months.Its fine commu... moreupdate your software version,your problem will be solve....
- B
- Bilal-Pak
- 2Tt
- 13 Sep 2009
I am using this mobile for the last 6 months.Its fine communicator awesome for official purposes.But this set hangs alot sometimes i am unable to view menu thats why i have to restart it.This problem somehow can be solve by switching its mode.
- S
- Sidra
- 9xE
- 13 Sep 2009
hyrax, 07 Sep 2009tell me which nokia e71 should i go,white or grayPlease buy E71 in gray
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJv
- 13 Sep 2009
usman, 13 Sep 2009can anibdy tel me whch memory card i could use for this pho... moreusman you need a micro sd card try this website MOBYMEMORY or ZOO MEMORY
- a
- ashwang2003
- Ssy
- 13 Sep 2009
i have been using this phonw isnce last year and i have never encountered any problem at all. i just have to update the OS because in the old OS, the comma and period wont work.
I have also an E-66 but i prefer the sturdy composition of the E71. i have drop it on the concrete twice and it survived the crash. got some few scratches on the glass and steel casing but it still works just fine.
i can recommend this one to you guys even with the advent of the newer designs of the E-series, the E-71 stands out...
- A
- 2Aj
- 13 Sep 2009
nice work from nokia. its huge plus is its metal body and its stable disappointment is why don't they make this or its successor with better screen size like 2.6" or more. overall its a great mobile as a view of a S.E fan .
- V
- VinayT
- up9
- 13 Sep 2009
Very many of you are accessing my site and using my camera. Thankyou. But the phone happens to be in my pocket, so you can imagine the quality of the pic. Please use the lower option whereby I will click a pic for you when you ask me to and it will automatically go to your PC. I have the option to chopse even front camera.
- V
- VinayT
- up9
- 13 Sep 2009
FriendsVerymany people are coming to my site but do not leave any msg for me. It is uncurteous. Please leave me a msg in my guestbook. There are some who are taking pics with my camera. I am glad they have thought of trying it out. Please use the lower option too so that I can give you a better pic to give you an idea of what this mobile server offers. And then you can install it on your phones.
- u
- usman
- YgC
- 13 Sep 2009
can anibdy tel me whch memory card i could use for this phone and any website 4rm where i can buy the memory card?
- J
- Jahir
- P%%
- 12 Sep 2009
This phone has frequent keyboard problems
When I click the down button, it does not trigger a down, but what the phone does is an "up", followed immediately by a "down", and a "click". Yes, 3 events with just 1 click.
- When I press the spacebar, I got an "@".
- When I press "w", I got "qetu".
- When I press "s", I got "adgj".
- When I press "o", I got an "i" followed by some click events.
- When I press "l", "k" followed by backspace and then the calendar app open
my worst experience with mobile phone ever..
- b
- ben
- f4$
- 12 Sep 2009
people please help.....i cant seem too conect via blue tooth....i pared the divices,and every thing,it shows its paired and as soon as i dail ip too use my phone as a modem it dont dail up....i have 2 use my cable ands its not nice cause i live on a farm and my gprs signal is poor....but if i use my whifes n79 it works any suggestons????? please
- V
- VinayT
- up9
- 12 Sep 2009
Andrew, 12 Sep 2009I tried to update my e71's software with my laptop and desk... moreAndrew,
I am glad that you did not over try. I had done the same with my E61i and lost it. Fortunately it was in warranty period, so I survived.
Go to Nokia Care for this as they deploy a box between the PC and the phone. The box does the downloading and only when it is complete and correct that it is sent to the phone uninterrupted.
Your connection is as it is giving problems with NSU. So, DO NOT ATTEMPT AGAIN.
Even if Nokia Care charges for it, it would still be cheaper than loosing the phone all together.
- g
- grandesoba
- RY@
- 12 Sep 2009
I update the firmware of my phone and now I cannot use any wireless connection.
It detects the network but when I connect it says there is another connection, stop and try again.
I did it several times and no result.
Does anybody know how to solve this?
Please advice.
- A
- Andrew
- jyb
- 12 Sep 2009
I tried to update my e71's software with my laptop and desktop but, every time it would come up with an error message that updater tried to connect to the web 3 times but could not. I do not have problems connecting to any web sites. I even turn my firewall off. I am using XP Pro. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
- r
- roy
- PS6
- 11 Sep 2009
i want buy E71 and i want to know this E71 better or not...
- ?
- Anonymous
- f4%
- 11 Sep 2009
Should i update firmware???and why,is there a way i couls use my flash as a light
- J
- Jeheremy
- Qxp
- 11 Sep 2009
Thanks buddy for the tip! Will do as soon as posible... Hope I can resolve the issue with my videos! God bless you...
- P
- Pumpum
- upH
- 11 Sep 2009
kemistry, 08 Sep 2009well its a computer on ur palm but i still av problems with... moreRestore your phone flash file.or flasing.
- V
- VinayT
- up9
- 11 Sep 2009
Please visit my site running on my Nokia E71. The site is Do not use www with it. You must login as Guest with 123456 as password. Case sensitive. There is a guestbook as well. Only those friends will be told how to who sign the guestbook and leave their email add.