Nokia E71
- R
- Relly
- iGR
- 13 Jul 2009
jj, 13 Jul 2009Hello everyone!!! Can anyone show me a function or key tha... moreYeah.... Go to Menu.....Click on Log... Then click left side of your rotation key.. It will then move you to all transaction you have done with the phone within a Month...
- s
- u4k
- 13 Jul 2009
jj, 13 Jul 2009Hello everyone!!! Can anyone show me a function or key tha... morehi ter k u go menu select log follow by recent calls tenusing the nav right key u wld be able to see the whole of receive sent calls msgs
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sug
- 13 Jul 2009
once delete incomming calls,miss calls. messages will it disappear permanet or save in some folder as all communications ?
- C
- Chris
- 3LX
- 13 Jul 2009
I downloaded voicemode 2.0.28.sisx pls can someone tell me hw to get the serial. Thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- 13 Jul 2009
OMG! E-71 Rocks. everybody get one. you definatly won't regret it! you'll love it!
- S
- tYW
- 13 Jul 2009
its a veary good phone for net surffing.
- j
- jj
- vNE
- 13 Jul 2009
Hello everyone!!! Can anyone show me a function or key that can retrieve all the calls that has already been deleted. I don't know how but my girlfriend she can retrieved any calls that I have made and deleted them and she knew that I did made those calls and deleted them too. Can anyone please show me this trick!! Thank you!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- nFy
- 12 Jul 2009
Original_Jamaican, 12 Jul 2009I quite agree. I too am disappointed with the ugly menu. My... moreUse, great themes for E71
- ?
- Anonymous
- nFy
- 12 Jul 2009
Anonymous, 12 Jul 2009Hi Richard,
Firmware updates are usually done for certai... moreThanks, finally decent reply. Appreciated
- ?
- Anonymous
- M{3
- 12 Jul 2009
Unsure buy or not?, 12 Jul 2009The only thing i don't like about this phone and that's sto... moreIts all customizable - you can change the theme don't be lazy! There are a million great themes out there.
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- kiQ
- 12 Jul 2009
Unsure buy or not?, 12 Jul 2009The only thing i don't like about this phone and that's sto... moreI quite agree. I too am disappointed with the ugly menu. My E51 menu is much prettier.
- U
- Unsure buy or not?
- Iki
- 12 Jul 2009
The only thing i don't like about this phone and that's stopping me from buying it is that i find the menu screen sooooooooo UGLY and lame for such a hi tech phone. My Nokia 5310 menu screen is 100x better.
- P
- Patrick C Tan
- UD}
- 12 Jul 2009
guys can anyone tell me, is it possible to change the housing of e71?? wer can i buy one??
- ?
- Anonymous
- u{E
- 12 Jul 2009
Richard, 10 Jul 2009Please tell me where to download the latest software, when ... moreHi Richard,
Firmware updates are usually done for certain batches of phones. Not all will require to update their firmware every time there is a release.
- j
- jj
- mJe
- 12 Jul 2009
Lau, 12 Jul 2009I'm pretty confused here. Is GPS free of charge? Some smart... moreYou have to turn off A-GPS as it does use EDGE or HSDPA just to get GPS connection faster. But without A-GPS it will take more time to get a GPS signal. I use A-GPS as my data charges are lower as I am living in Bahrain.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u{E
- 12 Jul 2009
Lau, 12 Jul 2009I'm pretty confused here. Is GPS free of charge? Some smart... moreGPS application is free to use. Voice guided service is chargable for license fee. I think why your carrier is charging u because u might have turn Network based & Assisted GPS on.
Try switching it off.
Tools -> Setting -> General -> Positioning -> Positioning methods
- L
- Lau
- ib9
- 12 Jul 2009
I'm pretty confused here. Is GPS free of charge? Some smart ass told me it is. BUT my credit 'depreciate' every time I used it although I select 'maxis 3G internet' as my connection setting.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nFy
- 12 Jul 2009
Retired IR, 12 Jul 2009Well Richard,
The Official Sites says Version 200 is the l... moreWell retired IR, I was replying to this post - "Great phone, been using it since october easily 10 in every field.
Will hopefully be upgrading to the E72 next summer once my contract's done, easily the best phone i've ever had.
the update is only available to european users at the moment, so anyone in america/asia/wherever won't be able to get it yet."
Is it a crime to want the latest upgrade ?? Excuse me.
- R
- Retired IR
- ibc
- 12 Jul 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Dear Rosietiny,
How to compare a Ferrari sports car to a Utility Landrover. Both are good mode of transport in its own design field. On the field the farmers would prefer The Landrover but on the highways the Young driver would prefer The Ferrari. So what do you want to use the phone for. Both Phone are good for purpose designed for. Which phone is better??. You have got the illusive answer.
- R
- Retired IR
- ibc
- 12 Jul 2009
Richard, 10 Jul 2009Please tell me where to download the latest software, when ... moreWell Richard,
The Official Sites says Version 200 is the latest. Why do you need Version 300, of course it is not available. Do something useful please.